men's issues

Arkansas policeman Nick Harvey accompanies his friend's 8-year-old daughter at Father and Daughter Ball

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Arkansas policeman Nick Harvey accompanies his friend's 8-year-old daughter at Father and Daughter Ball
Arkansas policeman Nick Harvey accompanies his friend's 8-year-old daughter at Father and Daughter Ball

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Ball father and daughter - this is an established tradition. But what about those girls whose fathers for some reason could not attend the event? Then the partner could be exchanged for a man of an older generation. The accompanying person may be uncle or grandfather. And our story today is about the touching gesture of a policeman from the US state of Arkansas, who made sure that half-orphan Evie Cox did not have to do without a dance evening for his father and daughter at her school.


Eight-year-old Evie Cox lost her beloved father during the holidays. Indescribable loss for a little girl. Another blow: she almost went without the popular dance evening of her father and daughter in her elementary school.

Dance partner for Evie Cox


When policeman Nick Harvey found out that little Evie would not be able to come to the dance evening, he immediately volunteered to accompany the baby. “We met with Evie’s mom, and I decided to find out with whom the little princess would go to the ball, to which the woman replied that they were okay, Evie would not go to the father and daughter’s ball.” Mom was not against the idea of ​​a policeman and the next day he formally asked Evie whether she would go with him to the ball of her father and daughter. Young Evie Cox answered this offer with a shy smile. So Nick Harvey and the girl’s mother took her smile for consent.

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In a limousine at a school ball


On a special evening, the officer did not leave anything to chance: he took as his assistant a comrade who served them as a personal driver that day, put on a red tie and put a red handkerchief in his jacket pocket to match the gorgeous red dress as best as possible that Evie prepared.

First, they met with the girl's girlfriends and their fathers for pizza, and then went to their school in a limousine. “Tonight I had the privilege of accompanying this amazing and beautiful little girl Evie to my father and daughter’s ball, ” Nick Harvey said on Facebook.