the culture

A policeman saw a family of 4 sleeping in a car. When he found out what was the matter, he could not pass by and extended a helping hand

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A policeman saw a family of 4 sleeping in a car. When he found out what was the matter, he could not pass by and extended a helping hand
A policeman saw a family of 4 sleeping in a car. When he found out what was the matter, he could not pass by and extended a helping hand

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Some people get very nervous when they come into contact with law enforcement, even if they are not guilty of anything. And if a family with children sleeps in the car, then parents least of all want to meet with the police, because the guardianship authorities are not asleep. But one couple encountered a policeman in Oregon, and this meeting made a lasting impression on the family.

Housing problems

In 2015, Robert Wood, his pregnant wife, and their two sons slept in their car in Alton Baker Park in Eugene when they were spotted by police lieutenant David Nutt.


Wood and his family came from Alaska and looked for suitable housing, but all his searches remained in vain. Children and parents slept in the car to save money on renting a hostel. When a policeman approached their car, they were not at all surprised, the park was closed at night and the guards had to check the territory. However, what Nutt did next, Robert did not expect at all.