
World politics - what is it? International politics and its features

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World politics - what is it? International politics and its features
World politics - what is it? International politics and its features

Video: International Relations: An Introduction 2024, July

Video: International Relations: An Introduction 2024, July

People who carefully (and not so) follow the news come to one conclusion. In order not to succumb to panic, not to spoil your nerves, you need to have your own ideas about events. And this is impossible if you have no idea what politics is. The world stage is actually not particularly large. It is enough to clearly represent the forces and interests of several players in order to understand what is happening and why. Let's deal with them.

What will it be about?


World politics and international relations is a complex topic. More or less detailed

it is impossible to talk about it in a small article. Nevertheless indicate the main

the principles and trends of what is happening on the world stage are entirely possible. But it is necessary to watch and listen to not everyone who decides to speak on a particular topic. To begin with, it is worth deciding on the forces for which politics (world) is a field of play. There are several of them. Most political scientists associate them with states. So we will do so as not to get confused.

Here is a list of those countries for which world politics and international relations are a vital topic. What happens in this area can bring them either a surge in influence or complete destruction. Just note that this list is not an axiom. Over time, new players appear in the arena, other options and circumstances arise. So: USA, China, Russia, European Union. For these countries, world politics is a sphere of responsibility and maximum effort. There are other players. Among them, one can distinguish nuclear powers (the one who has a baton deserves attention). Another aspect that must be taken into account when considering the world scene is economics. Therefore, it is necessary to look at the heavyweights in this area.



The concept of world politics is multifaceted. Its nature stems from the interaction of many factors. First of all, as mentioned above, the confrontation and interaction of various forces are taken into account. Any (even the smallest) state has its own interests. It conducts trade, cares about the safety of citizens, builds

conditions for their prosperity. It is impossible to do this autonomously now. The world has become global, that is, the level of interaction between different countries, the penetration of cultures into each other has become irreversible. That is, the state, which has a greater influence, can regulate the processes of development of society in its interests. Thus, world politics is an endless process of struggle for power (in short). States are constantly interacting with each other, trying to create the conditions for obtaining priorities in all areas of relations.

international politics

If we consider this process in a functional sense, we can distinguish several topics that are taken into account by any national government that enters the world stage.


Namely: power, hegemony, balance and interdependence. The most important thing to consider is the possibilities of war and peace. international politics

cannot be considered in isolation from its "source". That is, each country pursues its own goals, based on national traditions and interests. Thus, international politics takes into account not only momentary goals that have developed under the given conditions, but also typical processes, traditional behavior proceeding from historical contexts. In their activities in this area, countries need to rely on the analysis of many factors, including an understanding of the nature of the occurrence of wars, crises or unions.

World system structure

In historical retrospect, political global processes can be divided into certain stages. The first is zero. It does not matter, since it does not affect the current state of affairs. Next, highlight the pre-modern, current, subsequent. At the same time, global interaction is constantly intensifying. To regulate processes, the whole system must be provided with appropriate structures that ensure the regulation of economic, social, cultural, political spheres. Naturally, these add-ons interact with each other, ensuring the coherence of their activities.

World system goals

The described participants in the game together must meet certain criteria in order to at least meet the needs of modern times. There are four main functions. The first is the means of communication. The system needs to create conditions for the possibility of an unhindered exchange of information, its free transfer and processing. The second is the creation and integration of the necessary subsystems. Third, the criteria of fidelity. This means that the whole system must constantly correlate with the whole, taking into account the developed concept of utility. Fourth - systems of social values, including collective memory, self-knowledge, self-determination and awareness, the ability to interpret their own experience.


About hegemony

US world politics is aimed at building a "unipolar world." This is a kind of system in which one of the countries (States) plays a leading role. It is recognized by the international community as a criterion and at the same time a guarantor of mutually beneficial cooperation and the development of mankind. The United States is building its activities to build such a world order on two “pillars”. They are leaders in financial cooperation, as well as in military cooperation. These two priorities can be used as a “carrot” or “carrot” if desired. Since the States have the largest share in the IMF relative to other states, they influence its decisions on the allocation of loans. And the army is used to resolve (or create) crises.

World Politics Issues

The multidirectionality of the target vectors of various associations and countries leads to conflict situations. One of the main threats at present is international terrorism. Global security is built by reducing risks at various levels. Its provision is possible only under the condition of interaction of all states. In the context of globalization, the unity of mankind is built, based on sociological characteristics that have the same order. However, differences in living conditions in states lead to the emergence of radical movements, including terrorist ones.


The critical heterogeneity of the economic and cultural development of countries with a fairly wide information field creates the conditions for the emergence and manifestation of discontent, the desire of individual groups to change the order of things. World politics is aimed at resolving these conflicts and eliminating their causes. Its goals are to create a safe, comfortable and convenient for the inhabitants of the "global world".

About Russia


The practically insoluble contradictions between the interests of the countries lead to the threat of a roll-off of mankind into another structural crisis. Business

that the current world order no longer satisfies the needs of society. Every now and then there are “failures” in the work of its organs and structures. World politics of Russia is aimed at resolving these contradictions. The Power invites partners to think about the future of mankind, to build relationships in such a way as to take into account the needs (if possible) of all members of the community. In this work, it is necessary to pay attention to cultural characteristics, the development of economic and political structures, possible trends and historical features of countries. Balance in the global structure can be achieved by mutual respect of its members. Russia proposes to create alliances and associations on an equal basis, abandoning the "hegemony" of one of the players. This position will not only contribute to the development of various states, but also reduce global risks.