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After moving to another city, I felt like in a foreign land. Mom told how to understand that I became “mine” in a new place

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After moving to another city, I felt like in a foreign land. Mom told how to understand that I became “mine” in a new place
After moving to another city, I felt like in a foreign land. Mom told how to understand that I became “mine” in a new place

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Video: Riley Green - I Wish Grandpas Never Died (Lyrics) 2024, July

Moving to another city is always stressful. Whatever promising and beautiful city you move to, you will experience discomfort at first. Firstly, you are accustomed to your old place of residence, and the move is outrageous. Secondly, at first the city will be unknown, and only after a certain time you can remember the location of some places.

I had the experience of moving. At first the city seemed a stranger. A conversation with my mother helped to overcome the discomfort and finally feel at home.


You found "your people"


Moving to a new city, you most likely will not know anyone there. For example, I had to spend some time to make acquaintances. You can make friends by chance in the subway or in the coffee shop you went to for a bite to eat. It can also be intentional acquaintances, for example, at work. In any case, new acquaintances are necessary in the new city, because people who know the area will always help to get where you need or share experience. New acquaintances are worth a lot.


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You will understand that you finally settled in a new city when you develop good relations with new people whom you met on arrival in a new place.

You start to complain

When you move to a more promising city, at first you like literally everything: climate, road conditions, location and so on. However, over time, you will begin to get used to and identify weaknesses. Even the advantages that are visible at the beginning can turn into significant disadvantages. It can be traffic jams, bad weather, inconvenient location of the workplace from home, prices. Therefore, we can say: a direct sign that you are comfortable in a new place are complaints about it.

You have at least one best friend

No matter how many acquaintances you have in the new city, they will not replace one best and close friend with whom you can talk heart to heart, speak about problems and share experiences. But this is so important, because when you move a lot of thoughts arise. So try to find a close friend in a new place in order to get used to it faster.

You found your favorite stylist


Most likely, in the old city you had a favorite hairdresser and a favorite specialist in this business, who each time made you great hairstyles. However, when moving, you have to try different hairdressers to find your favorite master. If this succeeds, it will be much calmer to be in the new city. Indeed, you must admit that a beautiful hairstyle gives confidence, which means that you can quickly adapt to the new environment.

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You have the contacts of the right people

This does not mean friends and relatives, namely the people who provide services. When moving, you may need a plumber, mechanic, programmer, insurance agent, and so on. It is important to get the contacts of the necessary specialists, so that in case of a problem immediately seek help. If the contacts of experts are blocked in your phone, it will be much easier to transfer the move to another city.

You have found a permanent place for entertainment


Most likely, in your previous place of residence, you had a favorite place for parties: a club, a restaurant or an ordinary cafe. When friends suggested you go to some new place, you were against it and insisted on going to the same club that you usually visit, because there is a familiar atmosphere. The same place must be found in the new city so that you can escape from the problems and, accordingly, it is easier to move the move.

You changed your style

When you move to a new city, a change of style is inevitable. You can change your clothes for several reasons: climate, inconvenience, or public reaction. Each city has its own mini-style and you may want to follow it. Or if you decide to move in order to start life from a new sheet, you will certainly want to throw out your old clothes and completely change your style. When you have successfully managed to do this, consider that you have become "your man" in a new place.

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Tourist attractions are no longer interesting to you


“Visit a city” and “live in a city” are completely different concepts. For the first few days and even months you will feel like a tourist: you will want to visit interesting places, get to know the city, and also meet new people. However, over time, this desire disappears due to the fact that the entire city has already been explored, or because enough time has passed. So, when you are not interested in the sights of the city, you can assume that you are quite comfortable in a new place.

Did you accept the local slang or abandoned the old

Many cities, especially large ones, have their own slang or dialect. If you had an old one, then you will have to change it so that the people here can fully understand you. This takes time, because you have to listen a lot and also communicate in order to understand what is the peculiarity of speech in a given society. When you automatically start talking with these features, know: you are finally settled in a new place.

People ask you how to find the way.


In fact, there is a hidden list of criteria by which passers-by select people who can be asked for directions. Here are some of them: Does this person look like a local resident? Is he friendly? Does he know what I need? A tourist or a new resident will ask you if you have passed all these criteria. If you are regularly asked about directions and, moreover, you know the answers, be sure that now you are a local resident.