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Proverbs of Time: Time-saving folk wisdom

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Proverbs of Time: Time-saving folk wisdom
Proverbs of Time: Time-saving folk wisdom

Video: "BE a Continuous LEARNING Machine!" | Charlie Munger | Top 10 Rules 2024, June

Video: "BE a Continuous LEARNING Machine!" | Charlie Munger | Top 10 Rules 2024, June

Successfully manage your time - many people set this goal. But not everyone is able to really achieve it. Often a person notices that he didn’t manage to do half of what was planned for the whole day - “time has passed like sand”. But how does this happen and how not to lose it in vain? To do this, you need to listen to the wisdom expressed in folk proverbs and sayings.


How time really goes

Proverbs of Time is the best time management tutorial. Weighty volumes on this discipline offer hundreds of solutions, but in folk wisdom her ideas are expressed most capaciously. “If you miss a minute, you lose hours, ” says one of the proverbs. What does this mean? Everyone must have noticed how quickly time passes while shopping, talking on the phone, or just surfing the Internet. It seems that if you just go to the page of a social network, it turns out that you are already sitting there for several hours. The same is with shopping in major cities. People spend precious weekends on them, day and night courting shelves with an endless selection of goods.

And sometimes even such a simple action as "drinking tea" is stretched instead of the prescribed ten minutes for half an hour. Other proverbs about time also warn people against such wasted spending: “Day is running out - you can’t attach it to the wattle fence”, “Time is not a bird - you won’t catch the tail”.


How to deal with temporary losses?

Here, again, you can open any time management guide. And you can listen to the proverbs. “Know the price for minutes, seconds for the bill, ” says popular wisdom. Often proverbs about time reflect modern concepts of time management. This, for example, is the modern idea of ​​timekeeping: careful tracking of all time costs. To use this time management tool, you just need to get a notebook and write down what the hours of the current day have gone during the day.

Proverbs about time and hope for the best

There are expressions that have come from the depths of centuries that can inspire hope in the desperate. For example, such a proverb is the following: "No matter how long the night is, the dawn will be." Sometimes it seems that negative events in life will never end - the black bar does not give way to white. And usually a person ceases to notice even the slightest good events in life when he is under a pile of problems. But such a proverb can inspire and inspire hope. Indeed, night seems the longest before dawn - when it seems that the darkness will never recede.
