
Proper bank structure is a means to an end

Proper bank structure is a means to an end
Proper bank structure is a means to an end

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To begin with, let's determine that the structure of the bank is not just a combination of departments and other units within the territorial representations, which are run by a strict Board. In fact, we are talking about the internal organization of the financial institution, which allows you to:

• formalize and structure management methods;

• develop the basis of relations within the organization;

• identify groups of performers.


In addition, an appropriate control system is needed for all relationships arising within the structure.

Sounds a little complicated, doesn't it? But this is normal, because the structure of the bank is the most important aspect that allows achieving the main thing: to achieve the goals that were set for the financial organization, for example, the general meeting of shareholders.

In general, modern management is characterized by the presence of several models, let’s say, the configuration of financial institutions. At the same time, the structure of the Bank of Russia is no longer a management. This is the Constitution and a specific Federal Law that determines the composition of units whose responsibilities include, among other things, control over the activities of other participants in the banking sector. What is characteristic, the country's main banking institution uses mainly economic management methods in its work. But in special cases, they can be replaced by administrative ones. The existing structure of the Central Bank is a single system, the management of which is centralized and arranged vertically.


However, let us return to the "ordinary" participants in the domestic banking industry.

The most traditional is the mechanistic structure of the bank. It can be of two types: functional and divisional.

The first is characterized by the presence of separate units, each of which is created to carry out a clearly defined range of tasks. Here we should talk about the vertical hierarchy of departments, which include departments, departments, and so on. In other words, there is an operational division: the credit, operational, foreign exchange department (sector).


As for the division structures, here, when dividing, the orientation to the region, the consumer, or the product is taken into account. Accordingly, each employee of a particular unit is a kind of “universal soldier” who is ready to offer the client full service for the types of services that a particular bank branch provides. Often inside it (department), workers are divided into several departments. One of the departments works only with individuals, the second - exclusively with legal entities, the third - with VIP clients. At the same time, those who work with clients belong to the front office, and those who are involved in the preparation of relevant documents belong to the back office.

An alternative mechanistic is the organic structure of the bank. In this case, the financial institution focuses primarily on the changing environment. Therefore, it is customary to distinguish between structures of the project type and the matrix. The former are created to carry out a particular project, and the latter are, in fact, a mechanistic structure that is combined with a design approach to the performance of a given task.