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Representation of the family in a creative way: three steps to setting a brilliant number

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Representation of the family in a creative way: three steps to setting a brilliant number
Representation of the family in a creative way: three steps to setting a brilliant number

Video: 31 Creative Presentation Ideas to Delight Your Audience 2024, June

Video: 31 Creative Presentation Ideas to Delight Your Audience 2024, June

Sometimes we have to make a representation of the family in a creative way. The reason for this may be a school assignment or participation in some kind of social event. Although sometimes you just want to surprise your friends or relatives. But that is not the point.

It is much more important to understand how to properly present all this. After all, representing a family in a creative form requires careful preparation and a well-thought-out scenario. Therefore, let's talk about how to plot for such events and what you need to pay attention to first.


Step One: Audience Assessment

The first step is to understand which audience will watch the performance of the family. At a family contest, for example, acting skills will be judged in the first place, and humor is more important at a holiday with relatives. Therefore, think about what viewers expect from this performance, and try to please them.

If there is such an opportunity, then look at last year's contests, you can find a lot of useful information in them. Try to catch those "chips", thanks to which past competitors won. They will be able to show the direction in which the script should be drawn up. But you do not need to copy the entire performance exactly, otherwise it is unlikely that you can win a victory.

Step Two: List Your Own Talents

So, any representation of the family in a creative form is a demonstration of their own talents and skills. Therefore, you need to make a list of what members of this family can boast of. For example, it can be acting, a beautiful recitation of poetry as a keepsake, various tricks and physical exercises.


After the list is ready, you can proceed to the compilation of the plot itself. The main thing is to be able to correctly distribute the roles and their sequence in order to maintain the interest of the audience all the time. It should also be remembered that the final scene should be the brightest and all family members should take part in it.