
Chilean President Michelle Bachelet: biography, features and interesting facts

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Chilean President Michelle Bachelet: biography, features and interesting facts
Chilean President Michelle Bachelet: biography, features and interesting facts

Video: The Transformation of Chile 2024, July

Video: The Transformation of Chile 2024, July

Michelle Bachelet - President of Chile. Moreover, she is the first woman in the country to be elected to this post. Michelle is a certified physician, epidemiologist and surgeon. Previously studied military strategy.

A family

Bachelet Michelle was born on September 29, 1951 in Chile, in Santiago. She was the youngest in the family. Her father, Alberto, was an Air Force general. Michelle's mother, Angela Heria, worked as an archaeologist and anthropologist. In 1962, Alberto Bachelet received the position of military attache at the Chilean Embassy of the United States. The family temporarily moved to Maryland.


Michelle's father later headed the People’s Committee on Food, but after the military coup he was accused of treason, arrested and sent to prison, where he died of a heart attack in 1974. Michelle and her mother also ended up in detention, where they spent almost a year. Thanks to their father’s older brother, they were released.



After moving to the United States, Michelle studied at an American school for two years. Then her family returned to her homeland. Michelle continued her studies at the capital’s female lyceum No. 1. She was considered one of the best students. She was a headman in the class, sang in the choir, played in the volleyball team, attended music and theater groups.

After the Lyceum, Michelle Bachelet was about to go to study as a sociologist. But mother insisted on the profession of a doctor. As a result, in 1970, Michelle entered the university at the medical faculty. On exams, her result was the best in the country.

After her release from prison, Michelle first left to live in Australia, then to the GDR. There she studied German and went to study at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Michelle returned to Chile only in 1979. Already at home she defended her diploma as a surgeon, and later as a pediatrician and epidemiologist.


Labor activity

After Michelle returned to Chile and received diplomas, she worked in a children's hospital. The heroine of our article was also employed in private organizations that helped families affected by the Pinochet regime. Following the restoration of democracy in Chile in 1990, Michel worked as a consultant to the World Health Organization.

Political career

From 1994 to 1997 she was first replaced, and then (in 2000) was appointed Minister of Health of Chile. Bachelet Michelle became the first woman to receive the post of Minister of Defense of the country in 2002. In 2004, she ran for president. During the election campaign, emphasis was placed on social problems, a program of reforms in the field of health and education was put forward, and the issue of raising social benefits and pensions was raised.



In the first presidential election, Michel won 45.95% of the vote in the first round, 53.5% in the second, and was elected head of Chile. And in the country for the first time in this post was a woman. The inauguration took place on March 11, 2006. Michel promised to change the country's economy and reduce the huge gap between poverty and wealth, which is the largest in the country compared to other states.

According to the Chilean constitution, a president cannot be elected for a second term. Therefore, in 2010, the country was headed by Sebastian Pinhera, a conservative billionaire. Until 2013, Michelle Bachelet worked as the head of UN Women. And in December of that year she was again elected President of Chile. Moreover, she overtook her rival, E. Mattei, gaining 62.2% of the vote. During the pre-election race, Bachelet promised tax reforms, affordable healthcare, free education, and support for same-sex marriage. The second presidential term expires only in 2018.

Teenage riot

After Bachelet was elected to the post of head of the country, she faced a serious problem. On April 27, nearly 3, 000 students from different schools rebelled. They blocked the entire center in Santiago and demanded free travel and entrance exams to universities. Students were opposed to nine-hour school classes that had been introduced in recent years.


The police had to disperse the rebels by force. 47 teenagers were arrested. In May, Michelle Bachelet spoke at a meeting of parliamentarians. Priority declared pension reform. Regarding education, she noted that it is necessary to strive for students to receive knowledge for free. First of all, it is necessary to help poor families by providing them with material and social support.

Some opposition parties supported student demands. And on May 31, 600, 000 schoolchildren went on a riot with the same demands. Teenagers were heading to the Ministry of Education, but were again stopped by the police. Then the students built barricades and started stoning the police. They had to use gas and water cannons.

After the second riot, Bachelet announced that it was necessary to begin negotiations with the protesters. She promised to increase funding for educational institutions and to allocate 135 million dollars from the state treasury for this. As a result, the riots were stopped.

Relations with Russia

President Michelle Bachelet came to the Russian Federation, while still being the Minister of Defense. Negotiations took place with Sergey Ivanov. Bachelet gave a lecture at MGIMO, in which she spoke about her vision of military and civil relations. In 2004, he and Vladimir Putin signed Russian-Chilean agreements regarding cooperation in trade, space exploration and military-technical cooperation.

In 2009, Michelle came to Russia again. At that time, Vladimir Putin was the prime minister. During Bachelet’s stay in the Russian Federation, additional agreements were reached on a visa-free regime between the countries. The parties signed the agreement in New York at the UN General Assembly.

Social activity

In 2010, Bachelet served as Executive Director of UN Women and UN Under Secretary. Thanks to Michelle, in 2013, the participating countries developed a document that protects the fair sex from violence. Signatures on the declaration have been affixed by all UN member states. According to the document, no traditions or customs justify violence against women.


The declaration simultaneously recognized gender equality, the introduction of sexual education into school education. An emergency assistance system for victims of violent acts was created and punishment for prejudice killing was strengthened. Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General, fully agreed that with this document women around the world will receive effective protection.

Personal life

Chilean President Michelle Bachelet divorced. Has three adult children: two sons and a daughter. Religiously considers himself an agnostic.