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Signs are Folk signs and superstitions: meaning and features

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Signs are Folk signs and superstitions: meaning and features
Signs are Folk signs and superstitions: meaning and features

Video: Superstitions Surrounding Gems and Jewelry | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series 2024, July

Video: Superstitions Surrounding Gems and Jewelry | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series 2024, July

What does the word omen mean? Signs are the connection between two events when one of them occurs as a fact, and the second as a consequence. At the same time, the occurrence of the fact is perceived as a sign that is interpreted in a certain way, and entails the events occurring after it.

Where did it come from

Signs and superstitions are rooted in antiquity. Previously, people did not understand many phenomena, but noticed a certain connection between some events. The very word "sign" comes from "note." This is how the human brain is designed to look for causal relationships everywhere and try to somehow predict the future. If people noticed that a certain event was following an event, and this was repeated more than once, then it was later treated as a sign. What is the meaning of the word "sign"? It is explained as a portent of an event, good or bad. Signs and superstitions are so firmly rooted in the human mind that, despite all the scientific and technological progress, they continue to be passed on from generation to generation, and many people believe in them the same way as in ancient times.

Signs are good and bad. Some people can manage themselves (for example, getting up in the morning with the right foot - so that the day is a success, or in case of forgetfulness and the need to return to the house - look at yourself in the mirror to ward off failure). And some occur regardless of human will (the bird hit the window, crows barked over the house, etc.).


Good signs

Belief in good omens helps a person to tune in a positive way, because they are interpreted as the help of light forces that protect and protect from evil. Many people in the modern world understand that the so-called “good sign” does not always promise 100% success. But when, for example, a person sees a rainbow, which is considered a harbinger of happiness, then for a split second, but hope will arise in the soul.


Good signs are a kind of opportunity to perceive the world around us more optimistically, reading certain “signs” and believing that they will bring good luck. People generally have a need to believe in something good, otherwise life will not be in joy.

Signs for the fulfillment of desires

There are a number of signs that promise good luck. For example, if a tricolor cat crosses your road, this is good. Or if you see a beetle on the road in flight - also a good omen. However, the most significant period of time for performing rituals for the fulfillment of desires is the meeting of the New Year. It is believed that on this magical night, if you make a wish under the chiming clock, it will certainly come true. Like it or not, but from year to year, most people do just that. Some still write their desire on paper and burn it, believing that it will bring success.


Bad omens

It is human nature to quickly forget the good, taking it for granted, but at the same time focus its attention on unpleasant events. Therefore, in the world there are many signs of "not good." Bad signs are when certain phenomena are perceived as signs foreshadowing negative events. The danger of believing in bad omens lies in the fact that a person pre-programs himself for failure, interpreting some event as a bad sign. If you set the attitude to negative, it is quite possible that the trouble will actually happen, and the omen will not be to blame, but the firm conviction that something bad must happen. What we attract to ourselves, as a rule, is what we get. Therefore, do not give too much attention to any signs promising trouble.

Signs about birds, animals and insects

Everyone knows the sign about a black cat.


It is so firmly rooted in consciousness that some people still curse poor animals who dare to cross their path. It is incomprehensible how much they deserve it, because every person in his life has already had dozens of times when a black cat, crossing the road, did not cause any trouble, and the day passed as usual. Nevertheless, this sign does not lose its relevance. There are bad signs associated with birds and insects. It is considered a very bad omen if the bird hit the window and died. Killing a spider is also considered a bad sign. Among animals, the bat is also notorious. If she flew into the house - this is not good. These are just some of the bad omens associated with birds, animals, and insects. In fact, there are many more.

Household signs

There are a lot of signs associated with everyday life. Such signs are a collection of signs that can be observed in everyday life day after day. For example, there is a belief that spilled salt will certainly lead to a quarrel.


This is one of the most common household signs. There is still a superstition that after sunset you cannot sweep out housing or take out garbage - the house will leave well-being. Of the well-known signs, there is still a belief that storing broken or broken dishes at home means attracting trouble. There is also a large number of less common superstitions: to give loved ones a watch - to quarrel, to put keys on the table - to lack of money and others. There are also household signs that are interpreted in a positive way. For example, a randomly broken cup or other utensil is fortunately; accidentally pour tea - to a pleasant surprise, etc.

Signs about the weather

Many signs are also associated with weather conditions. There are bad weather, rain, or, conversely, good weather. For example, a silent forest - to a thunderstorm; crows and jackdaws shout - to the rain; and if mosquitoes flock in the evening in a flock - this is favorable weather. There are signs associated with the months of the year. For example, the signs of September: mild autumn portends a protracted winter; if thunderstorms often occur in September, it means the autumn will be warm; if there are a lot of acorns on oaks - snowy weather will appear before Christmas. Almost every day of any month has its own beliefs. Many people believe that omens and their significance help predict the weather for the coming seasons. Whether this is so or not is difficult to judge. On the one hand, people have accumulated this experience for centuries, on the other hand, beliefs do not always come true. It follows from this that it may not hurt to know the signs about the weather, but you probably shouldn't rely on them completely.

Inconsistency will accept

What are the signs and superstitions of different nations? The same events in different countries can have exactly the opposite meaning. There are practically no universal signs that would be interpreted the same way around the world. The same notorious black cat, which we do not favor, in England, for example, brings good luck and prosperity.


The sailors' belief also states that a completely black cat on a ship will make sailing a success. This suggests that faith in signs is absolutely subjective. It’s just that in every country the indigenous people have their own remnants of the past, some customs and beliefs that are passed down from generation to generation. And there is no objective connection between these or those events, there is simply a need for something to believe and a tribute to traditions.