
"Prince" of America: how the son of Donald and Melania Trump lives

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"Prince" of America: how the son of Donald and Melania Trump lives
"Prince" of America: how the son of Donald and Melania Trump lives

Video: The Truth About Donald And Melania Trump's Only Son 2024, June

Video: The Truth About Donald And Melania Trump's Only Son 2024, June

The Trump family took an active part in the election campaign, but the youngest son of Melania and the president appeared on the screens in episodes on a historic night when the whole world knew about his father's victory. Standing behind the back of his powerful ancestor, he slept rather than understood the significance of this moment.


The famous dad and his children

The 45th president of America is an incredibly honorable title. The first family of the country is meticulously monitored by the whole world. It differs not only in that the couple emotionally demonstrates their feelings, but also in the number of branches of the president’s genetic tree. Trump was married three times, and in total he has 5 officially recognized children.

The first marriage with Ivana Trump was the most fruitful. Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. were born.

From the second wife - Marla Maples, Donald had a daughter, Tiffany.

Melania Trump, a year after marriage, March 20, 2006, gave her husband a son - Barron.

After assuming the presidency, Donald Trump moved to the White House, and Melania Knauss Trump and her son chose to stay at Trump Tower Penthouse on Fifth Avenue in New York.

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Barron Trump

America happily exhaled after the announcement of the results, and each returned to his business. Following all, the boy plunged into his usual environment. Of course, a carefree childhood in the White House from the outside seems pleasant, but most likely it was about the same as before. Mother always licked her kitten and did not forget to make masks from red caviar not only to herself, so that the boy's skin was fresh and moisturized.


Training weekdays

For too long, the couple did not reunite under one roof, thereby giving rise to gossip. There are many versions explaining the act of Melania, but most of them are absurd. Everything turned out to be simpler than it seemed. Like any mother, she did not want to disrupt the child from school.

Barron Trump studied at the expensive and prestigious Colombian gymnasium. The cost of his training was 45, 000 per year. Although his mother inspired the child from birth that it was necessary to take all the best from life every day, first of all she showed concern - she gave her son the opportunity to complete the year of study with friends in a familiar atmosphere.


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New York felt a lot of inconvenience due to the decision of Melania. To some extent, passers-by suffered from the movement of the star family, but the parents of the children at Columbia Grammar School were especially outraged. They also paid fabulous money and did not want to endure inconvenience.

First of all, they were confused by the presence of the president’s son in the institution. Fear and concern for safety during the educational process did not leave either staff or parents. Many were annoyed by the inconvenience created, as the whole world revolved around Melania. At the open door for the first lady allocated a separate elevator.

In 2017, for safety reasons, exercises were held on the school grounds. The level of response to the danger was checked, an algorithm was worked out when entering the territory of an extraneous car or when a bag of unknown origin was found.

Such important teachings are very exciting and negatively affect the psycho-emotional state of children, but when the president’s son is in the building, emotions go through the roof, the fear escalates several times. When Melania and Barron moved to the White House, New York sighed calmly.


Little Prince

For more than 60 years, the White House has not known the presence of children. The last presidential son who freely felt within the walls of the building was the son of John F. Kennedy.

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Arriving in Washington, Barron felt at ease. He, like his father, confidently entered the house, as if they lived in it always and could not be otherwise.


Sense of style

Born into a family with billions of dollars of capital, he did not have to attend special trainings. Life in a business family since the birth has accustomed the boy to a business style. At the presentation of the book of Ivanka Trump, the young gentleman could be seen in an expensive suit, and then he was only 3 years old.

Melania Trump in an interview commented on her son's style. She knows her child well and can argue that he does not like sports style. Watching his father look respectable in a tie and suit, he tries to imitate. The maximum that he allows himself is sports-style shoes.

Paradoxically, the golden child sometimes puts on New Balance sneakers for $ 149 under a strict school uniform.

The fact that from the birth of a baby is taught to monitor their appearance, it is known from the mouth of the first lady of the United States. While still a 10-year-old boy, Barron tested with her mother a line from her body care product. Caviar Complex C6 did not arouse the interest of consumers, but Melania claims that applying caviar to the body from head to toe is a very funny procedure and is very refreshing.

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Father's legacy

Barron has been accustomed to wearing costumes since childhood and enjoys caviar masks. He did not see another life and bathes in luxury. Sometimes his mother calls him "little Donald." Apparently in this way the effect of the 25th frame is realized, since the boy is strong and smart. According to Melania, the son grows up as a special child. “He is strong, confident, and knows what he wants. Barron is a reflection of the two of us, but he is mostly a person in himself, ” she says.

She also recalls that at the age of 5, the boy wanted to be like his father. Today he has a good memory, shows interest in construction. The guy draws well and pays attention to detail. He should also compete with the real Donald Jr., which requires special dexterity.


Roles of parents in the education of Barrett

Many, probably, will be surprised by the fact that Trump categorically refused the services of a nanny. Melania stated that she likes to engage with her son and for a boy of 9 years old it is better when a close person is nearby. Since the president is always on the move, his mother faithfully takes care of her Barron. Paparazzi often notice how she takes him out of school, and apparently the woman takes good care of her boy.

"Donald never changed diapers. I had no complaints about this. Everyone should do their own thing. Changing diapers and putting the baby to sleep is something that is expensive for me, and I gladly did it, " recalls Melania.

Trump loves all his children in his own way. He enjoys playing golf with his son or having dinner in private. They conduct adult conversations, and their meetings are more likely to resemble business ones - girls do not participate in this.


High requirements

Barron is fluent in Slovenian and English today. The first is the merit of the parents of Melania. Also in one of the interviews, the woman mentioned that the boy is capable and, if necessary, can switch to French. Then he was three.

Creative torment of the child found support in the person of parents. Before moving to the White House, the boy had at his disposal a whole floor to demonstrate personal achievements. Melania allows Barron everything: “If a boy wants to paint on the walls, it's not scary. You can always paint over everything if you wish.”

The new monastery is not inferior to the former. At the disposal of the family - 100 people who can predict the desires of Trump. Since the boy’s desire to have a dog remains valid, everyone froze in anticipation of whether in the near future in the White House a goldenlendoodle puppy would spread the lawns or everything would remain in its original form.
