
Princess of Sweden Victoria: biography, children

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Princess of Sweden Victoria: biography, children
Princess of Sweden Victoria: biography, children

Video: Princess Victoria of Sweden Family. 2024, July

Video: Princess Victoria of Sweden Family. 2024, July

Monarchs used to dictate demands to their subjects. But now the latter have an impact on representatives of the royal dynasties. Indeed, in constitutional monarchies, nominal rulers exist at the expense of taxpayers. And how do ordinary people imagine the princess? In their opinion, this should be an ideal girl - with a wasp waist, well-mannered, seasoned. But Princess Victoria of Sweden does not fit into this image. The biography of the monarch person will be considered by us in this article. Note in passing that, unlike the Spanish Queen Leticia and the British Duchess Kate Middleton, who were introduced to the circle of European rulers, Victoria is a nee princess. And after the 1980 reform, he was also the heiress to the throne. But let's get it in order.



Princess Victoria of Sweden will soon be celebrating her thirty-ninth birthday. The girl saw the light in a hospital in a suburb of Stockholm, Solne, on July 14, seventy-seventh. She was the firstborn in the family of monarchs of Sweden. Her father is King Carl Sixteenth Gustav, and her mother is Sylvia. Immediately after birth, the baby was given the title - Her Royal Highness, Duchess of Westergoth. The girl was baptized on the twenty-seventh of September 1977 in the palace church. The full name she received is Victoria Ingrid Alice Desiree. In front of the baptismal font she was held in her arms by Harald the Fifth, king of Norway. He is the maternal uncle princess. The godmother was Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands. Two more children later appeared in the royal family of Sweden: Prince Carl Philip and Princess Madeleine.


Throne Views

At first, Victoria was not the heiress of the crown. But on the first of January of the eightieth year, the Swedish parliament advocated gender equality, including with regard to claims to the throne. The rules of succession introduced as an amendment to the Constitution of the country have been changed in favor of primogeniture. This meant that the heir to the throne was the oldest living child, regardless of gender. Thanks to this amendment to the Constitution, the girl surpassed her younger brother and received a new title - Crown Princess Victoria. Interestingly, her father, Carl Gustav, met the innovation with disapproval. But there is no arguing against the will of the people, and he humbled himself. If Victoria ascends the throne, she will become the fourth ruling queen of Sweden and the first, starting in the year one thousand seven hundred and twenty. The princess also has views of the British crown. After all, her father is the second cousin of Elizabeth II. But in line to the British throne, Victoria is two hundred and fifth.


Difficult childhood

In an interview with the Air Force, the Princess of Sweden admitted that at an early age she had big problems with studying at school. From her father, along with views of the throne, she also got a genetic disease - dyslexia, that is, a violation of her ability to read. Therefore, in the first grades, she felt dumb and underdeveloped, which she told reporters overwhelmed with such frankness. But the example of Princess Victoria showed that if you wish, you can cope with this ailment. After graduating from school, the girl received a brilliant higher education. But even at this seemingly cloudless stage of life, Crown Princess of Sweden Victoria felt the blows of fate. She constantly felt close attention of the public, paparazzi literally hunted for her. “I had to obey all the time some kind of rules imposed by my status as crown princess. The only thing I was free to control was the size of the servings of food, ”she admitted in an interview. Thus, she fell ill with anorexia. But Victoria coped with this disorder with the help of doctors. Now, looking at this chubby woman, you can’t say that she suffered from excessive thinness.

Princess of Sweden Victoria: Education

The luggage of knowledge that the first contender for the royal throne received was impressive. She studied at the French Catholic University (Angers), at Yale (USA), at the National Cathedral College of Sweden. Then she underwent numerous internships: at the embassy of her country in the United States, at the UN office in New York. She has a bachelor's degree in humanities from Uppsala University. Princess of Sweden Victoria even completed a course at the Stockholm College of Defense. And then she served in the army for a month! She also trained at the offices of the Swedish Trade Organization in Paris and Berlin.


Personal life

While studying at Yale, Victoria began dating Daniel Collert. This young man was the stepson of the Swedish banker Goran Kollert and was familiar with the princess from school. Victoria did not make a big secret out of this connection and herself admitted about her relationship in 2000. But the girl’s parents strongly opposed such a marriage. The restive princess had already gotten into trouble, and declared that for the sake of love she would give up the throne. But girlish feelings quickly faded away by themselves. A year later, she left Collert for the sake of another Daniel, named Westling. In his family there were also no crowned persons. Not only that: on the social ladder, he was even lower than Kollert, since he made his living as a trainer in a fitness club. There, young people met. Daniel Westling was the personal instructor of the heiress to the throne. This time, parents approved the choice made by the Princess of Sweden Victoria. The wedding took place on June 19, 2010, on the thirty-fourth anniversary of the marriage of the bride's parents. Feelings of the newlyweds passed an eight-year strength test (Victoria and Daniel began dating in 2002). The ceremony surpassed the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana in splendor.


Princess Victoria's Children

After the marriage, all of Sweden was eagerly awaiting news of the appearance of a new heir to the throne. Finally, in the eleventh year, it was announced that the couple was expecting a baby. On February 23, 2012, thirty-four-year-old Victoria brought daughter Estelle into the world. The baby was immediately awarded the title of Duchess of Estergotland. She is destined to take the throne after her mother. And this year, on the second of March, the Princess of Sweden Victoria gave birth to a son. The boy was given the name Oscar Carl Olof. At birth, he received the title of Duke of Skane. The touched Swedes have already christened their era “the time of queens”. A population survey yielded scandalous results: about sixty percent of respondents favored early resignation from the post of monarch Karl Gustav and the accession of his daughter to the throne.
