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Professional holiday of teachers of Russia - Teacher's Day

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Professional holiday of teachers of Russia - Teacher's Day
Professional holiday of teachers of Russia - Teacher's Day

Video: Months and Holidays in Russian | January, March, April, May, June, July, August, October, December 2024, July

Video: Months and Holidays in Russian | January, March, April, May, June, July, August, October, December 2024, July

In each area of ​​work, which has a history and social significance, there is a holiday. The profession of a teacher is respected and honorable. Of course, school teachers and teachers of other educational institutions have the right to the day on which only they accept congratulations.

World Teachers Day

The date when this wonderful holiday is celebrated was determined for more than a hundred world powers in 1994. The choice of October 5 was not accidental - it is a tribute to the first documentary confirmation of the legal status of educators at the international level, adopted at the 1966 conference in the French capital by representatives of UNESCO and the ILO. Exactly three years later, on October 5, 1997, another important document of international significance was adopted - the General Conference of UNESCO especially approved the status of university teachers.


The first national holiday of teachers on the planet

It is generally accepted that for the first time as an official holiday, Teacher's Day arose in the United States of America, and the idea of ​​giving it the status and scale of the state belongs to a simple school teacher from Arkansas. She wrote to the authorities in writing with such a proposal, emphasizing the social significance of her profession. To translate this idea into life, many efforts were made by Eleanor Roosevelt - an active public figure and by that time already the former first lady of the country. Thanks to her efforts in 1953, Teacher's Day was proclaimed a public holiday in the United States. Celebrating the event was decided in May, Friday the first full week of the month. Thus, the date of the celebration changed every year.

Teacher's Day in Russia

It’s easy to remember the number of teachers in our country congratulating now. The dates of international and domestic holidays since 1994 coincide. Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, who headed the Russian Federation at that time, signed a decree on October 3, which he officially approved on October 5 as Teacher’s Day in Russia. However, this was not always the case.


The history of the national holiday

Domestic Teacher's Day has a slightly longer history than international. In 1965, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR officially approved September 29 as a professional holiday for teachers. However, in 1966, the decision was changed on when to celebrate Teacher's Day. In Russia, this tradition was preserved, and for almost thirty years the event did not have a permanent fixation in time. Teachers of the USSR and the post-Soviet state were congratulated in October, choosing for this the first Sunday of the month. What date in Russia, Teacher's Day will be held this time, the calendar determined.

Many former Union republics did not begin to change the day of the official celebration of teachers in accordance with an international decision and adhere to the old tradition. At the same time, others set new dates that are more in line with the national customs of the formed countries, but this did not diminish the significance of the holiday and the scale of its holding. For example, in Uzbekistan, where the actual date of the Teacher’s Day was approved on October 1, the holiday was not only recognized as a state holiday, but also became an official general day off.


How was Teacher's Day celebrated in the USSR?

In the Soviet Union, this day was filled with solemn events - holiday lines, professional and amateur concerts, and student performances. October kids, pioneer teenagers and already young adults - Komsomol members - congratulated their teachers with reading poems, prepared musical numbers, expressing their love and respect for them.

Modern holiday of teachers in Russia

The day of honoring employees of the education sector is now taking place in our country brightly and festively. The tradition of gala concerts was further developed and expanded. In addition to the fact that on this day it is customary to present holiday bouquets, sweets, souvenirs and various gifts useful for work, younger students congratulate their teachers with crafts of their own making. Pupils of middle and senior classes draw wall newspapers for their favorite teachers, compose thematic poems and songs, trying to express gratitude, sympathy and respect for the teacher in a creative and most memorable way, to emphasize the importance of his work.
