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The origin, meaning and derivatives of the name George

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The origin, meaning and derivatives of the name George
The origin, meaning and derivatives of the name George

Video: Cosmology, George Ellis | Lecture 1 of 4 2024, July

Video: Cosmology, George Ellis | Lecture 1 of 4 2024, July

The name George is now met infrequently. Although it is strong, sonorous, beautiful, they call it only 25-100 babies for 10, 000 newborns. Although derivatives named George are very melodic and varied. And, by the way, their "progenitor" is more popular.

So, what is hidden behind this princely name, what character? What fate will parents give to their baby, calling him George?

Derivatives named George

The name George is now at 35th place in the ranking of popular male names. What diminutive forms of the name George can be chosen? There are a lot of such names - and no limitations of fantasy. The most popular of them: Zhora, Zhorochka, Hera, Gerochka, Gesha, Gosh, Goshenka, Goshulya, Goshunya, Goga

Sounding of the name George in other countries

Not only in Russia bear the name George. Its options are very diverse, it all depends on the country in which the person lives. So, for example, in English, George is George. By the way, this name is one of the most common in English and American cultures. Just like the name Ivan is popular with us. In Spain, Russian George will be called Jorge, and in Portugal - Jorge. There is a George in Japan - where they call him Georugii. The Chinese version of the name is Geaoherji. The Baltic countries (Lithuania and Latvia) are called Georgiev Jurgis, and Estonia - Georgi. Germany is interesting in this regard: there are as many as four derivatives named after George. These are Georg, Jürgen, Jorgen and Schorsch - a choice for every taste. In the Czech Republic, they change the name in Jiri, in Croatia - in George. Armenians call George Gevorg. Refined France calls him Georges, the Netherlands provides several variations - you can both Joris and Shors. In faraway Indonesia, this is the name of Jaj. The Belarusians George’s name is Yuras, but the Ukrainians, in pronunciation, are in solidarity with the Russians — in them it sounds the same as in Russia.

Name George

What does the name George mean? Its origin and significance dates back to Ancient Greece. The root of the name is taken from "Georgos" - this is one of the epithets of Zeus, which was considered the patron saint of agriculture. That is, literally George means "farmer."

Mascots and Patrons

  • patron planet - Jupiter;
  • zodiac sign - Sagittarius;
  • time of year is autumn;
  • green color; blue;
  • animal is a white eagle;
  • plant - lily of the valley;
  • stone - sapphire.

A bit of history

In Russia, the name George began to appear around the tenth century, after the adoption of Christianity.

An interesting fact is that the new name was quite difficult for our ancestors to perceive - after all, they were used to pagan ones - simple and understandable. Therefore, now in the annals of that time are found such derivatives named after George that are not purposely invented - Gyurg, Gurgi, Gyurata, Gorki, Durga, Dyurgiy, Dyurdy. The name was not twisted specifically - it simply seemed very difficult to remember

4 seasons Georgiev


The fact that when George was born was also important. The meaning of the name, character and fate depend on the time of year in which the boy was born.

Summer George is a vulnerable, gentle, self-flagellating boy. Frequent guilt is inherent in him, but apologizing for such people is always extremely difficult.

Autumn George - reasonable, calm, firmly on his feet. Excessive emotionality is alien to him and strict rationalism is inherent. He is an adherent of family traditions, disciplined, responsible. His main responsibility is “mammoth prey” for the family

Winter George in the absence of pronounced emotions will give a hundred points ahead of George Autumn. Restraint and calm are elevated to absolute. It is difficult to be friends with open and emotional people with such Georgians - they often give the impression of dry and even indifferent people. But for those who are considered their loved ones, such Georgians will do everything. It’s just that they’re used to proving their loyalty by deeds, not by idle talk

Spring George - sociable, open, easily finds a common language with others. It creates the appearance of a person with a light character, but in the soul is quite cunning and ambitious; a carefully concealed portion of snobbery is present. Finds a common language with any person through a combination of cunning and sociability. Lucky in business, like women, but marries late.



Little George is a calm, reasonable, and not the most sociable boy. He is often embarrassed to approach his peers and start a game with them, but if he is addressed first, he will become an indispensable partner for games. Secrets trust him - little Zhora knows how to listen. Over time, shyness develops into a confident calm, the child does not shy from peers, but he is still not looking for companies for himself. The point is that it is precisely in the elementary school age that Georgiev conceived those character traits that are inherent to them throughout life - stubbornness, arrogance, a sense of superiority, and careful weighing of decisions.

It should be noted that although the child deep in his soul considers himself more outstanding than all his peers, he successfully hides his arrogance. He is rarely a renegade in the team, as comrades like to turn to him for advice or use him as a fair judge. Indeed, rationality and prudence are just qualities characteristic of Georgians.

Caution should be exercised by parents, and especially the father of the child. The fact is that if the father does not become authority for George in childhood, then most likely he will not be able to gain respect from his son when he grows up. But, having become an elder friend, mentor, and support for the child, the father will turn the boy into a wonderful son - responsible and caring. Such George, as an adult, will always have respect for the elders, and with his father will share his most secret spiritual experiences.

Youth and maturity


Having matured, George acquires such qualities as ambition and responsibility. He is indifferent to alcohol, which in his case is a huge plus - after drinking, he can easily tell nasty things to close people, for which he will be ashamed the next morning. In companies, it is still rarely the center of attention, but due to the ability to be accepted in almost any team, it is always in the thick of things. George is intolerant of lies - he does not lie, considering it below his own dignity, and does not accept liars in his circle. It’s difficult to deceive him - he sees people through and through. And the attempt to cheat never forgives. He continues to keep other people's secrets, because He is an ideal conversationalist - tactful, attentive, listening. Self-esteem does not go anywhere, but, as in childhood, does not appear in public.



It is rare that anyone is so valued at work as George. Discipline, responsibility and hard work make this an ideal employee. He can safely be delegated the most complex tasks - he will definitely cope with them. In general, Georgians adhere to the principle of “I am not interested in why not. I wonder what to do so that it is. ” Thanks to this, success is achieved in almost any field of activity.

Family life


George is a wonderful family man. A man with this name will do everything so that the family never needs anything. At the same time, he does not consider this a merit - no, in his picture of the world this is taken for granted. About the bearers of this name they say: "Home is a full bowl." And indeed, Georgiev does not have problems with finances. His wife is faithful, because betrayal, and therefore a lie, is below his dignity. Moreover, from the second half requires crystal honesty in the relationship. Rarely goes to the gap, the only one hundred percent basis for divorce is the betrayal of the spouse. At the same time, being most often a prominent, stately, wealthy man, he has many fans, but the institution of marriage is in the first place for him.

Female Name Compatibility

Not all women bring happiness to a man named George. The origin and significance of this name implies that an honest, open, not prone to intrigue woman will become his ideal spouse; a woman with whom he will be comfortable and calm. Girls with the names Vera, Natalya, Nina, Varvara, Svetlana are well suited for this role. But Marina, Catherine, Lydia, Raisa, Anna or Victoria can add to his life difficulties and disappointments. It cannot be said that with one of the bearers of these names he will definitely be unhappy. It is likely that the relationship will simply require a little more emotional cost.

Contradictions of character


Calling the baby George, parents should understand that they give their son, along with the name, a contradictory character. On the one hand, all Georgians have such wonderful qualities as kindness, decency, responsibility, reliability and honesty. And at the same time arrogance, isolation, cunning are inherent in them. What will prevail in the character of George? It depends on the upbringing and the environment in which the boy is becoming.

How many derivatives does George have?

When the name George only began to appear in Russia, they called, as a rule, the offspring of the princely family. As for mere mortals, commoners, they were left with "reduced" options. Both Yegor and Yuri are derivatives of George. These names went to less "noble" boys. Interestingly, the names Yuri and Yegor were recognized as independent only in the 1930s. They are not present in the clergy (since these are derivatives on behalf of George), therefore, the holders of these names celebrate their name day along with George.

Name day

Not every name on the church calendar has as many names as George. To determine when it is better for each of them to celebrate the day of the angel, one must remember the basic rule. It sounds like this: the day of an angel is considered to be the day of the celebration of the patron saint, which either falls on his birthday, or as close to it. Name Day: January 1.21 and 30; February 4, 10 and 17; 6.23 and March 24; 5.17.18 and April 20; May 2, 6, 10, 26 and May 29; June 8.19 and June 27; 3.13 and August 31; 6 September; October 15; November 10 and 16; December 9 and 31. As you can see, everyone, except for the July Georgians, will easily celebrate their birthday and name day in one month