
Kiwi bird - a smile of nature

Kiwi bird - a smile of nature
Kiwi bird - a smile of nature

Video: Muttonbirds - Nature 2024, July

Video: Muttonbirds - Nature 2024, July

Probably not to find a person who would not like to travel. And this is not surprising, because there are so many wonderful places in the world that you just need to see. Would you like to visit New Zealand? This island is famous not only for its fantastically beautiful nature, but also for its no less amazing wildlife. One of the most interesting representatives of the New Zealand fauna is the kiwi bird. Kiwi lives only here.


Qiwi - a bird or an animal?

And this question is not accidental. The fact is that in many respects this bird is completely like a bird and does not look like. Well, firstly, this is the only wingless representative of birds. What wings are there, he doesn’t even have a keel where these wings could be attached. Bird feathers are more like the furry long fur of some beast. Near a long and narrow, slightly bent beak, a mustache resembling a feline is located. Thanks to these antennae, the kiwi bird (photo is presented in the article) is better oriented in space. There are four claws on short legs. Because of this uncharacteristic set of birds, ornithologists nicknamed them "honorary mammals." These birds are nocturnal, so their eyesight is very weak. But then the sense of smell is second only to the smell of the condor. At first glance, it may seem that the kiwi is awkward and clumsy, but in fact, these birds are very agile and hardy. In one night, they cover the entire nesting site, which can be up to one hundred hectares. And kiwis are real partisans, they will never settle in a freshly dug hole. They will certainly wait until moss and other greens grow around the house. Kiwi live in pairs that create just a few seasons. Female birds are much larger than males. The female eggs are hatched for three weeks, and its weight is about 500 g. The male hatching offspring, only occasionally going out in search of food, at this time the female replaces it. Birds feed on insects, earthworms and fruits.


Kiwi Bird - Aboriginal Favorite

This representative of birds is so loved by the locals that you can even talk about the cult of the kiwi. His image is everywhere: on coins, on postage stamps, etc. And the image of a kiwi is an unofficial emblem of the country. There are warning signs on sections of roads that pass through the kiwi habitat so that drivers are more attentive and do not harm birds. Aborigines call themselves Kiwi children. Indeed, at present, the kiwi bird is surrounded by care and love. And now the population of this bird has increased dramatically, but it has not always been so. According to scientists, about a thousand years ago, the population of these birds numbered about 12 million individuals, and by 2004 it had dropped to 70 thousand. There was a sharp decline in the number of individuals for a number of reasons. The first is the meat of this bird, very tasty and tender; the second - predators introduced by Europeans, such as cats, dogs, affection; the third - deforestation, bird habitats. Kiwi bird is listed in the Red Book. And thanks to the state program for the protection of these birds, the number of kiwi is under control.


Better to see once

And if you have such an opportunity, be sure to go to New Zealand to admire the wonderful scenery and, of course, to see a miracle bird with your own eyes.