
Pugacheva, Sheik, Ivleeva: the very first and rarest photos of stars on Instagram

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Pugacheva, Sheik, Ivleeva: the very first and rarest photos of stars on Instagram
Pugacheva, Sheik, Ivleeva: the very first and rarest photos of stars on Instagram

What did our favorite idols - stars and celebrities - look like in their first Instagram photo? What was the first photo posted by Semenovich, Pugachev and Ivleev?

Archival photo of the singer Anna Semenovich - she is only 20 years old on it. This is the New Year's Eve of the 2001 meeting.


After 2 years, Anya was enrolled in the group "Brilliant".

And the photo below is none other than Nastya Ivleeva. It’s hard to believe that 5 years ago, this megastar, blogger and presenter today was an ordinary hostess in a nightclub.


Alena Shishkova at the dawn of her career (picture below). Here she has already taken part in a beauty contest, but has not yet met Timati.
