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R-77 missile: specifications, photos

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R-77 missile: specifications, photos
R-77 missile: specifications, photos

Video: Fastest and Longest Range Air-to-Air Missiles (2019) 2024, July

Video: Fastest and Longest Range Air-to-Air Missiles (2019) 2024, July

Guided missile type R-77 refers to the charges of medium-range modifications of "air-to-air." Tactical missile weapons under the code name "Product 170-1" were developed and created by specialists of the Vympel Design Bureau named after Toropov I. I. The charge is aimed at hitting air targets of various configurations, regardless of the time of day or surface angles. As carriers of these ammunition made modern and promising fighters of domestic production.


History of creation

The development of the R-77 rocket began in 2003 on the instructions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. At the end of 2005, the main work on the manufacture of prototypes of these weapons was completed. The first field launches of shells were carried out already in 2006, but the further prospect left much to be desired. Largely played a role in the absence of suitable carrier aircraft.

The R-77 air-to-air missile is ranked as a modernized version of the analogue under the RVV-AE index. This led to the external similarity of the ammunition and their main purpose. It is worth noting that in the new project there were almost identical components, components and assemblies. Among the features of the new product, the unique design and layout of the internal filling are noted. Improving combat performance is largely due to the features of the updated charge device, compared to standard counterparts.


The R-77 aircraft missile is equipped with a cylindrical body with a conical fairing in the head. Options:

  • Total length - 3710 mm.
  • The case in diameter is 200 mm.
  • The span of the trapezoidal wings is 420 mm.
  • Features - 680 millimeter grid elements are provided in the tail.
  • On the lower part there is a slight thickening, which serves to improve the aerodynamics of the rocket.
  • The initial mass of the product is about 190 kg.

In the head of the R-77 missile, a homing warhead and sensors of the equipment of the pilot-operator are provided. A fuse and an ammunition warhead are mounted behind this design. The tail compartment is a powerful and relatively large power unit with a lattice steering gear that runs on solid fuel. The warhead under consideration is equipped with a combined guidance system, which guarantees the subsequent location and elimination of the target. The flight of the projectile is carried out by means of an inertial navigation circuit. After falling into a given compartment, the warhead searches for a target by using an active radar homing striker type 9B-1103M.


The specified product was developed by the Research Institute "Agat", is a multi-mode Doppler kit. The initial version of this unit was developed in the mid-90s, massively presented in 1998. After this, the product went through several stages of modernization and reorganization, taking into account the latest developments in the relevant field.


The homing missile head of the R-77 differs from its predecessors in terms of improved tactical and technical parameters, as well as an increased sensitivity of transmitters and receivers, which are responsible for adjusting the aiming and eliminating possible interference. Such a system makes it possible to independently detect targets on the principle of "shot and forgot." It does not require highlighting or other designation of the target until it is hit. The Agat Research Institute in 2014 introduced two upgraded versions of the missiles in question. The head type 9B-1103M-200PA is equipped with an additional semi-active channel. The analogue under the index 9B-1103M-200PS is equipped with a passive mechanism that duplicates the main system. Upgraded instances allow you to expand the ability to achieve and defeat the target through improved search methods.


Characteristics of the R-77 rocket

Below are the main parameters of the projectile in question:

  • Length - 3.6 m.
  • Diameter - 20 cm.
  • The wingspan / wingspan is 750/454 mm.
  • The launch weight of the rocket is 175 kg.
  • The mass of the combat filling is 22 kg.
  • The maximum / minimum launch range is 80 / 0.3 km.
  • The degree of probability of hitting a given target is 0.7 units.
  • Type of combat load - rod microcumulative elements.



During the flight of the high-range air-to-air missiles, control is carried out by means of several pairs of lattice-type rudders mounted in the tail compartment. The features of this weapon include a change in the design of these elements. They received a new mount, other drive mechanisms and racks. Thanks to improvements, the scope of the steering devices was reduced by 70 millimeters, along with an increase in aerodynamic performance. The middle part of the RVV-SD missile is equipped with a cumulative warhead, the weight of which is 22.5 kilograms.


Activation occurs due to a fuse interacting with a non-contact target indicator. The mechanism is located behind the control automation unit. The placement of the device is determined by a set of transparent rounded windows on the sidewall of the skeleton. Behind the glazing, a laser target sensor is provided.

The shank has a single-stage solid-fuel “engine” that guarantees the flight of a warhead to a distance of 110 kilometers. Cruising speed in this case reaches about 4.5 thousand km / h. Such indicators paired with rudder improvements significantly improve the overall characteristics of the weapon.


Defeat Goals

The long-range R-77 RVV-SD missile manufactured in Russia is capable of hitting a target at an altitude of up to 25 kilometers. The warhead flies most of the way through an inertial navigation system. At the final stage, the activation of the radar homing head is performed. The target capture range and the duration of the final part of the flight under the control of the GOS depends on several indicators. The main one is the visibility of the goal. For example, an enemy aircraft with an EPR at the level of three square meters is detected from a distance of about 20 km. The final guidance on the target is done through the GOS (homing).

According to official information, the R-77 is capable of eliminating targets moving at a speed of up to one and a half thousand meters per second. The maximum overload of the target, the degree of which allows the rocket to continue the attack with guidance, is 12 units. In modernized versions, this parameter reaches 40 units. with the ability to turn up to 150 degrees per second.