
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change: Signature Date and Countries

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UN Framework Convention on Climate Change: Signature Date and Countries
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change: Signature Date and Countries

Video: Keynote Talk: After Paris | SVES2017 2024, July

Video: Keynote Talk: After Paris | SVES2017 2024, July

Global warming is one of the leading global problems. It is rightly called the problem of the 21st century. Colossal economic losses and a humanitarian catastrophe in a number of regions could result in warming. To avoid all of this, efforts are being made by the United Nations and many governments to contain this process within safe limits. The 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is a historic event that began the targeted human impact on climate change.

Global problems of mankind

In the 21st century, various global threats and problems that will have to be confronted will constantly arise before humanity. Among the most significant tasks are called such as:

  • hunger and poverty;

  • overpopulation;

  • global nuclear war;

  • risk of asteroid crash;

  • extinction of species;

  • epidemics;

  • global warming;

  • environmental pollution.


Only one of the world's problems, namely the problem of the destruction of the ozone layer, is currently considered to be resolved. Everyone else is only gaining momentum. To overcome them, the joint efforts of many countries, especially such powers as China, India, the USA and Russia, are necessary. Unfortunately, most of the problems described do not receive enough attention, which leads to a constant aggravation of the situation. For example, population growth threatens to spill over into global migrations, and the fall of a giant asteroid to Earth can generally interrupt the life of civilization.

The problem of global warming compares favorably with others: they are actively trying to solve it by taking steps of different directions at the international level. However, even after coping with this global threat, sooner or later, we will still face a catastrophe associated with overpopulation and extinction of the natural environment. The consequence of this may be the extinction of a significant part of humanity.

Global climate change

Global warming refers to a steady increase in the average planetary temperature of the earth's surface, the ocean stratum and the lower (8-kilometer) layer of the atmosphere. Although the extent of warming is still small (about 1 degree Celsius in 150 years), it is already having a destabilizing effect, causing various weather disasters and massive melting of glaciers. At the moment, the likelihood of continuing this process in the near future is assessed as very high, even if tough measures are taken to curb greenhouse emissions.


It is believed that a temperature increase of 2 ° C is a threshold value, after which irreversible natural and climatic shifts can begin. However, there are scientists who hold different estimates of this value, most often, in the direction of its decrease.

Causes and consequences of global warming

It is believed that the period of debate about the causes of modern warming is left behind, and the concept of anthropogenic strengthening of the greenhouse effect has taken the leading position. At the same time, the role of natural factors has not been completely canceled, and such factors can enhance or weaken warming. Thus, scientists already have an answer to the question, what are the causes and consequences of global warming.


The reasons for the slowdown in global temperature growth during warming may be a prolonged decrease in solar activity, activation of volcanic processes, increased air pollution by dust, sulfates, smoke, changes in ocean currents and desertification.

Factors such as increasing the number of forest fires, accelerating permafrost thawing, increasing solar activity, combating general air pollution, increasing the amount of precipitation in the desert zone and other processes can intensify the warming already existing.

The effects of warming are, or in the near future, abnormal droughts, prolonged heat or sudden cooling can become. The frequency and strength of floods will increase. Mass migration of residents from the affected countries of the Third World is not excluded. In the distant future, sea level rise and the appearance of suffocation of atmospheric air due to its saturation with carbon dioxide are possible.


Factors Considered

There are also factors that are already taken into account in climate models, and will definitely enhance the warming process.

These include:

  • reduction in the area of ​​snow and ice;

  • growth of evaporation from water surfaces;

  • increase in cloud height;

  • chemical processes in the atmosphere.

The magnitude and consequences of future warming

The effects of warming are difficult to predict due to the complexity of the response of the natural environment to temperature changes and the uncertainty of the extent of future greenhouse gas emissions. In various forecasts, their level is estimated from small to catastrophic. The latter option will entail the irreversible accumulation of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide and methane), due to their release from permafrost, soils, forests, the ocean, and then carbonate rocks. With such a development of events, humanity will be threatened with complete extinction. However, this scenario is assessed as unlikely and possible only in the case of a complete rejection of alternative energy in favor of the traditional, and then only in the distant future.


At the moment, it remains unclear what the global temperature will be like in 50 or 100 years. The range of estimates for 2100 is from 1.1 to 6.4 degrees from current values, however, with the active introduction of technical innovations, the level of warming may be even lower.

Attempts to mitigate global warming

Combating global warming is becoming the norm for many countries. The main efforts are aimed at improving energy efficiency and the transition to carbon-free energy sources. Significant successes have been achieved in both directions. The cost of energy from alternative sources has almost equaled the cost of energy received from fossil fuels. Now the problem of the efficiency of its storage is being solved, and in the coming decades it can be solved. In addition, some successes have also appeared among nuclear physicists, which increases the likelihood of a transition to the use of thermonuclear energy.

Replacing conventional lamps with LEDs, switching to electric cars and hybrids, reducing heat losses in the home and at work, as well as energy losses, will also make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.