
Plants and animals of Karelia

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Plants and animals of Karelia
Plants and animals of Karelia

Video: Фильм-презентация Республики Карелия часть 1 на английском языке 2024, June

Video: Фильм-презентация Республики Карелия часть 1 на английском языке 2024, June

The Republic of Karelia was formed in 1920, and received its status in 1923. The capital is the city of Petrozavodsk. The western border coincides with the border of Finland. The northwest is washed by the White Sea. The relief is characterized as a hilly plain, and in the west passes into the West Karelian Upland. The highest point of the republic is Mount Nuorunen.


Climatic features

The main part of Karelia is located in a strip of temperate continental climate. Despite the long winters, severe frosts are a rarity here, and spring comes around mid-April. Although very often in late May there are frosts. Summer is quite short, and the temperature rarely rises above +20 degrees. At the end of August, cold winds and heavy rains already begin.

Unpredictable weather is observed at the location of Lake Onega and Ladoga, on the sea coast. On the seashore, the largest cloud cover is observed throughout Karelia.


Naturally, the number and types of plants and animals of Karelia are largely determined by water bodies, and only rivers there are more than 27 thousand. The largest include Chirka-Kem with a length of 221 km, Kem - 191 km. Most of them have rapids and rocky shores.

There are 60 thousand lakes in the republic, and together with swamps, the total occupied surface area of ​​water bodies is 2 thousand square cubic meters.


Vegetable world

There are 17 forestries in the republic. And the total occupied area by forests is 148 thousand square kilometers, and this is 85% of the entire territory of Karelia.

Karelian flora is considered relatively young, since it was fully formed not so long ago, about 15 thousand years ago. The republic is dominated by needles and pine, spruce. Closer to the Arkhangelsk region, Siberian larch is found.

Of small-leaved species, the following are widely distributed:

  • fluffy and warty birch;

  • gray alder;

  • smooth elm;

  • small-leaved linden;

  • maple;

  • aspen.

In marshes, on the banks of the rivers, black alder is found.

But, above all, Karelia is the land of berries. Lingonberries, raspberries, buckthorn and juniper, bird cherry and hazel grow here.

Protected nature reserves

For salvation, the Red Book of animals and plants of Karelia has been compiled. But this is not the only step; in the republic there are 3 state nature reserves:

  • "Kivach."

  • "Kostomuksha".

  • Part of the Kandalaksha Reserve.

There are ecological trails for travelers and science tourism.

In Karelia there are 3 more state national parks: “Paanajärvi”, “Kalevala” and partly the Arkhangelsk park “Vodlozersky”.

In addition, the republic has 1 botanical garden, 45 reserves and 107 natural monuments. Preserves play an important role in the process of protecting plants and animals of Karelia listed in the Red Book. These are small-sized protected areas where certain species of animals are protected, for example, beaver or plant populations, for example, plots with large-fruited cranberries.


Representatives of the fauna

There are about 63 species of mammals in the republic. Some species are listed in the Red Book of animals of Karelia:

  • flying squirrel;

  • Ladoga ringed seal;

  • brown ear-flaps.

Nerpa, as an animal of Karelia, lives on the shores of Lake Ladoga and on some Finnish lakes. This animal gathers in groups of 7-15 individuals and lives almost sedentary. The total number of seals in Karelia does not exceed 3 thousand.

And the most interesting thing is that an ordinary hedgehog even got into the list of protected animals. But this is an omnivorous animal that can even eat a numb adder without harm to itself.

Some animals of Karelia are accustomed individuals, for example, prominent representatives of North America are:

  • canadian beaver;

  • American norm;

  • muskrat.

And from the Far East came here a raccoon dog, which quickly acclimatized and feels great to this day.

In the 60s of the last century, wild boars appeared in the republic, roe, badger, bear and wolves are found in the south.



It is hard to imagine the fauna of Karelia without birds. There are about 285 species in the republic, 36 of which are already listed on the Red Book. These include the white-tailed eagle, in Karelia there are 40 pairs.

The most common are birds of the genus corvidae, there are black grouse, capercaillie, hazel grouse and partridge. And in the spring you can see geese that come here from warm countries. Many of their predatory representatives of birds:

  • hawk;

  • marsh harrier;

  • owl;

  • golden eagle.

Since there are many reservoirs in Karelia, therefore there are many aquatic representatives of birds:

  • loon;

  • duck;

  • seagulls;

  • sandpiper;

  • common eider.

In the Red Book there are many birds living in the republic:




klusha, chegrava, small tern


eagle owl, passerine owl, white owl and bearded owl




derbnik, peregrine falcon, kestrel and gyrfalcon

early bird

forest and horned lark




Lapland plantain


small godwit and hollow


gray shrike


white-footed redstart




blue tit

magpie waders

magpie continental subspecies


partridge and quail and others



Karelia is poor in reptile animals. Only 5 species live on the territory of the republic:

  • common viper;

  • godfather;

  • ordinary already;

  • the lizard is fast;

  • Lizard viviparous.

What animals in Karelia are protected from reptiles:

Ordinary already

This is a non-poisonous snake that hides when a person sees it. If you manage to catch it already, then it immediately begins to hiss, sharply throw your head forward, if all this does not help, then it starts to secrete a "smelly" liquid, in extreme cases, pretends to be dead. The largest males can reach 2.5 meters in length.


They call it still agile, belongs to the family of real lizards. The average size is 25 cm, large individuals are found reaching 35 cm. The lizard can drop its tail, which grows over the course of a month. They eat caterpillars, insects, larvae, and can even eat their offspring.


Residents of the ponds

Due to the rich water supply of the republic, there is accordingly a huge amount of fish. To date, there are 60 species, and together with the acclimatized ones - 115, which are conditionally united in 16 families.

Aquatic animals of Karelia are conditionally divided into:

Passage types

Whitefish, salmon, smelt, trout trout. And they are called so because they spend almost all their lives in the sea or in the lake, and come to spawn to rivers. The spawning period is in the fall. In the spring, fry already ply in a reservoir where they will live permanently.

Lake and river

Pike, zander, whitefish, brook trout, perch, grayling.


Navaga, cod, whitefish, herring, flounder.

The largest variety of fish species in Onega and Ladoga Lakes, ruff, salmon, roach and burbot live here. Lake Syamozero, Kuito and the Pisto River are no less rich in representatives of the aquatic fauna.

In Karelia fishing is an ancient craft, but today few of the fishermen will share their fishing places. Any lake is not suitable for trophy fishing, in order to catch a valuable breed, you will have to go to the north of the republic and best of all with a guide.
