
The rarest animals of the world. The rarest animal in the world

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The rarest animals of the world. The rarest animal in the world
The rarest animals of the world. The rarest animal in the world

Video: These Are 10 Rarest Animals on this Planet 2024, July

Video: These Are 10 Rarest Animals on this Planet 2024, July

In the XX century, scientists of the world discovered fifty new species of animals that were not previously known to modern science. At the same time, 100 others living on our planet completely disappeared from the face of the Earth. Only 25 species of mammals lost the planet by 1960. People, not thinking about the future wildlife of the Earth, barbarously destroyed animals. In this article, we will present you with a far from complete (rather, a small part of it) list of the world's rare animals that are in danger of complete extinction.

Rare Red Book Animals

Unfortunately, on Earth there are many animals, the number of which is rapidly declining. The human factor and natural phenomena affect the decline in populations of many species. Rare Red Book animals need special care and protection. We will introduce you only to a small part of these species.

Tarantula spider

In addition to being a very rare representative of the fauna of the planet, it is one of the most beautiful in its family. Such a spider lives in the rainforests of India. He builds his houses in the branches of tall trees. Young individuals settle at the roots, where they dig minks, braiding them in a cobweb. Feeling the danger, they immediately hide in burrows.


Beak-chested tortoise

Many rare and unusual animals of the world were on the verge of extinction. For example, this rare species of endangered land turtles. They were declared by the IUCN Commission as the most vulnerable animal species. Today, such a turtle can be found only on a small part of the island of Madagascar. The density of these animals does not exceed 5 individuals per square kilometer.

Proboscis dog

In the Red Book, these rare animals have the status of "at risk of becoming endangered." This is a mammal from the hopping family. It lives in Africa. Proboscis dog is very rare, but still found in forests in southern Kenya and northern Tanzania.


These sharks are rare and endangered animals of the world. They are known to specialists as European squatina. They can still be found in the seas of the Atlantic, temperate and hot zones. Representatives of this species of sharks, due to the increased abdominal and pectoral fins, resemble stingrays. Most often, they live on the bottom of the ocean and prefer to eat flatfish.

Northern Longhair Wombat

This endangered species is the rarest on our planet. Today they are left on Earth with one very small population living in Australia.

The reason for the catastrophic decrease in their numbers, scientists consider negative changes in the environment. In addition, wombats are a favorite treat of dingo dogs.

Wombats live in meadows with lush grass, in eucalyptus forests and loose soil.

Bubal Hunter

More commonly known as chirol, this mammal is listed in the Red Book as a species that is facing complete extinction. It lives in northern Kenya and southern Somalia.


The animal has a long body (up to 205 cm) and limbs. The muzzle is also elongated, with a convex forehead. The neck is short. Height at the withers 125 cm, weight on average about 110 kg.

The coat is brown or gray. The tail and ears are white. A white line runs between the eyes. The horns are curved thin. Their length is about 70 cm.

Fine-toothed saw

This is a fish belonging to the family of half-snout stingrays, listed in the Red Book as being on the verge of extinction.

The total length of adults exceeds 3 meters. The maximum length that was registered by scientists was 6.5 meters, weight - 600 kilograms. The color is olive with a greenish tint, the belly is white. The pectoral fins are wide, triangular in shape.

Tonkin rhinopithecus

These rarest animals of the world from the monkey family are on the verge of extinction. Already at the beginning of the last century, their range was limited. Representatives of this species were found only in the forest near the Song-Koi River (Vietnam). At present, Tonka rhinopithecus is found in several provinces of Vietnam.

The diet of these animals is made up of young bamboo shoots, leaves, fruits.

Rinopithecus live in special family groups. They include a male and several females with cubs. Groups consist of up to 15 animals.

Sumatran rhino

The smallest rhino of its family. Its size is much inferior to all other rhinos. At the withers its height is 112 cm, length 236 cm, weight from 800 to 2000 kg. Sumatran rhinos have 2 horns. The nasal length is 15-25 cm, the second horn is underdeveloped. Most of the body is covered with reddish-brown hair.

The animal lives in mountainous secondary forests, moist tropical swamps and forests.

Spotted Tailed Marten

In the Red Book, this species (having a second name - a tiger cat) is listed as vulnerable.

This is the second largest marsupial predator (after the Tasmanian devil). One of the largest marsupial predators living in Australia. Today, this animal can be found in two populations - in North Queensland (Australia) and on the east coast, from South Queensland to Tasmania.

Philippine sika deer

This rare animal has a golden color. White spots are scattered on the main background. Sika deer lives in tropical forests on the islands of the Philippine archipelago. Only recently, this animal managed to be photographed. The main enemy of the deer is the wolf. Most animals die in March-April. This is the time when deer are greatly weakened by wintering.


Wisai Warty Pig

Over the past 60 years, the number of these animals has decreased by 80%. Such a catastrophic position of the population is explained by uncontrolled hunting, a change in the natural habitat. Today this animal is found on 2 islands - Panay and Negro.

Florida cougar

Today, the topic of our conversation was very rare animals of the world. These undoubtedly include the Florida cougar. She is on the verge of extinction. This is the rarest subspecies of the cougar. In 2014, their number on Earth was a little more than 100 individuals, and in the 70s, this figure dropped to 20.

This type of cougar lives in the marshes and forests of South Florida (USA), mainly in protected areas. The number of these animals began to fall after the drainage of swamps and as a result of uncontrolled sports hunting.

Unusual animals of the world

Quite often, the rarest animals of the world are distinguished by their original appearance, lifestyle. We will introduce you to some representatives of the fauna that are considered unusual.

Angora rabbit

This is a representative of the oldest breed of rabbits, which is named after the capital of Turkey - Ankara. These charming animals look like a fluffy cloud with ears. In the 18th century, Angora rabbits were very popular pets in the upper classes of French society.


A mole living in North America strikes with its unusual fleshy nose. On his face, he has 22 moving pink tentacles. They are very sensitive, and are used by animals as original antennas. In addition, this mole has scaly paws and a thick water-repellent tail, in which fat reserves are collected.


Ai ai

Mammal from the order of semi-monkeys. Very similar to a rodent. It has black-brown hair, a long tail and long thin fingers, with which ay-ai extract food from the bark of trees.

The weight of the animal is about 3 kg, the body length does not exceed 35 cm. The tail can reach a length of 60 cm.

Shovel fish

This pink fish differs from other inhabitants of the underwater world in that it uses its fins rather strange. She walks on them along the bottom of the sea. This rare species has been discovered in Tasmania, Australia, but so far only four representatives have been found.

Striped track

Many jokingly call this animal a mixture of a bumblebee and a hedgehog. Indeed, such a similarity is clearly visible. The animal has an elongated muzzle, with a yellow stripe along the nose. His head is decorated with a crown, which consists of long and sharp needles. A lot of thorns are scattered throughout the body, along with thick black hair. This animal lives in Madagascar.

Pacu fish

These piranha relatives have an awesome look. The presence of human teeth contributes to this. Paku feed on nuts and plants, but there have been reported cases of attacks on people.


These rarest animals of the world are known under the second name - giraffe gazelle. This is an extremely rare species of antelopes with a long neck. They live in deserts in eastern Africa. A long neck helps her get leaves that grow quite high.


These are birds that cannot fly. Cassowaries are very dangerous, because they are very desperate to defend their own territory and, in danger, can brutally crack down on the enemy with sharp, razor-sharp claws. Birds can reach two meters in height.



The oldest mammal on Earth that lived on our planet along with woolly mammoths and saber-toothed tigers 250, 000 years ago. For a long time they were considered extinct, but now they are often called living fossils.

Snake turtle

When we are asked: “What animals are rare?”, It is rather difficult to answer in a monosyllab, since today there are many such species. For example, snake-necked tortoise. Looking at this animal gives the impression that someone passed a snake through a turtle. She has such a long neck that she cannot drag her into a protective shell.

Octopus Dumbo

This amazing animal looks very much like a flying elephant Dumbo - a famous Disney cartoon character. He has very funny "ears" of huge size that stick out on both sides of his head. These are actually fins. It lives in the Tasman Sea at a depth of about 4000 meters. Its dimensions do not exceed 10 cm.


Rare animals of the world, whose photos we posted in this article, are not always very attractive in appearance. An example is the nose. This is a monkey living in the tropics of Borneo. Male nosas are considered the largest apes living in Asia. Their meaty and large nose turned these animals into very funny creatures.

Top 10 rarest animals in the world

As already noted, the rarest animals of the world in most cases are on the verge of extinction. Many species have long been considered extinct, but have been rediscovered thanks to the efforts of scientists. Others are so rare that their habits and lifestyle are still a mystery to researchers. If a person does not make significant efforts, our descendants will not be able to see these animals.

Bushman hare

The rarest species of rabbit. Lives in the Curry Desert in South Africa. It has a silky and dense fur on top of gray, reddish on the sides, and completely white below. There is a red spot on the back of the head. The ears are very long. Brown fluffy tail. The male weighs about 1.5 kg, and the female - 1.8 kg. Body length reaches 47 cm.


The number of these animals does not exceed 500 individuals. In the Red Book, they have the status of "in critical condition."

Amur tiger

It is the largest of all species of tigers. He lives in Russia, in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories. This tiger (in our opinion) could lead the rating “Rare beautiful animals of the world”.

This is the only subspecies that has a thick (5 cm) layer of fat on its belly that protects the animal from the piercing wind in severe frosts. The body length of the male is 3.8 meters, the females are slightly smaller. Height 115 cm, weight about 200 kg.

Cuban Scratch

An animal that feeds on shellfish, insects and plant fruits. Its number began to decline sharply in the 19th century, when cats, mongooses, and dogs introduced by humans appeared in Cuba. Researchers are looking for ways to save the toothfish in relocating it to the islands in the vicinity of Cuba, not occupied by humans.

Mountain gorillas

The rarest animals of the world that live in Central Africa. They settle on the slopes of extinct volcanoes. This is not the rarest animal in the world. Today, about 720 individuals are registered.

Mountain couscous

Marsupial originally from Australia, until 1966 was known to scientists only from fossil remains. Fortunately, living animals were discovered at a ski base in Melbourne. This small animal resembles a mouse. Its size does not exceed 13 cm, and weighs 60 grams.


Large predator belonging to the cat family. Distributed in the mountains of Central Asia.


This is a very beautiful animal with a long thin flexible body, somewhat short legs, a small head and a very long tail. Together with it, the length of the animal reaches 230 cm, weight 55 kg.

The fur is dense, light smoky gray with solid dark and ring-shaped spots. The number of snow leopards is very small today.

New zealand bat

A species of bats, which mainly lives on earth. With the advent of Europeans in New Zealand, the number of these animals decreased by 98%. Currently, small populations are threatened by cats, martens and rats brought into this territory.

Red wolf

This animal has been hit hard by the prejudices of the US farmers where it lives. In their opinion, the wolf is the source of all their troubles. However, these findings were greatly exaggerated. Mass extermination led to the complete extinction of these animals. Of the three previously existing subspecies, two have already disappeared, only one remains. By the beginning of the XXI century, the population is limited to 270 individuals.

Attenborough Drive 9

It was discovered in New Guinea. This is the smallest type of prokhidn. Its length is not more than 30 cm. Scientists examined only one instance of the animal, which was discovered in 1961. For more than 50 years, researchers believed that the species was completely lost. Only in 2007 were traces and burrows of an animal discovered.
