
Regions of Italy. "Spicy" traveler love

Regions of Italy. "Spicy" traveler love
Regions of Italy. "Spicy" traveler love

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Italy … A country of world attractions, fashion industry, great relaxation and colorful cuisine. The country is located on the Apennine Peninsula, it also owns the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. Italy is washed by four seas, rich in mountain ranges and sandy beaches. It is difficult to resist the temptation and at least once not visit the country of natural and cultural abundance. By the way, it would be nice to get a Russian-Italian phrasebook before the trip. Unfortunately, locals have difficulty understanding English. If the suitcases are collected, we set off on an unforgettable journey.


The regions of Italy are unique and diverse. Each of them (and there are about 20 of them!) Is divided into provinces, which, in turn, are divided into municipalities.

Visiting different regions, travelers are convinced of the uniqueness of local culture, customs, cuisine, architecture, natural landscape. It seems that they managed to visit as many as 20 countries - Italy is so multifaceted. Planning a trip to only one region means depriving yourself of the exclusive pleasure of getting “more for the same money”.

It is not possible to describe all regions of Italy in a short review. However, to note the most significant, picturesque and popular means to send a little bewildered traveler towards the first exciting acquaintance with the country. It is worth remembering that the wine regions of Italy coincide with the administrative regions. And you can talk about Italian wines with a slight aspiration - seasoned, full-bodied, spicy, tart. Each region is famous for its varieties and cooking methods. But more about that below.


In the central part of Italy is located Tuscany. This region is known for its breathtaking mountain and field landscapes, medieval castles and other unique architectural attractions. Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci was born here, as well as … the Italian Renaissance! The cultural capital of Tuscany is Florence - a real museum city. Of the culinary delights you should definitely try the “bistecca fiorentina”, and the local sommelier will offer Sangiovese grape wine. Tuscan wines deservedly determine the prestige of Italian winemaking.

Remembering the regions of Italy, determining the best is almost impossible. Piedmont … An area located among the Alpine mountains. The region is famous for its ski resorts, amazing natural landscapes, wonderful Nebbiolo and Barberra wines, and an abundance of cheeses.


Veneto … Picturesque, vibrant, colorful region of Italy, the capital of which is Venice - a city of amazing beauty and romance. Lombardy … "Fashionable" region of the country with the highest quality of life. In Milan, the capital of the region, there are offices of the largest trading companies and financial organizations. The famous La Scala theater, the most beautiful Milan Cathedral - you will not be bored in this city. In Lombardy, great risotto and nougat are prepared, and lovers of sparkling wines will be delighted with the local “Franciocorto”.

To visit all regions of Italy is to enrich culturally and spiritually. Abruzzo, Apulia, Calabria, Liguria, Sardinia, Umbria, Emilia-Romagna … Head spin with pleasure. The contemplation of the magnificent beauties of antiquity and the luxury of modernity will be the best food for the soul, hungry for impressions. The traveler will have no choice but to love all the regions of Italy. A map of the country will become a photo of a sweetheart, where every bend is delightfully beautiful.