
Uruguay River - an exotic corner of South America

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Uruguay River - an exotic corner of South America
Uruguay River - an exotic corner of South America

Video: The Germans of Latin America (Deutsch Latein Amerika) 2024, July

Video: The Germans of Latin America (Deutsch Latein Amerika) 2024, July

South America is famous for its abundance of rivers. Everyone knows that the largest basin has the Amazon, whose area is more than 7 million km². But we know almost nothing about other waterways of this continent. To fill the gaps in knowledge, today we will get acquainted with the features of the Uruguay River.



The named river is formed in the highlands of Serra do Mar from the confluence of the waters of Canoas and Pelotas in Brazil. It belongs to the basin of the Atlantic Ocean. The source of the water artery is formed in the Cordillera, at an altitude of 2, 050 m above sea level.

The food of the Uruguay River is mainly rain. In spring and autumn, floods occur. It forms the border between several states. The countries of Uruguay and Brazil are located on its right coast, and Argentina on the left.

The duration of the water artery is approximately 1, 500 km, and its basin covers an area of ​​365 thousand km². The Uruguay River flows from the northern part of the continent in a southerly direction. It flows into the flooded mouth of the Paraná River, La Plata Bay. The main tributaries are the Rio Negro and Ibiquui.


The economic importance of the river

The Uruguay River has special economic and commercial significance in the life of countries located on its banks. In addition, it attracts many tourists, thanks to the natural color characteristic of South America. By the way, the word "Uruguay" is translated from the Indian language of Guarani as "river of colorful birds."

The main ports are Frei Bentos, Salto and Paysandu in Uruguay, as well as Concordia and Paso de los Libres, located in Argentina.

The waters of the river are used for shipping, to ensure water supply to cities. Also here are the three largest hydroelectric power plants in South America. And communication between the banks is provided by the presence of bridges that are of international importance.



Rivers in South America have a specific, diverse landscape. In this case, the described river was no exception. So, in the upper part of the water artery, right up to the village of Sao Tome, the stream goes through many rapids. Then the river flows through the lava plateau and picks up acceleration, which creates a stormy, powerful stream.

A particularly strong current is recorded near the settlements of Concordia and Salto, where the shipping route passes. In Argentina, the landscape of the river is flat, and in Brazil it is hilly.



The Parana and Uruguay rivers are rich in fish. There are specially equipped platforms on the coasts where fishermen can spend their time doing what they love. The best season for fishing is from September to March. In Uruguay, you can catch quite large specimens of dorado, manguruy fish and others.

In the city of Formosa (Argentina) on July 15, national competitions are held, during which participants catch a dorado. Incidentally, this fish is also dedicated to the exhibition, which is held in August in the town of Paso de la Patria.


Climatic conditions

The river basin area is located in the subtropical climate zone. On average, there is approximately 1, 000 mm of rainfall per year. Humidity is about 60%. The coldest month (when the average temperature is within + 11 ° С) is July. But January is the warmest. The average temperature at this time is + 22 ° C. During the rains that fall in autumn and spring, floods occur on the rivers of South America.
