the culture

The recreational function of the family as one of the most important functions of a social institution

The recreational function of the family as one of the most important functions of a social institution
The recreational function of the family as one of the most important functions of a social institution

Video: The Family As A Social Institution | Sociology (Lecture 8) 2024, June

Video: The Family As A Social Institution | Sociology (Lecture 8) 2024, June

The functions of the modern family are very different from the aspects of the social institutions of the past.


Currently, such ones as production, educational and security have practically disappeared. Nevertheless, many functions have retained their significance to the present. These traditionally include:

1. Household (or economic). This function satisfies both social and individual needs of each member of society. It protects the health of every person and is also responsible for the proper care of disabled and minors. In addition, this function regulates the distribution of responsibilities among all members of society.

2. Regenerative. The family performs the function of inheritance of position, social status, property and surname. In addition, the transfer of family values ​​is also included in this category. However, one should not mean only precious things under this concept. This rightly includes albums with family photographs, which are dear to the heirs as the story of their kind.

3. The recreational function of the family. Her responsibilities include ensuring proper rest. Each person, coming home, should feel absolutely protected from any impact of the outside world. Moreover, neither status, nor social status, nor the talents of a particular individual matter. The recreational function of the family has a special therapeutic effect.


The house should be considered a place that, like an isolated niche, allows you to forget about the worries and hardships of the outside world, thus becoming a support and a reliable refuge in which you can restore strength. This allows you to achieve harmony and satisfaction. The recreational function of the family is most fully performed in a cozy and warm atmosphere, as well as during communication with children and loved ones.

4. Educational. It allows you to provide the necessary self-realization, which is to educate new generations. This function includes the needs for motherhood and fatherhood, raising children, as well as an adequate level of contact with them.

5. Reproductive. This function is responsible for maintaining the population and satisfying sexual needs. Love as a form of expression of this task in the basic unit of society includes two concepts: procreation and fulfillment of conjugal duty.


However, these definitions should not be shared. Children are an integral part of the family, which allows you to establish and stabilize relationships in it. Nevertheless, many believe that having children is only to add new worries and chores to existing ones. Of course, to some extent it is. But you should not forget that unwillingness to extend your family can with a high probability lead to irreparable deformation of relationships between family members. Such situations on a global scale lead to a decrease in the birth rate and a reduction in the population, not only in a particular country, but throughout the world as a whole.

As can be seen from the list, the recreational function of the family occupies a special place and is one of the most important functions of the cell of society under the name "Family".