
Khrushchev renovation: program

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Khrushchev renovation: program
Khrushchev renovation: program

Video: Khrushchyovka! Typical USSR Apartment Building. "Real Russia" ep.17 2024, July

Video: Khrushchyovka! Typical USSR Apartment Building. "Real Russia" ep.17 2024, July

The process of reconstruction, improving the appearance and comfortable living of residents of the capital begins renovation. Khrushchev’s, perhaps, not all and not equally outdated, if we consider only the walls and roofs. However, all communications equipment — heating, electrical wiring, water and gas supply, and sewage — came to almost complete disrepair. Only the renovation conceived by the authorities of the capitals can help here.

It would be possible to repair Khrushchevs, as, for example, they had done in Kaliningrad, and it would have turned out just as beautifully, but the communications there were unlikely to be completely replaced, and without this there is no point in overhauling. Building a house using new technologies will cost the country much cheaper. In addition, people will live in more spacious and modern apartments, even the area of ​​residence will not change.


What is renovation

For the most part, the Khrushchevs are on the verge of unsuitability for human life, and there is no need at all to wait for the moment when accidents begin to occur. Renovation in civil engineering involves not only the complete replacement of old housing with new. This, first of all, is an innovative process concerning the sphere of fixed capital, where the very functional purpose of the reconstructed objects is changing.

The ECE Committee held a number of international conferences, seminars, symposia on housing issues and urban planning. As a result, Europe came to the conclusion that the general trend is the maximum preservation of existing buildings, even if they are not historical or architectural monuments, but simply residential buildings of traditional ordinary buildings. They still serve as quite important elements of the city environment. In Germany, whole areas were reconstructed in this way. However, buildings like Moscow and St. Petersburg, which are now facing renovation, are unlikely to be preserved there. The Khrushchevs — cramped, cheap, and uncomfortable — were built primarily in the USSR.



In May 2017, a law was passed in the Moscow City Duma promising additional guarantees of property and housing rights for legal entities and individuals, which will be affected by the renovation of the Moscow housing stock. When a similar federal law is issued, the renovation of the Khrushchevs will begin in the capital, 2017 will be a turning point, old houses will be massively demolished by entire areas as potentially emergency and practically unsuitable for living housing. Many residents of the capital are pleased with this circumstance. Some fear and do not trust their authorities.

Nevertheless, an appropriate program for the renovation of the Khrushchevs was developed. Residents will not have to spend their savings on the purchase of new housing, even with the move they will be helped. The demolition of dilapidated five-story buildings and the relocation of their residents into modern comfortable houses - this is what the renovation of the Khrushchevs in Moscow suggests. Muscovites will receive free of charge apartments with equivalent living area in the area of ​​residence in completely new houses built using the most advanced technologies. It is supposed to build monolithic-brick buildings for this purpose.



Plans for the renovation of the Khrushchevs appeared in the Moscow government for a long time, since these buildings, as they say, without architectural excesses, were also dilapidated, and the capital is the face of the country, they judge all of Russia through its streets. The appearance of the city is the same five-story, very numerous, very spoil.

Most of the Khrushchevs were built half a century ago, starting from 1957, although there are two, three, four, and five-story buildings in the capital that are much older, whose technical characteristics are similar to the Khrushchev type buildings. Almost all of these buildings are designed for life from twenty-five years to fifty. In the coming years, the most recent dates will expire. By the way, the Khrushchev renovation project has been implemented for a very long time - since 1988, and one hundred and sixty thousand families already live in other apartments. It’s just that the process is currently accelerating, because the operating time of such buildings is running out.

Series demolished and unbearable

However, in Moscow there will still be many five-story houses that were built in the first period of industrial housing construction. Previously, they were attributed to unbearable series, but after technical examinations it became clear that living in them would soon become impossible, the condition of these buildings was already unsatisfactory, and it did not meet any of the modern requirements for comfort and safety.

The housing stock of the capital requires immediate attention and renewal, otherwise all five-story buildings will become emergency. That is why the renovation of the Khrushchev is moving at such a pace. Addresses of houses falling into demolition in the near future can be found on the website of the Moscow city administration and on the websites of municipalities.



As a result of the promulgation of the plans of the city hall, a protest movement of residents of houses intended for demolition appeared. Rallies for and against gather up to twenty thousand people. Some Moscow officials, apparently, are not sufficiently aware of the course of renovation, and therefore make conflicting statements. All kinds of rumors are rolling around and growing like a snowball about how the Moscow renovation of the Khrushchev will be carried out. St. Petersburg, for example, has been slowly updating the dilapidated housing for a long time, and there was no noise on this score. There, even one of the most successful developers proudly bears the name "Renovation of St. Petersburg." St. Petersburg, apparently, is not in vain considered a cultural capital.

And in Moscow they are trying to challenge the main thesis of the program - Khrushchevs really do not make sense to repair. Living in them is extremely inconvenient, morally outdated, and ugly, which for the capital could be the only reason. And the reasons are much greater, and the lack of beauty is approximately twenty-ninth. The main thing is the operating time, emergency communications. It’s not safe to live in them even today. A renovation program involves moving residents only after a few years.


Emergency funds

The emergency housing stock in the capital is growing, and the growth rate is simply depressing. The program of demolition of dilapidated houses was not worked out in vain right now and is already being discussed at the legislative level. Creating a comfortable living environment is the top goal, and today's tasks concern security of residents most of all. If major repairs, reconstruction, modernization, restoration would have helped in this problem, we would have stopped at such a solution, but in this situation it’s faster, cheaper, and it’s more profitable for residents - only demolition.

Not only are the five-story Khrushchevs morally and physically obsolete, they are on the verge of an accident. Mayor Sergei Sobyanin did not in vain call such houses junk. Opponents indicate that the condition close to the emergency was determined not by experts, but by the residents living in these houses, as well as their deputies. Millions of complaints have accumulated in municipalities. Who can know better the condition of their own home, if not the owners? Data from local governments - quite reliable information.


The Moscow government has already published a preliminary list of four and a half thousand buildings that are to be demolished in the first place. All these buildings do not meet modern living conditions, they are dilapidated, and most residents voted for the relocation. Any home can refuse a renovation program. Voting has already taken place - it was held from May 15 to June 15, 2017.

Moreover, the mayor is sure that the list of houses falling under demolition should be expanded if their residents insist on it. However, the law by the State Duma has not yet been adopted, and therefore it is not yet possible to find answers to burning questions either in the prefecture or in the administration. In addition to the adoption in the State Duma, the law should be approved by the Federation Council and the signature of the president.


If renovation passes by

If a certain building is not included in the initial list of renovations, this house will not be demolished in the near future, and residents will not have to participate in the voting on this program. But for now. Mayor Sobyanin says that the opinion of residents of the capital will be listened to carefully, and if two-thirds of the inhabitants of Khrushchev vote at the general meeting for resettlement, then the initial list will be supplemented, since it is not final.

In addition to the five-story Khrushchev, the old two-four-story houses will be subject to demolition, if they are in the same emergency condition. Even nine-story buildings that fell into quarterly development can enter the renovation program if residents demand relocation. Rallies in Moscow are held, both against and for renovation. Opinions are divided.

Demolition Series

The original document says that apartment buildings erected in the first period of industrial housing construction, that is, from 1957 to 1968, will be subject to demolition. This includes panel buildings of the 1MG-300, 1605-AM, II-35, II-32, K-7 series. This information is on the website of the urban planning policy of the capital. It also says that buildings built before 1957 will be included in the renovation program if their characteristics are just as disappointing.

Comfortable and sound five-story houses will not be demolished if their condition is satisfactory. The list already includes some buildings that are not related to the aforementioned period of construction, which are completely different from Khrushchev’s. It’s just that some of them are already more than a hundred years old, and the rest are close to this threshold. In addition, entire areas and some houses where residents protested due to relocation were excluded from the preliminary list.
