
Director Igor Kopylov: biography, creativity and personal life

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Director Igor Kopylov: biography, creativity and personal life
Director Igor Kopylov: biography, creativity and personal life

It was only almost reaching the age of Christ and becoming a father that Igor Kopylov suddenly realized that the main thing in his life was his family, and all his work and work were only everyday life.

Despite the fact that this year he will be fifty-two years old, he still has ups and downs, about which he does not reflect at all. He knows that no matter what happens, a loving wife and son will always be waiting for him at home.


The birthplace of the future actor, director, screenwriter and producer Kopylov Igor Sergeyevich was the city of St. Petersburg, in which he was born on June 1, 1967.

The boy grew up quite introverted, immersed in his inner world, which he drew from the pages of his favorite books, which he simply adored to read. As he grew older, his passion for books only grew stronger. Igor began to collect rare editions, as a result of which he became a regular visitor to the bookstore "Bukinist", located on Liteiny Prospect.

By high school, he finally realized that only the profession of an actor can help reveal his subtle creative personality. Therefore, after graduating from secondary school, Igor Kopylov became a student of the faculty of acting and directing of the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography named after N.K. Cherkasov.


Theater actor

In 1991, after graduating from the Institute of Theater and Cinema, Igor was enrolled in the troupe of the avant-garde theater "Farsy". According to many theatergoers, one of the best temples of Melpomene in St. Petersburg. And this despite the fact that it consisted of only eleven artists, including Igor Kopylov, whose biography is dedicated to this article, and director Viktor Kramer.

The Farce Theater studied artist served for sixteen years, which he considers the happiest in his life. At that time, he could be seen in such productions as “Farsi, or New Medieval French Jokes”, “Fantasies, or Six Characters Waiting for the Wind”, “Vohlyaki from Goloplek”, “Hamlet”, “Stepanchikovo Village and its inhabitants ", " I have to kill the president ", as well as in solo performances" Following the trail of your blood in the snow "and" Something ethereal."

In the photo - Igor Kopylov in a scene from the play "Hamlet" of the Farsy Theater.


Successful theater performances and foreign tours continued until 2003, when one day the Farsi troupe suddenly discovered that their theater was morally obsolete. The era of television projects and TV shows entered into its own rights, while theatrical stages, especially of such a small theater as Farsy, became less and less popular.


On December 19, 2007, the theater played the last performance. It was all the same production of "Farsi, or the New Medieval French Jokes" with which this theater began in 1991. The audience applauded while standing …


Despite the fact that he didn’t really like to express his thoughts on paper and knew how to work in parallel with the Farsi Theater, Igor Kopylov made his debut as a screenwriter. He wrote his first play “I won’t”, on the basis of which later he himself shot the movie of the same name with Lisa Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev in the lead roles, back in 1993.


The first “I won’t tell” was followed by his plays such as “Lousy Story”, “Henry” and “The Case of Cornet O.”, which later came to life on the theaters of St. Petersburg, Magnitogorsk and even Hamburg. When 1998 came and Kopylova was involved in the filming of the famous TV series Black Raven, the latter took a chance and offered his ideas to the main screenwriter of this television project. He handed them to the producer of the series and received his approval. From that moment, Igor Kopylov began to write scripts for the movie.


Kopylov became a film director by chance in 2003. During the filming of the detective "Mongoose", the author of the script, as well as the performer of one of the main roles of which was Igor himself, unforeseen circumstances arose due to the difficulties of filming in the Ethnographic Museum. Then Kopylov, pretending that he had a lot of friends and acquaintances working just in this museum, had the courage and invited the producers of the series to agree with his leadership and get permission to shoot in exchange for the fact that they would allow him to shoot one of the series on his own. The producers took a chance. But with the condition that Igor Kopylov manage in three days.


He managed and since then understood his real life vocation - to be a director. The happiness that this profession began to bring to him could not be compared even with the years of his work at the Farsi Theater.

Despite the fact that Kopylov never had any director's education, he became the author of such films and TV shows as “Mongoose”, “Mongoose 2”, “Where happiness lives, ” “Arrow of Fate”, “Streets of Broken Lights”, "One Love, " "Start Again, " "I Won't Tell, " and many others.


His last directorial work was the multi-part crime drama “Leningrad 46”, which tells about the fate of the inhabitants of post-war Leningrad, who suffers from the rampant crime.

Movie actor

The film debut of Igor Kopylov was a small role in the drama "Hell, or Dossier on himself, " which premiered in 1990.


The film, which tells about the events taking place in 1948 during the heyday of repression and camps, won many awards and was appreciated not only by the audience, but also by film critics.

Recognition and popularity came to Kopylov only nine years later, when the television series Black Raven was shown on the screens of the country, in which the actor played one of the main roles.


Igor played a rather non-standard image of Ivan Larin. An interesting hero who lived his fate from a sissy of an alcoholic mother to a famous journalist.

The entire filmography of Igor Kopylov to date totals more than a hundred works in seventy-one film projects, among which the most remembered by the audience are films and TV shows such as “Streets of Broken Lights”, “We Are All at Home”, “Gangster Petersburg”, “Mongoose”, "Features of national policy", "Brezhnev", "Two of the casket", "Start again", "Road patrol", "Secrets of the investigation", "Coma" and "Leningrad 46".