
Questioning results: research methods, thematic questions, features of the survey and the importance of statistical analysis

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Questioning results: research methods, thematic questions, features of the survey and the importance of statistical analysis
Questioning results: research methods, thematic questions, features of the survey and the importance of statistical analysis

Video: Part 1 - Using Excel for Open-ended Question Data Analysis 2024, July

Video: Part 1 - Using Excel for Open-ended Question Data Analysis 2024, July

The results of the survey of parents allow the class teacher to make certain adjustments to the plan of educational work. Questioning is a method of collecting the necessary information about the analyzed object. Analysis of the results of the questionnaire conducted by interviewing the respondent helps the teacher to identify certain problems, to select ways to solve them.

Method Feature

The teacher uses a similar technique when the only way to obtain information is through the student (parent).

Verbal (verbal) information - survey results that can be processed using computer technology. The main advantage of the method is its versatility. Processing the results of the questionnaire is carried out using ready-made tables, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the work of the teacher. During the survey, the motives of the functioning of individual students, as well as the results of their work, are noted.


Method essence

Questioning is rightly called the most massive option for collecting information using special questionnaires (questionnaires). It can be considered a variant of the survey, which envisages filling in a special respondent a special form with questions of the questionnaire. It contains social and demographic information about the respondent.


Questioning Options

Depending on what kind of survey results the teacher wants to receive, he uses a solid or tested version of the survey. The first involves a survey of all participants in the process (social group), the team. It is used in situations where a small number of people participate in the survey.

The survey results give an idea of ​​the relationships in small groups. A direct survey involves recording responses by the respondents themselves.


Study Questioning Option

For example, when revealing the temperament of schoolchildren, a teacher can use one of the many methods. The children receive forms with questions, fill them out, then the teacher processes the results of the student survey.


Diagnosis of temperament

The study involved guys from the ninth grade. The teacher processes the results of the questionnaire using a key. Out of 60 points, respondents should mark only those that suit them.

  1. Resigned, submissive.
  2. Overly sensitive and too vulnerable.
  3. Show aggression, "attack" people during a conversation.
  4. Quickly get involved in a new job and switch to another.
  5. Easy to fall asleep and wake up.
  6. Cool immediately, losing interest in communication.
  7. Fatigue is characteristic of you.
  8. You are cheerful and happy.
  9. Characterized by sensitivity to tears.
  10. You are hardworking and hardy.
  11. Always complete the work you have begun.
  12. Making contact with strangers is difficult.
  13. Inert, listless, inactive.
  14. You easily endure troubles and setbacks.
  15. You easily endure your loneliness.
  16. You can easily adapt to a variety of circumstances.
  17. You do not have anger.
  18. You like accuracy.
  19. You are distinguished by timidity and insignificant activity.
  20. You are susceptible to censure and approval.
  21. You are slightly involved in the work, switching from one case to another.
  22. Your hallmark is silence.
  23. When you reach your goal, you are persistent.
  24. The dispute is original.
  25. Not always confident in their abilities and capabilities.
  26. Do not finish the started business.
  27. Do not have malice, be condescending to the taunts addressed to you.
  28. Do not waste your strength.
  29. Easily adapt to the nature of the interlocutor.
  30. Hot-tempered and unrestrained.
  31. Fearfulness is an inherent quality.
  32. You are manifested in decisions of haste.
  33. Do not be patient.
  34. It's hard for you to tolerate the flaws of other people.
  35. You are prone to fervor and unbalanced.
  36. Fussy, restless.
  37. You are constantly striving for new information.
  38. You do not have stability in your inclinations and interests.
  39. The speech is passionate, fast, with confused intonation.
  40. Differs in a stable cheerful mood.
  41. Differ in endurance.
  42. You have expressive facial expressions.
  43. The speech is distinct and quick, accompanied by bright facial expressions and lively gestures.
  44. Characterized by sharp movements.
  45. The speech is weak, quiet, reaching to a whisper.
  46. He speaks smoothly, making certain stops.
  47. You are responsive and outgoing, do not feel constrained.
  48. You are reasonable and careful.
  49. You are thorough and consistent.
  50. In your interests you are constant.
  51. For yourself and other people, you have increased demands.
  52. You are characterized by jerky work.
  53. In relationships with people, you are straightforward and cutting.
  54. Characterized by initiative and determination.
  55. You communicate with classmates exactly.
  56. It’s hard for you to adapt to a new situation.
  57. Take on a new business with enthusiasm.
  58. Characterized by patience and restraint.
  59. You are distracted by trifles.
  60. You are characterized by sharp mood swings.

Questionnaire Processing

The results of the questionnaire allow you to determine the type of temperament:

  • for a melancholic: 1, 2, 7, 9, 12, 15, 19, 25, 29, 45, 51, 60;
  • sanguine: 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 23, 26, 38, 40, 43, 47, 57, 59;
  • for phlegmatic: 11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 41, 46, 48, 49, 50, 55, 56, 58;
  • choleric: 3, 24, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 42, 44, 52, 53, 54

With a percentage of any type of temperament from 40 percent, it can be considered predominant in humans. With indicators in the range of 20-29 percent, temperament is expressed insignificantly, but with a lower value it is not taken into account.

Important aspects

A reference to the questionnaire results is compiled using special notation:

  • S is a sanguine person;
  • X is choleric;
  • F - phlegmatic;
  • M - melancholy.

A similar technique helps students choose their future profession.

Distinctive features

With a personal questionnaire, the questionnaire is required to communicate with a specific respondent, with the direct participation of the researcher, the questionnaire is filled out.

This technique is informative and convenient, it allows the questionnaire to constantly monitor the completeness and correctness of filling out the questionnaire, and if necessary, give the interviewee direct consultation.
