
Fish with red fins: name, description, photo

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Fish with red fins: name, description, photo
Fish with red fins: name, description, photo

Video: Aquarium Fishes Names, Meaning & Images | Necessary Vocabulary Tutorial 2024, July

Video: Aquarium Fishes Names, Meaning & Images | Necessary Vocabulary Tutorial 2024, July

Some inexperienced anglers are confused when they catch beautiful river fish with red fins. It can be roach, perch or rudd. Such bright prey brings the fisherman joy, satisfaction from being able to outwit such an attractive fish. We suggest you get acquainted with the names of river fish with red fins, as well as aquarium and lake representatives of such an unusual color. All these fish have their own characteristics of nutrition and behavior. In our article, you look at a photo of aquarium and river fish with red fins, get acquainted with its description. Well, go ahead …

Which fish has red fins?

The red color of the fins and tail gives the inhabitants of the ponds brightness and attractiveness. Many readers are interested in the name of the river and aquarium fish with red fins. We invite you to meet the most prominent representatives of such an appearance:

  1. Roach.
  2. Krasnoperka.
  3. Perch.
  4. Asp.
  5. Chub.
  6. Brook trout.
  7. Gustera.
  8. Podust.
  9. Pike.
  10. The barbus is striped.
  11. Gold fish.
  12. Labeo is two-tone.

Fish with red fins and tail - roach


A very beautiful and common aquatic inhabitant is roach. This river fish with red fins is loved by most anglers. In Russia, especially in Siberia, it is considered the most numerous species. Very few rivers, wherever it occurs.

Roach - not only river, but also lake fish with red fins. She deserves attention to herself. It is not particularly large in size - about a palm. The largest can be caught at 20 cm. She loves running water, so she does not swim in quiet places. Fishermen lovingly call it a tile. In Siberia, in the Trans-Ural lakes, it grows to large sizes (50 cm in length).

Many already know the appearance of this river fish with red fins and a tail. But for inexperienced anglers it is worth describing it again. Her scales are pure silver, sometimes gives a golden tint. Roach has a dark back, sometimes slightly greenish with red-orange pectoral fins and pinkish on the belly. Her eyes are also almost red.

The closest relative of the rudd is very similar to roach, but still these are different fish. The body of a roach is more elongated, while that of a rudd is slightly wider. The second has no red eyes, and the fins, on the contrary, are intensely red in color. These two similar fish also differ by mouth. The rudd grabs the food with the upper lip, and the roach has adapted to capture the lower. This is due to the fact that roach is looking for food at the bottom, and rudd is looking at the surface. Roach can mix with other types of fish, so sometimes it is difficult to distinguish it from hustlers, rudd, bream. Photos of this river fish with red fins you can watch above.

So, roach refers to freshwater inhabitants. Its two closely related forms live in the sea: ram - in the Azov, roach - in the Caspian. And roach, and ram spawn in the rivers, and then again swim away into the sea. Roach from lakes and reservoirs in the spring is looking for a spawning ground in the upper reaches of the rivers. Anglers are really looking forward to this spring roach course due to excellent fishing. Fish spawns in shallow bays or in the elders of rivers. Spawning is very rapid - fish flocks arrange real merrymaking.

Roach swims in smooth, non-turbulent currents - reaches, river bends, branches and channels. Often she swims in flocks in reeds. She does not like stale water, she chooses clean and deep places near bushes and snags.

Roach is an omnivorous species of fish. She likes to feed on insect larvae, small crustaceans and mollusks, worms, insects, algae and other aquatic plants. In summer, she prefers green food. Roach - daytime fish, is active in the morning. Only large specimens tend to hunt in the dark.

Roach mood is affected by water temperature and weather. In cold weather, she almost does not eat and becomes lethargic. Before the onset of frost, it stray into flocks and sinks into the wintering pits. In this half-asleep state, she spends the entire winter period.

Catching roach is not so simple - it is a tricky fish. She has the property of spitting out a bait hook. The survival instinct makes her go astray. You must be a skilled fisherman to catch a net with a shiny fish with red fins and a tail. The life of a fisherman without this fun, lively and silver fish would be boring and poor! So you learned about roach - fish with red eyes and fins.

Common rudd common in our waters


Many in childhood felt a tremulous feeling, catching a rudd, a fish with red fins and a tail. She is very similar to roach, only brighter in color. Fishermen are happy to hunt for rudd, it gives them joy and satisfaction. In the rivers and lakes of Russia it is very common. This is especially true of reservoirs in the basins of the Azov, Black, Aral and Caspian Seas. A lot of it in Siberia and the Baltic. Near the coast of the Pacific Ocean, Far Eastern redfin, or ugai, is caught. In different regions, she is also called the red-eyed, red-winged, rudd, rug, chemise, scruffy, chernukha.

Krasnoperka is considered the most beautiful fish of our reservoirs. It has a high body, covered with golden scales, orange eyes with a red spot in the upper part, pink and raspberry fins. Sometimes such beautiful fins reach a length of up to 35 cm. The rudd has not become an industrial fish, some of its taste is slightly bitter.

The rudd does not like fast currents. It swims in river bays, elders, flowing ponds, vast lakes and reservoirs. She tastes more deaf places than roaches. She prefers placement between reeds, reeds, arrowheads, water lilies and other plants. Here she is not only looking for food, but also hiding from predators. Smaller fish swim for feeding in reed beds between bushes and snags. Large Krasnoperk to taste more spacious, offshore places. They swim in underwater hills overgrown with grass.

The fisherman needs knowledge to hunt for rudd. For example, this fish swims to underwater grasses only during their growth and flowering. In the fall, when they fade and decompose, rudd prefers to live near reeds, reeds and horsetails.

Photos of fish with red fins, rudd, you can watch above. She often takes a fancy to a site in a reservoir and does not swim far from it. In hot weather, the rudd comes up in the upper layers of the water and basks in the sun. The nutrition of this fish is both plant and animal food: plant shoots, insects, larvae. Most of all, she loves mollusk eggs laid on the leaves of water lilies.

There are different species of rudd, depending on the habitat. She begins to spawn after 3-5 years, when puberty comes. By the time of spawning, the color of the rudd is even more saturated and bright. They hide caviar in aquatic plants in several portions. Sometimes one fish lays about 250 eggs. For the incubation period, it takes about four days, after which the juvenile stage begins.

Radius perch


There are a lot of perches in our reservoirs. Their lower fins and tail also have a rather bright orange-red color. On the back of the perch is a large fin, consisting of two parts - prickly and soft. In the mouth of the fish are quite large teeth in several rows and fangs. The perch is covered with very small scales, which are difficult to clean, it is tight to the skin. There are several dark stripes on the body. River bass can reach 3 kg of weight.

There are several species of perches, their color depends on this. There are individuals with a greenish-gray and gray-green color. Deep-sea fish are characterized by very large eyes.

Perch is comfortable living in freshwater bodies with a small current, medium depth, and the presence of vegetation. This is a very voracious and illegible food predator. He is not averse to profit from fry, small crustaceans, mollusks, insect larvae, caviar laid by another fish. Young perches feed on small crustaceans and insects. Small roach and tops are already tough for grown up individuals. Adult perches feed on stickleback and minnow. Sometimes they do not disdain mosquito larvae, crayfish and frogs. In order for digestion to be productive, this predator sometimes swallows small stones and algae.

The perch begins to breed at the age of 2-3 years. He spawns in large flocks in shallow water. Males fertilize eggs, which hangs on the roots of plants, flooded branches, snags. The masonry looks like a lace ribbon consisting of 700-800 eggs. The fry appear on the 20th day. When they grow up to 10 cm in length, they become predators.

Perch is artificially bred in ponds, because the fish is very tasty. This fish is so predatory that sometimes in pursuit of a prey it can jump ashore. Small perches come across much more often than large humpbacks. These fish are comfortable not only in rivers, but also in lakes and ponds. Often they destroy valuable fish species such as carp, trout and pike perch. Adults weigh about 600 grams on average. The meat of perch is rich in various vitamins and minerals.


Ancient asp fish

The representative of the special species Aspius Aspius with red ventral fins is asp. Most of all it is found in the reservoirs of Western Asia. She lives in large lakes and rivers of medium size. Often found in reservoirs of Central Europe, flowing into the Black, Azov, Baltic Sea.


In its family, this red-feathered fish is the largest. The standard weight of an adult is from 2 to 4 kg. Large specimens reach 8 kg of weight. In the Moscow River, even 15 kilogram asps were caught. This fish has many chewing teeth, small scales, small eyes, and a pointed head shape. The asp has a broad back, shimmering in gray and blue. The belly of the fish is white. Eyes are yellow. But the fins are just the color we are interested in - gray with red tints.

An ancient asp fish feeds exclusively during the day, going into small places. Sometimes on the surface of the water you can notice its dorsal fin resembling a shark. The asp floats at high speed, therefore, creates waves in the water. A special dish for this predator is small fish. Having seen a flock of this fish near, an asp can make real pirouettes in the air. In the early morning, you can often hear loud splashes from the blows of his tail on the water. So he stuns his prey. Sometimes he catches fish and jaws.

Asp is a rather rare fish; it is not grown for industrial purposes. Only occasionally, this handsome man will fall into the catch of a fisherman along with other fish. Even on the network, he rarely comes across, because when he sees it, he immediately turns around in the opposite direction. And to catch this fish with a fishing rod is simply very difficult.

Asp will spawn with the onset of winter, as soon as the first frosts begin. If someone manages to catch this beautiful fish, then it will be a good addition to the collection of the fisherman.


Handsome chub

Chub comes from a family of cyprinids, found in fresh water. Any fisherman considers such a catch a good trophy. Although this is a carp fish, but it leads a different lifestyle. This freshwater animal has a beautiful color: dark green back, yellowish sides with silver tints. The fins on the chest are orange and on the belly are red. This gives reason to confuse it with another beautiful fish - jasper. Only the chub is a larger species. Its weight can reach 8 kg.

The chub is a semi-predatory fish. She loves vegetation, but does not mind eating small fish, shellfish, worms, frogs. This fish lives in packs, only too large individuals are separated from the schools. A young chub hunts in the morning or in the afternoon, and more mature specimens seek prey even at night. He has excellent hearing, sight and smell, so he is very shy.


A beautiful chub is not a tasty fish. In its dry meat there are many thin bones. It is not suitable for frying, but it perfectly complements the ear. Many people like dried chub with beer.

Brook trout

Brook trout is very unusual - a fish with red fins. Photos of this beauty you can watch above. The back of the fish is covered with black and red spots. Red spots have a light border. The belly and fins of the fish also have a red color.


It is found in mountain rivers and streams of Western Europe. In Russia, this trout is found near the Murmansk coast, the Kola Peninsula, in the Volga, the Urals, as well as the rivers of Crimea, Kuban, Dniester, Dnieper.

Brook trout spawns in October-November; for this, it enters shallow areas with a fast current. For these purposes, it often rises high in the upper reaches of rivers and streams. Her puberty occurs after 3-4 years of life.

Brook trout is caught in natural reservoirs, and it is also bred artificially in fisheries. Young fish feed on small crustaceans, insect larvae, mollusks, tadpoles, frogs, rodents. In ponds, trout has competitors in nutrition. Also, young individuals can eat pike.

Pike predator

The most predatory freshwater fish is pike. Even her body adapted to her agility. This predator is distinguished by a flattened head, a huge mouth, and many small and large teeth. Also its fins have an orange-red color. Her torso is gray-green speckled. It darkens with age. The body shape of the pike resembles a long cylinder covered with mucus and small scales. All this so that the fish can move rapidly in the water.


Pike is very voracious, its victims are roach, perch. But this does not end there. Adults exhibit cannibalism, 20% of their diet are fry of their own species. Also, these aquatic animals do not disdain reptiles, large insects, various garbage, mice, moles, small birds.

Pike puberty occurs in 3-4 years. The fish begins to spawn in April. To do this, she climbs into the thickets and lays eggs on trunks and leaves. Each female is accompanied by several males to the spawning site. A week later, larvae emerge from the eggs.

Adult pikes constantly move around the pond in search of food. Visual and seismic sensory orientation helps her to find the victim. Fixed predators do not perceive these predators. Each individual in the pond has its own area for hunting. Pike captures any fish caught from the head and swallows it. The fact is that this predator has a very wide mouth. The prey in the stomach can be digested for a week, but the pike still swallows new victims from time to time.

Many fishermen hunt pike, and it is also bred industrially. You can buy raw, dried and smoked pike in stores. A photo of river fish with red fins (pike) is presented above.

Aquarium barbus

So you found out what the name of the fish with red fins (river) is called. Now the turn has come to describe aquarium individuals. Some readers are interested in an aquarium striped fish with red fins. It's about a barbus. You can watch it in the photo above. This is a fairly common genus of aquarium fish. They are characterized by a bright and varied color, very mobile, active and not capricious. Many beginner aquarium lovers acquire these unpretentious fish with red fins.


They brought these unpretentious fish from Chinese, Asian and African ponds. Beautiful barbs in the wild live in large flocks. Difficulties in their content never arise. They love old water, with a desired 1/3 replacement. Comfortable temperature for their maintenance is from 23 to 26 ° С.

Barbuses are very fast and fast fish, so you need to choose the right aquarium for them. It is best to choose an elongated and elongated tank, where these nimble animals could accelerate. Dark soil and bright lighting are also important for such aquariums. Such a contrast can emphasize the bright color of the barbs. To do additional maneuvers in the aquarium, floating plants will help fish.

These handsome men love to live in flocks of 5-7 pieces, but sometimes they pull up each other. Barbs are bred in separate pairs or groups (1 female and 2-3 males). Females are very prolific and can produce up to 1, 000 eggs. First they hold courtship games.

Sometimes a barbus is called a “striped robber, ” because it shows an unbearable character. This restless bully can rush around the aquarium and get other fish. The little handsome is distinguished by a short, high and squeezed body on the sides. The structure of the body, he resembles a little crucian. Its color is yellowish with silver tints. On its body there are four distinctive stripes of black color. The ventral fins are red, and the dorsal fin is bordered with a reddish strip.

Aquarium goldfish

We continue to acquaint you with the names of fish with red fins. At one time, aquarium goldfish were artificially removed from the genus of crucian carp. You have probably seen golden fish with red fins in aquariums. These are ray-finned fish from the order of cyprinids and the family of cyprinids. The golden color of the scales with a red tint served as the reason for the name of these beautiful aquarium inhabitants.


The goldfish has an elongated, compressed on the sides and rounded body. She also has very long beautiful fins of red-orange color. They resemble the lightest veil fluttering in the wind. It is a pleasure to watch the movement of the flock of these bright beauties. After all, their color can vary from red-golden, pale pink to fiery red, bronze. But the belly of the fish is always lighter than the back. In the 7th century, Dutch and Portuguese merchants sold goldfish very expensively.

Aquarium goldfish reaches a length of about 15 cm and lives about 15 years. It comes in many forms. These aquatic inhabitants are schooling, do not always get along with other species of animals. They do not like special decoration of aquariums, therefore they need only a little underwater vegetation. Sometimes they are even kept in empty aquariums, without decorations.