
Catfish. general information

Catfish. general information
Catfish. general information

Video: CATFISH FACTS | Catfish Overview, Important Things to Know About These Fish. 2024, July

Video: CATFISH FACTS | Catfish Overview, Important Things to Know About These Fish. 2024, July

Catfish is a large freshwater fish that lives in the rivers and lakes of our country. Adults grow up to 3 meters in length and weigh up to 150 kg.

Depending on the season and habitat, catfish, a photo of which can be found in large numbers on the Internet, has a different color - from black to bright yellow. Sometimes it is possible to meet an albino.

Catfish has a large and wide head. Large jaws contain many small sharp teeth. Near the mouth of the fish are two long white whiskers, and a little lower, on the chin, four more small ones. Catfish eyes are large and lowered. The skin has no scales.


The small fin of fish on the back does not at all look like an anal one - longer, wider. The tail occupies a significant part of the body.

Som is a fish that lives at the bottom of a reservoir, its body is fully adapted to such a life. It rarely rises to the surface of the water. Usually catfish finds a deep hole and settles in it. Also, the place should be quiet, without strong currents, and the bottom should be solid. He loves driftwood and fallen trees. Catfish is a thermophilic fish. Already in early autumn, with the appearance of the first cold weather, it ceases to eat and lies at the bottom for wintering.

Fish catfish does not like muddy water, so during the rain it hides in its pit.

It is omnivorous, so it can be safely called a "nurse of the pond." Catfish feed on frogs, mollusks, crustaceans, waterfowl, and small animals that cross the river. Also, he will not give up the meat of dead animals.

But his main diet is fish. To catch her, the catfish disguises itself and waits for her approach. He does not pursue his victim, but attacks unexpectedly. For food, catfish fish emerges at night, near its pit you can observe increased activity.

Usually he hunts alone, but if there is a lot of food, then you can see several fish at the same time in one place.


Catfish fish grows slowly. Gains 1.5-2 kg per year, and only by the age of five its weight is 8-10 kg, and the length is one meter. Sexual maturity in fish occurs only by 3-4 years of life.

Spawning in catfish begins with the warming of water to 17-19 degrees, starting in late May. To do this, he leaves his pit and finds a quiet place (backwaters or bays).

The female herself selects a male from among numerous applicants, after which they drive the rest away.

Together they go to the place where the spawning will take place, which the couple prepare together. To do this, catfish dig holes up to 1 meter deep, after which the female lays a small amount of caviar.

Larvae appear after 7-10 days, at which time both parents are nearby and guard them, driving away other fish. With the advent of fry, catfish leave the spawning place and return to their pit.


You can catch this fish from the end of April to August. Catfish peck best at night. Earthworms, leeches and frogs are suitable as bait. They usually don’t go to catfish with artificial baits; they don’t always get into the pit because of the current. Good fishing assistants will be a high-quality and strong fishing rod, a rubber boat and a net, which can be used to get the catch out of the water.

Soms weighing up to 5 kg and after 20 kg are usually released. Young individuals still need to grow up, and very large individuals have reproductive value.