women's issues

The Russian designer clearly showed how every woman can be “woken up” so that she turns into a queen

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The Russian designer clearly showed how every woman can be “woken up” so that she turns into a queen
The Russian designer clearly showed how every woman can be “woken up” so that she turns into a queen

Video: JavaDo - RetroPi Handheld Java Gaming 2024, July

Video: JavaDo - RetroPi Handheld Java Gaming 2024, July

Ugly women do not exist. It’s just that some of us, under the weight of everyday problems, sometimes forget about ourselves, because in a day you need to have time to complete many different things. Feed the family, take the child to kindergarten, help the student with the lessons, tidy up the apartment - this is only a fraction of the intended. And also to warm, caress his beloved husband, listen to his problems, calm and comfort.

When to keep up with everything?

And this is in addition to the main work aimed at generating income for the maintenance of the family. Yes, yes, because a woman, like a man, in our difficult time is a getter. Living is expensive today, so you have to look for all sorts of ways to earn money.

And when the next day ends, you understand that it was just not enough time for my beloved. “Well, okay, I'll take care of myself tomorrow, ” we think, but morning comes, and everyday problems involve in another cycle, which has no beginning and no end.