
Rosa Makagonova - Russian beauty and stamina

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Rosa Makagonova - Russian beauty and stamina
Rosa Makagonova - Russian beauty and stamina

Rosa Ivanovna Makagonova (1927–1995) was born and raised in Samara, spread out on the banks of the most beautiful Russian river. She undoubtedly remembered her all her life and dreamed someday to lower her palms into the Volga. Get up on the promenade and look at the barely visible opposite shore.


Rosette always waited for the evening to be organized at the school, then she would go on stage and recite poetry. She imagined herself to be an actress, especially since in Samara, where she grew up, there was a beautiful drama theater. Reading verses on stage, dressed in a light dress, she almost did not feel cold, and in the hall people were sitting in coats and fur coats. And after school, to the hospital, helping the wounded. When the school was finished, there was no doubt about the choice of the way - it will become an actress. And together with her friend she went to the capital. Moscow attracts everyone. Rosa Makagonova in this sense is no exception.


At the end of the forties, she came to Moscow to become an actress, and entered the Institute of Cinematography for the course taught by Sergey Yutkevich and Mikhail Romm.


A capable young student was noticed and invited to star in 1950. Rosa Makagonova played the role of a schoolgirl. She did not have a hostel. Rose was shooting a corner. Once, returning home in the evening, she coughed. There was blood on the scarf she brought to her lips. The girl was scared. Turning to the doctors, she found out that this is an open form of tuberculosis and should be seriously treated. There was no end to despair. For what? But the explanation is simple - a hungry and cold military childhood. Doctors knew that everything was not so hopeless, and reassured the girl. She managed to pull herself together.

Decade of success

After graduation, the young actress did not go unnoticed. At the university they let her go on set when she got the role of a student in a picture for children. In 1953, Rosa Makagonova appears on the screen in the film "The Fate of Marina", and a year later - "Certificate of Maturity" and "Dangerous Trails." Work more and more captivated her. But here there is a meeting with one of the most charming actors and directors of our cinema, with Vladimir Basov. They decide to unite their lives and become husband and wife. Bass was carried away in earnest, but Rosa did not have a strong feeling. She answered her husband with affection and care, but in marriage there were not enough children. Rosa was afraid that they might get infected from her. In 1954, Rosa Makagonova will play in two Basov films. And the year 1955 will be marked by filming in the film by Roza Ivanovna Makagonova, 1957 - “An Extraordinary Summer”. But the marriage with Basov was not long. They soon parted, maintaining friendship. At this time, Basov had already begun a new affair with the bright beauty Natalya Fateeva. Better to be alone, decided actress Rosa Makagonova. Her personal life will improve over time.


And Rose has already begun to notice and invite other directors. In 1956, she passed tests, and filming began in the movie novel "An Ordinary Man." There she played the role of Annushka Svekolkina. Almost without a break between filming, she already starred in another film in the role of Tashi. It was already 1957. And in 1958 there was no time to rest again. She participates in the films “Soldier's Heart” and “Flags on the Towers”. From 1959 to 1960, Roza Ivanovna starred in three films. This is practically a work for wear, which takes away all the time, all the strength and health.

Disease control

In 1962, with all her strength, Roza Makagonova, with full dedication, the actress, beloved and expected by everyone, plays one of the main roles in the film, which Yaropolk Lapshin removes - "The Sixteenth Spring."


And here her health completely fails. Trips to the shooting, the lack of conditions so affect her health that insidious tuberculosis stopped work for ten years. This means that the actress had a bed rest for a long time - with the expectation of going around the doctor, with the hope that he would say that she was feeling better. This hope and impatient expectation of recovery lasts ten long years. In fact, she lived in a hospital. What does this mean for an actress? Yes, the fact that they are slowly starting to forget her. And what will they offer to play when the tuberculous caverns are closed? Age roles. But there is still so much strength and desire to express yourself in your favorite profession. If it weren’t for her friends and Nikolai Kryuchkov, who constantly visit her, she would be completely discouraged. Nikolai Kryuchkov took an active part in the fate of Rosa. He brought her honey and folk remedies for consumption. Kryuchkov and friends support her desire to take part in voicing several cartoons. So Roza Ivanovna actively fought for life. And then love found her. An official looked after her beautifully, and now they got married. But happiness turned out to be fragile. Her husband was interested in money, that Rose was absolutely foreign. After living together for seven years, they still broke up. Once again, Rose Makagonova. Personal life does not add up.


In 1973, the famous director Konstantin Voinov invited her to audition.


He was looking for Lena for his new comedy "Cottage". Rosa Makagonova was approved, and she finally went to the set. Together with her in this film played her former husband Vladimir Basov.