
Rosa Mondial: Queen among white roses

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Rosa Mondial: Queen among white roses
Rosa Mondial: Queen among white roses



Roses are one of the most beautiful and popular flowers. They delight in their tenderness and beauty. People give roses to each other in order to express joy, love, respect, with them to decorate the holiday and congratulate a dear person on this or that event. Since ancient times, since the Victorian era, they were given to express their sincere feelings. The white rose is a symbol of pure, strong and strong love, which is higher than all other earthly feelings.

Currently, there are many varieties and a large number of shades. Here we look at the rose Mondial, which is the queen among white roses.


The emergence of the variety Mondial

The variety was bred by the Cordes nursery in Germany in 1993. The founder of the nursery is Wilhelm Cordes. By the way, the roses that appeared there are rightfully considered one of the best in the world. They are characterized not only by incomparable beauty, but also resistance to cold, long and magnificent blossoming. Roses are highly decorative, and as a result of breeding work they turned out frost-resistant and resistant to disease.

Rosa Mondial: Description

This is a representative of the tea-hybrid roses family, is one of the leading group of cut roses. Belongs to the Super Premium class. The bush has a great height, sometimes reaching one meter or more. This variety is distinguished by its unique personality. The flower is white, somewhat creamy in color and has a greenish hint of mint inside the bud.

The pronounced wavy edges only emphasize the tenderness of this flower, the shade of which symbolizes purity, peace and sincerity. Rose Mondiale has a large elongated glass bordered by abundant foliage. Petals are corrugated, which will look very nice in compositions and bouquets. It has a delicate, subtle smell. The stem height, as a rule, reaches 60-90 cm, the diameter and height of the bud is 8 (can reach 11 cm) and 6 (7) cm, respectively. The beauty of the flowers is emphasized by the gentle-looking greens, moreover, this rose has few thorns. In adulthood, they are large terry buds, each of which can have up to 40 petals. The leaves are strong and large, dark green in color. The bush is erect, dense, medium in size, has dense, shiny foliage.


This variety is distinguished from the rest by a long sturdy stalk, perfect flower shape and a faint aroma. Its flowers have unsurpassed freshness and juiciness. They grow well, not be afraid of moderate frosts and other natural influences, they are also resistant to various diseases.

Thanks to the selection, in addition to white, the Mondial rose received a number of shades, such as bright yellow, salmon orange, pale pink and white-greenish. There is a variety of Mondial roses, whose petals are coral pink in color at the edges and yellow at the base. Has large buds with an unusual opening. Its flowering is long and magnificent, lasts throughout the summer and autumn.

Once in the bouquet, they can for a rather long time retain freshness and beauty - this period sometimes lasts more than two weeks. All these magnificent features are collected in such a beautiful flower as the Mondial rose. A photo of her shows us her unique charm.



Such roses are one of the most beloved among women. They will equally successfully decorate a table for a future celebration, a festive bouquet, a flower bed, and will also look great in the bride's bouquet. They are preferred by birthday girls, school graduates, anniversaries, and of course, they will be a bright component of a romantic date.

They are recommended to be grown near the hedges in order to close the ugly appearance or as a background of the border. Magnificent buds of elongated goblet shape can act as a wonderful decoration for a personal plot. This flower is one of the most beloved among florists, since it produces stunning-looking bouquets, especially in combination with various kinds of greenery.

The natural appearance of these flowers does not need additional decorations: they can also be presented in solo bouquets, for this they take roses with higher stems. Their charm can be emphasized by greenery and laconic packaging.