
Head of Rostourism Oleg Safonov: biography, activities

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Head of Rostourism Oleg Safonov: biography, activities
Head of Rostourism Oleg Safonov: biography, activities

Without a doubt, every person on the planet loves to relax and simply does not imagine his life without a long-awaited vacation. Someone prefers to travel the world in order to see its beauty and meet new people, others dream of lying on the hot sand under the scorching sunshine near the sea or on the ocean, but there are those who want to plunge into the history of their country and look at the vastness where descendants once lived. All desires concerning trips around Russia and going abroad are fulfilled by one organization created specifically for these purposes. Its name is heard by many - "Tourism." It is about her that will be discussed in the material, and to be more precise, we will talk about her leader Oleg Safonov, who has been in office since 2014.



Our today's hero was born in Astana (Kazakhstan) on May 26, 1969. By the way, during his childhood, his native city was called Tselinograd. After school, which Oleg Safonov graduated in Kazakhstan in 1986 with honors, he went to Moscow with big plans. In the capital, a young purposeful guy easily entered the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation at the Faculty of "Finance and Credit".

In 1991, he received a diploma, which, like Safonov’s school certificate, was with honors. Such personnel have always been valuable in our country, so Oleg’s dizzying career began to rapidly gain momentum. By the way, shortly after graduation, the young man wrote a dissertation and defended it, receiving the title of candidate of economic sciences. He is currently a happy family man and father of three children.



By the age of 34, Oleg Safonov had reached considerable heights. His track record is quite extensive, so it is worth stopping at each post he conquered in more detail:

  1. From 2003 and four years ahead, Safonov was a top manager of the most influential stock exchange in our country - RTS.

  2. Since 2007, the profile of his activities has changed a little - Oleg Safonov moved from finance to management. He was appointed deputy director of the huge enterprise Uralvagonzavod.

  3. Having spent one and a half years in the leading position of a large industrial enterprise, Oleg Petrovich returned to the roots, becoming the financial director at the Center for High Technologies.

  4. Since 2011, Oleg Safonov was the Advisor to the Director General of the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange, and at that time he bought out a controlling stake in the Bank for Project Financing, which was recently closed.

  5. In 2014, Safonov bought out all the shares of the Regional Savings Bank from its five permanent owners, becoming the sole owner of all rights to it and a controlling package of documents.

  6. It is also worth noting that 2014 was full of significant events in Safonov’s life: on May 6 he was appointed to the post of head of Rostourism, and from that moment a completely new chapter began in his career, which we will pay closer attention to.



Safonov Oleg Petrovich came to the post in the company responsible for all tourism in Russia, inspired by many ideas and with rich managerial experience. Of course, he had to work hard to not only join the hitherto unknown industry, but also to change the situation in the tourism market, turning him in a positive direction.

People who travel the world export huge amounts of money from our country, so Safonov identified the main task for the Russian economy as an attempt to keep the Russian tourist in his native expanses. Although the head of Rostourism Oleg Safonov has repeatedly said in his interviews that the human right to travel and go abroad is stipulated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, but he firmly believes that a decent rest - comfortably and inexpensively - can be done at home.


Raise indicators

He and his colleagues are trying to do everything possible to bring Russia to the leading position in the field of tourism in the near future. Now, according to foreign visitors, our country closes the top ten, but, according to Safonov, the plans are to rise to third place, and it is better, of course, to be the first in this industry.

Steps to Leadership

Due to the fact that currently Russian tourists have closed the road to the resorts of Turkey and Egypt, and they, as you know, were the most popular over the past decade, many of our compatriots opted for the Black Sea resorts of Russia. Thanks to this, a huge amount of finances remained in our homeland, and this turn of events significantly stabilized the economic situation in the regions and allowed us to think about attracting foreign tourists to Russian open spaces. Oleg Safonov, whose biography is completely saturated with the ability to competently manage and invest money, with all responsibility decided to diversify the tourism of Russia:

  1. Many people around the world buy a tour package, which already includes flights, accommodation, sometimes meals, excursions and more. So, Safonov offered to sell such vouchers for foreigners who would like to visit our country, because this option is considered the most acceptable: a person does not worry where to live, where to eat and how to organize leisure in an unfamiliar place.

  2. Another important point for attracting foreign tourists and the desire of Russian citizens to relax on the territory of the Russian Federation, Safonov considers the expansion of brands. The brand in this case is a well-known route. For example, the Golden Ring of Russia brand recently turned 50 years old, and the flow of tourists who want to see the beauty of the cities of the tour does not thin out from year to year, but on the contrary, it is only growing. Now the Silver Necklace brand has been developed, which includes 12 regions, the Eastern Ring of Russia and Volga tours.

  3. In the last place in this list is to put profile tourism. Oleg Safonov says that it would be nice to develop religious tourism. For example, in Kalmykia, where they adhere to Buddhism. There is a peculiar atmosphere and unconventional for many Russians, and not only architecture. Even in our country, you can develop ethnographic tourism, showing the life of the Cossacks, and Arctic tourism, which will attract a large tourist flow, due to its unusualness. By the way, the route for him has already been thought out: on an icebreaker from Murmansk to the land of Franz Joseph.
