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Russian world, or what unites the peoples of the Russian Federation

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Russian world, or what unites the peoples of the Russian Federation
Russian world, or what unites the peoples of the Russian Federation

Video: Russia Geography/Russian Federation 2024, July

Video: Russia Geography/Russian Federation 2024, July

What unites the peoples of the Russian Federation? Is there something fundamentally new that this civilization can offer the planet during a crisis? To find the answer to such a multifaceted question, it is necessary to use the rules of analysis and decompose it into components.

National composition of the state

According to statistics, more than one hundred nationalities live in the country, Image

twenty-two of them (2010 data) are recognized as numerous. In order to understand what unites the peoples of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to delve into boring numbers. They will talk about a lot. Naturally, Russians (80.9%) form the basis of the population. But the analysis says that this indicator is growing (0.3%), despite a decrease in the total population. Statistics cannot tell about the unity of all people, but reflects general trends, among which an increase in the share of the country's indigenous peoples in the total population should be noted. For example, the census showed an increase in the number of peoples such as Buryats (3.6%), Yakuts (7.7%), Ingush (7.7%). There is some outflow of citizens to national states (Belarusians). It is clear that statistics will not tell you what unites the peoples of the Russian Federation. It only shows that people in the country live well, since they do not leave it, but coexist together.

What do lawyers say?

If we consider the issue from the point of view of the law, we will find out that in the formation of a multinational society, the territory plays an important role. You can’t argue with that. Although the Crimean events clearly show that people living in other territories want to enter this community. Another unifying factor is called legislation and language. But if you look deeper, it turns out that each of the subjects


States have their own laws that differ from general ones. And the language, of course, everyone can use their own. No one in Russia raises the issue of Russian dominance. National minorities and indigenous peoples have the right to use that speech, which is convenient and comfortable for citizens.

Traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation

There is more to it than strict numbers and laws. Each nation has its own customs, way of life. They are proud of, trying to save for their descendants. It turns out that more than a hundred peoples united by one territory have their own traditions. All of them are not only allowed to have and develop their own culture, it is also welcomed and encouraged by the state. This is what unites the peoples of the Russian Federation: respect for each other! Develop yourself and do not interfere with another! No, this does not mean the globalization that Western civilization carries. Peoples do not mix with each other in a common mass. In Russia, created


conditions for everyone to remain original, not to lose their individuality.