women's issues

The thinnest waist in the world

The thinnest waist in the world
The thinnest waist in the world

Video: Woman with the smallest waist in the world 2024, July

Video: Woman with the smallest waist in the world 2024, July

Which woman dreams of a slim, graceful and beautiful figure? And what kind of man will calmly walk past a beautiful woman with lush hips, high breasts and an elegant waist? Such women have always been attractive to males and there are many explanations for this. The first - for centuries, women with curvaceous forms have been the key to good health and childbearing. And it’s not necessarily a beautiful figure that only young people can have; history knows a lot of women of an “adult” age who possess elegant forms. And the thinnest waist is just fixed in 73-year-old woman Katie Jung. Incredibly, 38 cm is the waist volume of this extraordinary lady!

The most interesting thing is that in youth, the woman’s waist was much larger - 64 cm at the age of 28 years. Katie gave birth to three children and nevertheless, with the help of corsets, the woman managed to reduce her waist by 26 cm. Her predecessor, who had the thinnest waist - Ethel Granger, had a volume of 33 cm. Marrying, a young woman, with full assistance of her husband, she began to work on her figure and subsequently achieved such results. By the way, she "made" her waist also with the help of a corset.

The next girl who is only 7 cm behind her is Russian Oksana Mkhitaryan. 45 cm in girth is her narrowest point in the figure. The girl is 32 years old and she received the nickname "Krasnodar wasp." Where is the notorious 90-60-90 !!!! In the list of Russian beauties, of course, she is not the only one. All my life my beloved Lyudmila Gurchenko was famous for her figure. In her youth she was, perhaps, the thinnest waist - 48 cm and she kept it for life. Which woman can do it yet? Gurchenko throughout her life aroused envious glances among many women.

It was not known whether it was the thinnest waist (57cm) at the world famous and beloved Marilyn Monroe, which for many years was considered the standard of beauty, and it does not matter. Beauty Marilyn conquered men's hearts with the help of her crazy charm and fragile femininity. She was called the “goddess of love”, they considered sex a symbol of the country, she was adored, imitated, but was she happy? Did her extraordinary beauty and attractiveness bring her simply female happiness? As historical evidence says, no.

So neither the thinnest waist, nor the stunning beauty does not bring happiness and love to a woman’s life. In history, there were many cases where women who did not seem to have anything had so much love and happiness that no beauty could dream of it. Therefore, do not chase the notorious centimeters to the detriment of your health and your family. Yes, a woman, of course, should look after herself, be well-groomed and desired, but this should not turn into a mania. To maintain their shape in the right size, it is enough to eat right and perform some simple physical exercises.

As already verified over the years, the easiest way to get a slim waist is with a corset. But how many will survive this shrunken state for a long time, and why? Is it worth a few centimeters of the volume of such powerful victims? And who said that a girl with a thin waist will surely find love and happiness? No one, of course. In any case, in order for the waist to become narrower, there is a special set of exercises. In combination with a balanced diet, he will give his results without making such heavy sacrifices.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude all kinds of cakes, fast food, flour and fatty foods from your menu and replace all this “good” with fresh vegetables in the first place, fruits in the second. By connecting dairy products and greens, fish and non-fat meat plus cereals to this base, you will get an excellent full-fledged diet that will not contribute to the accumulation of excess fat on the waist and hips. A set of exercises will gradually remove excess kilograms from volumes. Here you have a beautiful waist and a slim figure. Good luck!