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The most beautiful royal names: female and male

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The most beautiful royal names: female and male
The most beautiful royal names: female and male

Video: The Most Beautiful Royals On Earth 2024, June

Video: The Most Beautiful Royals On Earth 2024, June

What cannot a person live without? What rejoices our hearing more than harmonious melodies? Of course, in your own name. Many are interested to know what beautiful royal names exist. Indeed, in our time the theme of kings and kings is popular. There is something attractive about these "superhumans." People like to create idols for themselves. They really want to know what the royal beautiful names mean, female and male. Aristocratic, imperial and royal dynasties passed certain names from generation to generation. A list of royal names will be presented in this article. Nowadays, the "monarchist" theme is very popular.


English royal female names

The life of British kings and queens inspires many contemporaries. Regal persons are admired and even want to call children by their names. What is worth saying about female royal names? Until the XVII century, the British did not try to name the successors of the clan and dynasty somehow especially. The newborn had one name and one last name. Options looked in the church calendar. The child was often called after respected elders of the family, grandparents. Personal associations or emotions were not taken into account. This is what the crowned persons were called in Great Britain:

Anna. Everyone has heard the name of Anna Stuart, who was the queen of England, Scotland, Ireland. She was born during the reign of her uncle Charles II, who did not have her own children. Over time, Anna herself became the ruler (1702). She had five children, but they all died in infancy. It was Queen Anne who was able to unite England and Scotland.


  • Victoria. The last representative of the Hanover dynasty was Queen Victoria, who ruled Britain for 63 years. She became the heir to the throne in 1837. Immediately after her coronation, coins with the image of the new ruler came out. She donated personal funds in favor of the starving. Queen Victoria’s reign marked the heyday of science, culture, industry and the army.
  • Margarita In 1930, Princess Margaret was born, the sister of today's Queen Elizabeth II. She was a very charming woman, but fate prepared her for solitude. She was always in the shadow of her sister. She was cheerful, cheerful and sociable, similar to actress Audrey Hepburn. She shocked society and relatives by going contrary, did everything for her pleasure. She was called the "rebellious" princess. She had many gentlemen, but constancy in the relationship was not observed. After a stroke in 2002, she died.
  • Charlotte. A member of the British royal family, the fifth granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth is Charlotte of Cambridge. She was born at St. Mary's Hospital in 2015. For her birthday, she is sent gifts from around the world.
  • Elizabeth. On both sides of the Atlantic, this royal female name is known. Elizabeth II is a symbol of Great Britain, its former power of the empire. She seems very restrained and unperturbed in any life situation, for which she is called a "stone lady". During the Second World War, Elizabeth was in the ranks of the self-defense detachment. In 1947, she took an oath of allegiance to her people. She had four children. Prince Charles is the heir to the English throne.

English royal male names

What was the name of the crowned males? The following is a list of male royal names:

  • Harold. For five years, the Knutling dynasty ruled Harold I, nicknamed Hare's Paw. It was from 1035 to 1040. During his reign no discontent or opposition was observed. Death overtook him unexpectedly in 1040.
  • Henry. Henry VI became the third and last king of the Lancaser dynasty. He received the throne in infancy (1431). His uncles helped to rule him. Margarita of Manzhuyskaya became his wife, because of which he began a war with the house of Yorks. In one of the battles, Henry died with his son.
  • George. The first representative of the Hanover dynasty in Great Britain was George I (1714). He devoted little time to state affairs, so the cabinet of ministers took over the reins of government. The king himself was considered ignorant and stupid.

And here are the other English royal names:

  • Reginald;
  • Richard;
  • Stephen;
  • William;
  • Egbert;
  • Edmund;
  • Edward;
  • Andrew;
  • Ethelwolf;
  • Ethelstan;
  • Jacob.

Other countries

What was the name given to the person of royal shelter in France? Below are the various, most famous royal names. Of the men’s, the following are worth mentioning: Hugo, John, Karl, Louis-Philippe, Louis, Raul. Among them are also Henry, Francis. Female royal names of France: Adelaide, Adele, Anna, Beatrice, Berthe, Blanca. No less magnificent: Eugene, Josephine, Irmentrud, John, Louise, Rosalia. Eleanor, Emma.


In the Danish kingdom, rulers were given the following names: Vincent, Voldemar, Christian, Sven, William. The princesses were called Isabella, Ingeborg, Ingrid, Matilda, Sofia.

The tsar’s names of the Romanov’s house in Russia are also equated with the royal. There are a lot of such names, some of them are in our ears: Roman, Fedor, Mikhail, Peter, Ivan, Nikolai. A lot of female names: Sophia, Anna, Catherine, Tatyana.

Defender Alexander

The name Alexander, even today, is the most popular among boys. But some kings and emperors had this name. In 326 BC e. Alexander became the king of Macedonia, a true commander, creator of the largest state of the ancient world. In Russian history, there were two emperors with this name: Alexander I and Alexander II.

The meaning of this name is impressive - “protector, protecting the husband.” He has an ancient Greek origin. Alexander is predicted to have good physical health, zeal, desire to win. He is sociable, quick-witted and looking for things to inspire.


Inquisitive Novel

Three Byzantine emperors were named Roman. In Latin, Romanus means "Roman." This is a beautiful name and is popular today. Its owner is characterized by curiosity, courtesy, sincerity, hard work. This man is a creatively gifted person.

The young man Roman is very charming, his relatives love him. He is interested in hard sports. Also has a strong will, a tendency to risk. His personality is revealed to 30 years. He becomes self-confident and does not succumb to the influence of others. The novel has a wonderful intuition, highly developed intelligence.


Five representatives of the Romanovs house were named Alex. From ancient Greek, it translates as "protect." Alyosha is growing hardy, courageous, fighting for justice. Alexei is a man of action, not words. He is talkative and friendly. A man with this name can be safely called a peacemaker: he is alien to any hostility and bloodshed.

The flexible Alexei becomes happy in family life. He takes care of his children, is grateful to his parents. Diligence, patience and thoughtfulness help him achieve good results in business or diplomatic work.


Beautiful name Philip

One of the kings of France was called Philippe. Today, some contemporaries so call their sons.

Named like a hat, crowned, You always act like a prince.

Nothing a little spoiled

The close attention of the girls.

You should be rich

And to be beautiful and be loved.

And the gifts of the winged messenger

With neighbors solemnly share.

On a horse divinely keep

For a horse to face like you

And be happy, not seem

Contrary to the customs of fuss!

From the ancient Greek language, Philip is translated as "loving horses." The owner of the name is very attached to the family. He is also endowed with romance, beauty, pride, perseverance. Violence and aggression are rejected. He expresses his gratitude with generosity. The young man has good creative abilities, a sharp and inquiring mind.

Philip tries to always be in sight, he needs success in society. He is very painful at failure. The owner of the name is bright, active, dynamic, kind. The bearer loves leadership positions. He does not like a monotonous, everyday life. He has great intuition to help him make the right decisions.


Enchanting maria

The queens of Austria and France often bore the name Mary. And his meaning is “beloved, ” “desired.” The owner is characterized by a supple and soft character. But she will always fight for her interests and priorities. Mary is endowed with decency, kindness, reliability, humanity.

Masha gives off extraordinary warmth. She becomes a great friend, ready to sacrifice herself. The girl is trying to help everyone. She was given a rare mind and a penchant for philosophy. She has exalted, almost superhuman abilities. The adult Maria has a huge supply of love and tenderness.

Mighty Louise

The queens of France and Prussia were often called Louise. This sonorous name is loved by many parents who decide to call their daughters. The name gives its owners intelligence, beauty, resourcefulness. They value sincerity and honesty. The girl preserves her honor and conscience in the most difficult situations. Sometimes capable of extravagant acts.

The adult Louise becomes selfish, impulsive, but clearly sees her flaws. She is a clear leader. Friends are soft, responsive. In love, the girl is very passionate.


Majestic Alice

The girl with the royal name Alice has a cheerful disposition and a good heart. She loves to fantasize, appreciates beauty, loves romance. In childhood, the girl is mobile and cheerful. Adult Alice shows kindness and responsiveness. She is ready to support, but very often offended.

Outgoing Alice has a good sense of humor. With the help of her daydreaming, she quickly regains peace of mind. The lack of persistence sometimes prevents her from realizing her dreams in real life.