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The most beautiful Muslim names. The meaning of the names of women and men. Forbidden names

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The most beautiful Muslim names. The meaning of the names of women and men. Forbidden names
The most beautiful Muslim names. The meaning of the names of women and men. Forbidden names

Video: Beautiful Baby Names That Actually Have Really Dark Meanings 2024, June

Video: Beautiful Baby Names That Actually Have Really Dark Meanings 2024, June

The desire to have a child should be mutual, so that a small person grows in love and harmony. Muslims honor the process of procreation, bring thanks to Allah and raise a child according to the canons of the holy book. Muslim names are very thoughtful and beautiful. The meaning of the names is always deep and ambiguous. The child must justify him and appear before Allah with a pure soul and thoughts. Therefore, the name should not only be pleasant in sound, but also suitable for the baby.


When the baby appears in the house

At the birth of a child, an orthodox Muslim has a difficult question about what name to give the newborn. The name should be melodic and sonorous. There must be an exodus in it. What is ishan? This is the highest manifestation of faith, a charitable work through which a person serves Allah. When a baby is given a name, the parent gives a boon to him. And the child himself is considered an amanat, that is, the greatest value transferred to storage, and not given free of charge. Can you imagine how interesting Muslim names are with this approach ?! The meaning of the names is selected carefully and scrupulously in order to predetermine happiness in the fate of the child.


About women with love

The woman in Islam symbolizes beauty and tenderness. Until now, in many conservative families, women are forbidden to work, to demonstrate their beauty to strangers, but at home she can afford anything she wants. At home, she wears only the most beautiful clothes, makes an exquisite make-up and selects jewelry to match the mood. Of course, Muslim names for girls should correspond to such a life, and their meaning should truly caress the ear. The woman’s name should be the embodiment of femininity, harmony and grooming, so that the future husband would tremble at the sight of his wife and hear music in the name of that. Until a certain time, the Arabs were not happy about the appearance of the girl in the world, they called such a child “defective” and expressed their negative attitude through the name. For example, Bagida is translated as “despicable, ” and Jusama is a “nightmare.” Will the baby who has been given such an unpleasant name since childhood?


A ban on them

In talking about the bad meaning and dissonance of the names, you can not ignore the forbidden. Names that are taboo in Sharia. For example, you cannot call a child with an eye on the personality of Allah. These are the names Al-Khalik, Al-Quddus or Malik Al-Muluk. Their translation, of course, is very beautiful, since they symbolize the Creator and King of all the kings, but their use in the world is a grave sin. There is a whole list of such taboos, among which, of course, Allah occupies the first place. There is a hadith that says that on Judgment Day the most obscene person will be Malik Al-Muluk, because there is no king except Allah. Every Muslim child has known this truth since infancy.

By analogy, you cannot call children the names of the prophet. Also, a parent will serve a poor child if he calls him somehow “abd”. The last ban is due to the fact that so called slaves. The name "Abdullah" is translated as "the servant of Allah." There is a dahl, which tells of the words of a prophet who greeted the delegation under the leadership of a man named Abdulhajar. The prophet called him a slave and ended the audience.

The names of idols and shaitans are strictly prohibited. There is no point in explaining something.


Relative modernity

In the 7th century AD, Islam arose and people became interested in Muslim names. The value of the names still comes first, but people are somewhat bolder and began to call their daughters in honor of the beloved women of the Prophet Muhammad. Until now, girls are often called Maryam, Fatima, Aisha, Zainab, Khadija or Asiya. The names Malika, Farida and Farah became popular. They are only indirectly related to the Qur'an, but they sound beautiful and correspond to modern life. Just a few decades ago, Muslim names for girls became closer to the traditions of Europe, and their significance was not the original criterion for choice. There was a tendency to call daughters Jana, Liaiang, Razan. For the ear of a European, they are not quite harmonious, but a person with an oriental mentality will consider them melodic and feminine.


Value or beauty?

In Muslim countries, Aisha is known as the beloved wife of a prophet. Eight of his associates bore the same name. Not so much, if for comparison we recall Leila, Fatima, Zeynab or Hind. But with the spread of Islam, the name Aisha began to lead in frequency due to the high position of a woman with a prophet and a caressing sound. The word “life” (“ain-i-shin”) is hidden in the root.

The female name Aliya translates as "high, exalted." That was the name of one of the followers of Muhammad and one of the Jordanian princess, who became the wife of the king of Jordan.

Oddly enough, the name Dana (the "big pearl") is common among Muslims. But it has analogues in other countries. Very similar to the sound of Jan. This is truly one of the most beautiful names. Translated, it means "fresh fruit" and is often mentioned in the Holy Quran.

An incomplete list would be without the name of Layla. It is popular not only among Arabs, but among Americans and Europeans. Translated by Leila, it is "night, the beauty of night, born of the night." To put aside romance, it can symbolize intoxication or loss of mind. Modern Muslim names can really be interpreted with an eye to the realities of today's world, but then they can lose their identity and beauty, and yet it would be so annoying …


The name is not for the boy, but for the husband

Not only beautiful, but also worthy should be Muslim names. The meaning of names also remains a priority, but parents have a little more room for imagination than in a situation where a girl is born. The choice of parents should not reflect the beauty and lightness, but he needs to express his character and follow the Holy Book. Male children are called only a week after birth. This is a good tradition, as throughout the previous week, parents look closely at their child. True, in modern countries they are not always guided by the biography of the Prophet, but they can give several names in order to choose one worthy over time. This is exactly what the Prophet Muhammad did in order to predetermine the success of raising a child and the conformity of his behavior to the norms of Muslim society. Harmony is not among the primary factors, but parents lovingly choose beautiful names for their children.

The meaning and possible impact on life

If you highlight the most interesting Muslim names for boys and their meaning to explain, then you can make a whole list. Aziz will be the leader, which means "dear, great, respected, strong." This is one of the names of God. A risky choice would be if it remained in its original form, but it underwent some changes and became even more harmonious. The name Aidan has an ancient Turkic origin and a very masculine meaning - "strength, power." But Aidar is either "courageous" or "comparable in beauty to the moon." The name Amir will suit the boy calm, reasonable and reasonable, because it is not for nothing that it translates as "ruler". In many ways, it is similar to Amir Baty (of Mongolian origin). The name means "gem", but it is often defined as "reliable, strong."


With an eye on the nuances of character

Sometimes nicknames seem especially interesting due to their reflection of the subtleties of a person’s mental organization. For example, the meaning of the name Gafur is "merciful, able to grant forgiveness." It is unlikely that such a guy will be a successful warrior, but he will become an exemplary family man and grow into a good person. Gafur's parents laid the foundation for the future well-being of their child and determined the main feature of his personality.

Close to the Almighty will be the boys who have the names of Daniel ("close to God"), Zakaria ("remembering God"), Ilyas ("the power of the Almighty"). But Danif, unequivocally, will seduce his ambiguity. Translated, this means "the sun is declining". The name Kayum will be given to the child restless and active. This is "perpetual motion, striving forward." Such a boy will achieve much in his career and will never be happy with a small one.