
The most beautiful parrots in the world: photos and names, habitat

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The most beautiful parrots in the world: photos and names, habitat
The most beautiful parrots in the world: photos and names, habitat

Video: Top 10 Most Stunningly Beautiful Birds in the World 2024, July

Video: Top 10 Most Stunningly Beautiful Birds in the World 2024, July

Bright representatives of birds are parrots. Their appearance attracts the eye, because they have an unusual color. However, even among them, some parrots stand out due to the color of their plumage. So which of these birds are considered the most beautiful? Here is a list of the brightest representatives of the parakeet order. We did not number it, because each bird is beautiful in its own way.

Alexandrov ringed parrot

To start the list of the most beautiful parrots, it is with this bird that lives on the territory of Southeast Asia. Both male and female individuals prefer to nest in the upper tiers of the rainforest. They almost never go down to earth.

Their plumage has an unusual, grassy-green color. The little spot is bluish, and on the shoulder blades you can see a brown spot. On the forehead is a thin black stripe. Males have a so-called “necklace” on their neck. It is pink in the upper part of the neck and black in the bottom, which makes it appear as if the bird is wearing a tie.



Parrots, which belong to the genus Ara, are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful birds. They amaze with the variety of their colors, so you can endlessly list the various species of Ara birds, boldly calling them the most beautiful parrots in the world. So, here are the representatives of the genus with the most memorable colors:

  • Red Macaw. The body of the bird is bright red, only the lower part of the wings stands out in turquoise color. There is a yellow stripe on the wings. Most often found in the jungle of South America.
  • Yellow-green Macaw. Currently, this species is considered extinct, but we could not include it in our list. According to the surviving data, these were large parrots with magnificent plumage of yellow-green color. They hunted for birds, so by the 19th century they became extinct.


  • Blue and Yellow Macaw - A large and beautiful parrot native to America. His back is bright blue, and the belly is rich yellow. The bird has exceptional speaking abilities, so it is often chosen as a pet.
  • Hyacinth macaw - a species whose representatives can be safely added to the list of the most beautiful parrots. This bird has a bright blue plumage. At the base of the beak there is a rich yellow fringing. And feathered fingers easily hold various objects. They live in southern Brazil and are protected, as the species may soon disappear from the face of the Earth.

Arantiga Endaya

One of the most beautiful parrots lives in northeast Brazil. This friendly and smart bird grows up to 30 cm in length. These cute parrots easily find a common language with a person. They have rich green wings and an orange torso. At the base of the beak, the color is very bright. The feathers on the tail are multi-colored and can be, for example, blue.



There are over 20 varieties of cockatoo. Representatives of each of them have a unique appearance that attracts the eye and amazes even the most sophisticated parrot lovers. Here are the most beautiful parrots related to this family:

Large yellow-crested cockatoo is one of the largest representatives of the genus. It lives in eastern Australia, as well as on the islands of New Guinea and in Tasmania. In length, it reaches 55 cm with a wingspan of 50-60 cm. The plumage is white, the tail is yellowish. Beak and paws, on the contrary, are dark.


  • The Inca Cockatoo has a pink and white color. Different shades smoothly replace each other, making the plumage mother-of-pearl. The body length is about 40 cm. A crest is located on the head with white feathers along the edges and bright in the middle. These parrots can live even in the desert regions of Australia, the main thing is that there should be a pond nearby. Birds prefer to settle in the crowns of trees. Fly infrequently.
  • Pink Cockatoo, or Gala. A small parrot, the size of which does not exceed 36 cm, has a pink color. Different shades of this color cover its plumage. Feathers are bright on the head and on the belly, and the body has a less saturated color. The species is widespread in Tasmania and the Australian continent.
  • Black (palm) cockatoo is the most beautiful member of the family. Its beak reaches a length of 10 cm, this is a real record! The birds live in New Guinea and Australia. Birds have a majestic black color with a greenish tint. There are bright red spots under the eyes.
  • The helmeted cockatoo, which can be found in southeast Australia, got its name due to its unusual color: the feathers on the head are bright red, and it seems that a helmet is worn on a parrot.
  • Banks' funeral cockatoo got its name in honor of the naturalist Sir Joseph Banks. The color of the most beautiful parrot is dominated by black. The plumage glistens. There is a red stripe on the tail, and on the head there is a lush crest.

Multicolor Lorikeet

Another very beautiful bird is Multicolor Lorikeet. The parrot got its name for a reason: its color consists of various shades of blue, red, yellow and green. The beak is most often orange. Bright colors instantly attract attention. Thanks to its plumage, the bird often ends up in zoos. In the wild, found on the islands of Oceania, as well as in the eastern part of the Australian continent.


Sunny aratinga

This bird lives in southern Venezuela. Speaking about which is the most beautiful parrot, it is necessary to mention solar aratinga, since the birds of this species have an unusual lemon color, which gradually acquires an orange hue in the belly area. Around the eyes there is a white border. Birds can imitate the voice of man.


Noble green-red parrot

This native of Papua New Guinea is considered one of the most beautiful parrots in the world (the photos presented in the article prove this). Males have a bright green color, and in females the plumage is red-violet. This is a very unusual trait for parrots, because, as a rule, externally male and female individuals are indistinguishable. In males, the beak has an orange-yellow color, and in females - black. Birds are ideal for keeping at home, because they are very calm and friendly.



It is impossible to say exactly which budgies are the most beautiful, because each individual has a unique color. Plumage can be greenish, blue, snow-white. The colors combine different shades. It is easy to teach a bird different phrases and words, but you should not expect logic from her speech. An interesting fact is that currently in captivity there are more representatives of this species than in the wild. They are found almost everywhere, but in the wild they settle in tropical areas.


Wide-tailed lory

In the wild, there are 6 species of these parrots. They are united by the shape of the tail: it is slightly rounded, it has wide tail feathers. The plumage is very saturated, as a rule, it combines red and green colors, although individuals with bright blue, yellow and orange feathers are found.
