
The largest cities of the Volga region: description, history, features of accommodation and interesting facts

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The largest cities of the Volga region: description, history, features of accommodation and interesting facts
The largest cities of the Volga region: description, history, features of accommodation and interesting facts

Video: 8th form. Lesson "Best cities of Ukraine" Unit 7, lesson 5, N. Soloviova, Slavutych Lyceum 2024, July

Video: 8th form. Lesson "Best cities of Ukraine" Unit 7, lesson 5, N. Soloviova, Slavutych Lyceum 2024, July

Probably, many times have heard such a name as the Volga. It is not surprising, since this geographical area has a large territory and occupies an important place in the life of the whole country. Large cities of the Volga region are also leaders in many respects. Industry and economics in the area are well developed. The article will tell in detail about the largest settlements of the Volga region, about their location, economy and other important points.


Volga region: general information

First you need to get to know the area itself. If we define Volga, then we can say that it includes territories adjacent to the Volga River. They have long been inhabited, since the river was considered an important transport and trade route. Most of the Volga region consists of flat terrain. There are often lowlands and small hilly areas. The climate of these places is temperate continental, and in some places continental. The weather conditions are not too harsh, but the winters are quite cold. Summer in this area is warm, the average temperature in July is usually at + 22–25 ˚ С.

Large cities of the Volga region are of particular interest. Now this area is densely populated. Industry, agriculture, and the transport system are actively developing here. The peculiarity of the distribution of large cities of the Volga region is largely connected with a favorable position from the point of view of economics and geography. From time immemorial, settlements mainly appeared near major trade routes (in this case, near the Volga).

The most significant cities in this area

So, we met a little with the Volga region itself. Now it is worth talking about its settlements. The largest cities of the Volga region are Kazan, Samara and Volgograd. They have a population of more than 1 million people. These cities have become real industrial centers, at the moment they continue to actively develop. Do not neglect other major cities of the Volga region. Among them, it is necessary to say about Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Penza, Astrakhan, Nizhny Novgorod.

Many are also interested in the question of what is the largest city of the Volga region. At the moment, this is Kazan. Now it’s worth to take a closer look at the most important cities in this area.


So, you need to learn more about this wonderful city. It is located in the Republic of Tatarstan and is its center. Interestingly, a rather large port operates here, where a constant cargo turnover is carried out. The city is known throughout the country and occupies an important place in the field of economics, science, politics, culture.

Kazan is a very ancient city. Its foundation, according to some sources, dates back to 1005. Thus, it becomes clear that the city has a truly ancient history. Initially, a fortress was formed here. However, already in the XIII century, Kazan began to actively develop and grow. Gradually, it became an important center within the Golden Horde. And already in the XV century, it became the central city of the Kazan Khanate, to which even Moscow paid a tribute. However, Ivan the Terrible took this city, all resistance were suppressed. Thus, Kazan became part of the Russian state.

Now Kazan is a million-plus city, in 2016 its population was 1216965 people. It is also a large industrial center. Engineering, light industry, as well as chemical and petrochemical industries are widely developed here.



Many are interested in what kind of settlement is in second place in size. We have already found out that Kazan is the largest city in the Volga region. The next settlement is Samara. It also occupies an important place in the Volga economic space. According to data for 2016, the population of the city is about 1, 170, 910 people.

At first there was a fortress. It was founded in 1586. The main purpose of such a construction was to control the movement along the Volga and prevent raids by nomads and other enemies along the waterways. Samara has a rich history. For example, in the XVII-XVIII centuries the city became the center of the uprising of peasants. At one time he was even captured by troops subordinate to Stepan Razin. In the middle of the XIX century, the Samara province was created. Thus, this locality also became its center. At that time, the population in these places increased markedly.

For a long time, since 1935, the city bore a different name - Kuibyshev. However, in 1991, it was decided to return it to its former name. Of particular interest is the fact that the longest embankment in our country is located here. Another record - the city has the highest station building in all of Europe.

As for the economic component of the city, it is mostly represented by various industries. The most developed here is engineering and metalworking. Also in the city there are many food industry enterprises.



Another major city of the Volga region is Volgograd. This locality also plays an important role in the economic, cultural, scientific and other spheres of the entire region. The population of the city in 2016 amounted to 1016137 people. Such an indicator indicates that this is indeed a large settlement.

The history of these places is rich in various events. He appeared, like many other cities of the Volga region, next to the trade route that ran along the Volga. These lands have long been ruled by the Golden Horde. However, from the beginning of the 15th century it fell apart into several separate khanates. Gradually, the Moscow principality was able to defeat them. The first mention of the city (then it was called Tsaritsyn) dates back to 1579. The city survived a large number of defeats and was restored every time. For example, in 1607, when the authority of False Dmitry II was recognized in Tsaritsyn, the city was stormed by order of Vasily Shuisky. Also in the middle of the XVII century peasant uprisings took place here.

From the XVIII to the beginning of the XX century, the city was actively developing in the industrial sphere and gradually became the center of the entire region. Now the most developed here are defense production, engineering and metallurgy.
