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The most unusual Guinness World Records. Guinness World Records

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The most unusual Guinness World Records. Guinness World Records
The most unusual Guinness World Records. Guinness World Records

Video: Most UNUSUAL Guinness Book of World Records Entries 2024, July

Video: Most UNUSUAL Guinness Book of World Records Entries 2024, July

Do you like to learn something interesting and new? And if it is so surprising that the eyes "roll out of their sockets"? You can then show off your knowledge among friends, striking their imagination with erudition. Choosing a set of information "just in case", be sure to study the most unusual Guinness records. That's where the facts can be found that will not leave anyone indifferent. It is especially striking that all this is the work of human hands.


Did the Lord know when he conceived of Adam that his children would be so different? Let's get acquainted with their “masterpieces”.

Fearless people

If we consider not all, but the most unusual Guinness records, then it is worth starting with human qualities. What else can so delight and inspire respect, if not “peaceful exploits”? Their people commit their own free will, sometimes subjecting themselves to unthinkable trials. There is no need to talk about risk at all. Evil tongues argue that these brave citizens are ready to "bite off a paw", if only to become famous. We will not argue, although we all know that it is their soul that requires the accomplishment of something extraordinary and important for humanity. For example, Jin Songhao was clearly trying to prove to the whole world how limitless abilities for resisting cold are hidden in our bodies. He plunged naked under the snow and sat there for more than forty-six minutes. The Chinese rightfully earned a place in the Guinness Dangerous Records section.


Milan Roskolph demonstrates the same idea a little differently. He “sings a hymn” to the strength and dexterity inherent in the citizens of Slovakia, where he lives, and not only. The man distinguished himself with the abilities of a juggler. At the same time, he threw and caught motor saws - as many as three! The sixty-two throws of this juggler replenished Guinness records (photo shows a similar "feat").

Fear for health

How do you feel about bees? Are you afraid? And Shi Ping proved with his “feat” that your perception is unfounded. Without any unnecessary feelings and negative emotions, he undressed and “invited” insects to “sit down” on his body. The bees turned out to be thirty-three kilograms. Only the face and hands remained free from insects (probably, nevertheless decided to beware). Maybe Mr. Ping was afraid of bites, which is said by empty hands, but only such a demonstration of self-control added to the virtual heading "The Most Unusual Guinness World Records." And even to criticize him for stupidity does not work. Perhaps this was not a quest for fame, but a mistake during the implementation of medical procedures. A bee sting is known to be used to treat certain diseases.


Phenomenal people

The Lord, having created man, offered him the most valuable gift - free will. Usually it is used to a limited extent, but not all. There are extraordinary personalities who decided to reach the limit in the use of this "gift". For example, Chris Walton, whose achievement, no doubt, can be entered in the section “The most unusual Guinness World Records”. This citizen used his freedom of choice in a peculiar way. He did not want to cut his nails. Please note that he refused the necessary hygienic procedure for eighteen years! How he served himself at that time is completely unknown; in any case, the Guinness Book of Records does not contain this information. People are free to fantasize on this subject as much as they like. However, the fact that Chris Walton was included in this publication will not change it.

Continue: phenomenally stubborn people


Kazuhiro Watanabe, a Japanese by birth, applied his freedom of choice to his hair. It is not known what the fashion designer was thinking about, maybe about new trends. Only his hair replenished Guinness records (photo above). Thus, he proved that a man with hair one meter thirty centimeters long can live peacefully, and even reach certain heights in the profession. Of the curls he built a mohawk, and ended up in the famous publication. Here, undoubtedly, suspicions about the desire for fame will be justified, given the scope of application of the record holder's talents.

Quite different abilities revered by esotericists were demonstrated by Etibar Elchiev. He is one of the magnets who, by the way, is not as rare as it might seem. But this master has unprecedented power. He calmly holds fifty spoons on bare skin, as reported by the Guinness Book of Records. People with similar abilities even after courses of “spoon-bending machines” are not able to catch up with the champion.


Amazing baby and more

Guinness World Records collects all the unbelievable. A photo of an eleven-year-old boy who impresses with his calm attitude to snails brings many to a heart attack. It is known that these creatures are not all associated with pleasant emotions. Many will not touch them for any gimmicks. But the baby mentioned in the publication, apparently, is deprived of such a squeamish feeling for mucous creatures. He calmly withstood their “attack” on his own face. As many as forty-three snails crawled over his delicate skin, and he endured. That's what the quest for glory is! The child shared a recipe for success. To repeat the experiment (or to exceed its record), it is necessary to tightly close the eyelids and draw in lips. Otherwise, the snails crawl to where they can harm, for example in the mouth.


The Guinness World Records has been published in Russian not so long ago. But information about amazing kisses often comes to us. The envious "oohs" and "aahs" caused a message about the Israelis. This is how spouses need to love each other to kiss without interruption for almost thirty-one hours! Surely the experience of this couple has not yet reached a serious mark. Otherwise, the spouse would necessarily ask: “Where is lunch?” (or clean socks, for example).

Group records

Many incredible mass events contain the Guinness Book of Records. A photo of the "Congress of Santa Clauses" regularly appears on its pages. Can you imagine what an unusual Christmas some children and adults can have? In the town of Porto (Portugal) gathered Santa Claus more than fourteen thousand (14, 200). Apparently, the locals are big fans of either Christmas or the Guinness Book of Records. But every year they try to "stray in packs", dressing in chic costumes of the main New Year's character. It was just that time they decided to surpass the achievement of the Irish, who gathered a slightly less numerous company of Sant in the town of Derry City. There were about thirteen thousand grandfathers dressed up for the holiday. But the Irish could not keep the record under the stubborn pressure of the Portuguese.

London is surprising

In this glorious city, you see, full of eccentrics. Some of them decided to gather evidence that people are not afraid of bad weather. They made it very strange. Having undressed to their underwear, these wonderful heroes (a total of one hundred and sixteen people) stood in the cold. This information could not go unnoticed. The official Guinness Book of Records now contains it on its pages. Even the capital of Misty Albion presented the public with a joke of a dubious sense (depending on how you feel about it). Judge for yourself: there was a marathon, but not simple. Ladies dressed in sumo wrestlers took part in it. Suppose they expressed their attitude towards fast food. In any case, the sight of fat women running in a crowd in the streets could faint the zealous zealots of harmony.

Guinness World Records

Information on this topic is constantly updated. It is divided into categories, because everywhere you can find something huge. Take our smaller brothers who are already included or can replenish Guinness records (2014, etc.). For example, a fat cat who is a resident of the Urals, nicknamed Katie.


By the age of five, she managed to gain twenty-three kilograms. For this type of animal, according to scientists, this is a huge indicator. Yes, and the cat still has prospects. After all, previously an animal was considered to be the champion, a little more than twenty-one kilograms. And that Australian cat was ten years old! The Urals Katie still has a chance to far outrun the previous record holder.

In the section "Science and Technology" their heroes. Girls, how do you like a limousine, whose dyne is more than thirty meters? Do you want one for a wedding? This is no longer a bus or even a wagon. Nevertheless, it is built and safely plows roads, mainly Hollywood. He could well have claimed first place in the Guinness World Records 2014 contest.

The smallest

Not only giants have a right to fame! Small creatures are no less valuable for their originality and originality. For example, in 2008, a snake was discovered, which was later called the Barbados narrow-necked. The joker who first saw her gave her the name of his wife. So, the longest instance was just over ten centimeters (10.4, to be more precise). This is a male, and female individuals resemble earthworms, so they are small. These snakes, more like pieces of thread, live only in Barbados. They live only one season. Hatch quickly, grow up and lay one egg. With the onset of cold weather, all snake strings die. I wonder how they did not die out completely, because only their eggs hibernate?

Guinness World Records

This publication, I must say, collects interesting information, despite the national characteristics of the candidates. Therefore, our achievements there are many. For example, in 2006 St. Petersburg was allocated. Publishers found that in the city built a tram network, which is the largest in the world. There at that time 2402 trams were operated on lines with a total length of almost seven hundred kilometers. Some consider it a remarkable fact that Guinness World Records are published in Russian. Just do not always write about us well there (unfortunately).


For example, the publication informed the world about the most polluted settlement. It turned out to be the town of Dzerzhinsk, located not very far from the capital (four hundred kilometers). The phenol content in the soil waters there exceeded the norm by seventeen million times!

But we have something to be proud of

But we will not remind the publishers of the bad. Maybe they didn’t want to hurt us, they just push us for more love for their land. There you can read about the coldest village. This is also our record. The most frosty is the village of Oymyakon, located in Yakutia. The temperature there drops to seventy degrees below zero, and the average in the cold period is fifty.

You can still proudly talk about Moscow State University. Although it does not yet occupy high places in the ranking of universities, it has stood out by the building. And to judge the quality of education, let the collectors of records not look here. It is enough that they awarded him the title of the largest building. It has a height of two hundred and forty meters and forty thousand rooms, including classrooms and administration rooms.

Baikal is probably not worth mentioning. Everyone knows that this is the largest and, as they say now, a valuable reservoir of fresh water. Unfortunately, our “political partners” are also up to date. They do not even hide the fact that they have views of it.

Our undoubted records

It is interesting that back in May of the distant nineties, one Russian publication showed such a circulation that neither the Western nor the eastern media were able to overtake it. Namely: Komsomolskaya Pravda printed twenty-two million copies. Naturally, they dispersed to buyers and subscribers. The record has been holding for fourteen years. The modern press does not have such topics as we had in the nineties (although it may not be worth proud of them).

The Guinness Book of Records also considers the success of Yeltsin among voters in the same year to be unprecedented. He overtook his opponent by voting twelve times (this has not been seen anywhere else).