
The most popular decorative birds: features and interesting facts

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The most popular decorative birds: features and interesting facts
The most popular decorative birds: features and interesting facts

Video: 10 FACTS about the Fun & Interesting NORTHERN CARDINAL 2024, June

Video: 10 FACTS about the Fun & Interesting NORTHERN CARDINAL 2024, June

Decorative birds are one of the most beautiful creatures on Earth that can bring happiness and joy to the house!


They can fly gracefully, pleasing a huge number of people. The world could not be so beautiful if there were no representatives of birds in it, each of which is unique in its own way. They astonished the ancient representatives of the planet with their flying ability, while people could only dream about it, they were deified by many peoples of antiquity. They forced to make scientific discoveries and strive for development: thanks to them, airplanes and helicopters appeared. The article can help make acquaintance with decorative birds (middle group of kindergarten). It can be carried out according to plan. To get acquainted with decorative birds to help children understand the topic and remember for a long time, it is recommended to show them photographs of birds. You can also connect another type of memory. To do this, you can arrange exhibitions of decorative birds.

The appearance of decorative birds in the homes of residents of antiquity

Domestic decorative birds appeared in antiquity: people wanted some kind of zest in their homes, it was fun and beautiful melodies were heard all the time. That is why they caught birds and put them in cages. And so gradually some species of birds were able to get used to captivity. But not all of them were able to become domestic: only bright and melodious decorative birds — a canary, a parrot, were domesticated. In ancient times, only noble people could afford to keep birds in captivity, but the common people simply did not have enough time for this. And in the modern world, decorative birds live in almost every home: they have filled their lives with the colors of millions of people around the world.

If you want to make yourself a feathered pet, then you should not rush into the choice: you need to take it seriously, because then life with an improperly chosen pet can become torture not only for you, but also for the animal itself.

Decorative birds: selection and care

Keeping birds at home is a rather difficult task. Not every adult can handle it. When choosing a bird, it is necessary to take into account a huge number of different factors, chief among which are:

  • Allergenicity. Find out in advance if you are allergic to a particular type of bird. This can be done in special laboratories for a fee. Checking will take about a week. Only then proceed with the selection of birds for the house.

  • The time you can devote to the animal. This factor is important when choosing a bird. After all, if you can not pay enough attention, then the animal may simply die. This can happen not only from a lack of care, but from a lack of attention. Some birds are unable to live alone for several days: they die of boredom. Therefore, if you know that you often have to leave your pet alone for a long period, then buy several birds at once: then they can be left together for even a week, provided that someone will care for them all this time.

  • Life span. This factor is also worth considering. Some birds live only 5-7 years. And there are those who live 100 years. Consider also that you may be bored with caring for the animal: you do not know what can happen in 15-20 years. That is why consider this factor when choosing a feathered friend. If in the future you want to give it, for example, to friends, then for the bird it will be a big shock and stressful situation.

The most famous and popular birds that can be kept at home

On the planet there are a huge number of species of birds that can be kept out of will. The following describes the most popular representatives of decorative birds.


Amadins in the wild live in the tropics. They have a specific bright color. By this they attract the attention of a huge number of bird breeders. Feathered look quite impressive and exotic. Also, the birds are quite mobile and funny. They are well tamed, with proper care they can become good friends for any person. It can also be noted that the Amadins do not sing very beautifully - and this is their biggest minus. Their singing sounds like some kind of whistle or even a hiss. But the Amadins easily compensate for this shortcoming with their friendliness and trust in man. Otherwise, these birds have only positive qualities. There is a Japanese kind of amadine. These birds are a more domesticated version.


One of the main advantages of Japanese amadins is their cleanliness: they litter a little and you can not clean up the cage very often.


Some varieties of blackbirds, finches, carduelis, pigeons, siskins and jays are also decorative birds that can be kept out of control, however paradoxical this may sound, given that these representatives of birds can be seen every day on the street.

Keeping Drozdov at home is quite problematic: they require constant care. Among their advantages include unique singing. They can be kept only in a large space in the sunlight, in the enclosure (cage) there must be a place for swimming. Many breeders, despite the huge number of difficulties encountered in the process of care, nevertheless start these decorative birds in their homes.


Finches can also sometimes be kept at home. These small birds have bright catchy plumage, which is why they have won such great popularity among breeders.


It’s not very easy to distinguish between a male and a female, so pay special attention to this point when buying a bird. Females do not sing finches, but males reproduce such beautiful melodies that you may not even notice the lack of a female if you buy two birds.


Carduelis are quite bright birds with excellent elegant plumage. Their voice is very melodic.


Carduelis are very active birds. They are tamed well, but not all: there are quite aggressive individuals, but this is rare, most of the birds are generally friendly.

These birds cannot be kept in the same cage along with other species. Males sing better than females.


Siskins are calm and unpretentious decorative birds. They are very popular due to their ability to copy songs of other birds. They can be kept together with other birds in one cage (aviary).


Jays, in addition to their bright plumage, also have one very incredible quality: they can imitate any sounds that they have ever heard.


In their nutrition and care, the birds are not very whimsical, they can feed on conventional feed mixtures. It is recommended to buy a small chick rather than an adult bird, because it will be much easier to tame it.


Pigeons are also decorative birds. In the modern world there are about 850 breeds of this type of bird.


Pigeons do not sparkle with their musical talent - they “take” breeders with their unique appearance. It is impossible to keep pigeons without company, otherwise they may die.