
The highest waterfalls in Europe: where are, descriptions, photos

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The highest waterfalls in Europe: where are, descriptions, photos
The highest waterfalls in Europe: where are, descriptions, photos

Video: The World's Most Beautiful Waterfalls 2024, June

Video: The World's Most Beautiful Waterfalls 2024, June

Since ancient times, people, looking at waterfalls, have been legends that such magnificent and frightening wonders of nature could appear only with the help of higher powers. And still the power of the waterfall, the rumble of falling streams of water, a cloud of small drops of water in which the rays of the sun reflect, make us think about the power of nature.

The highest waterfall in Europe is called Vinnufossen. It is located in Norway, a country of beautiful fiords, ski resorts and numerous waterfalls. By the way, the six highest waterfalls in the world are located in Norway.

Where is the waterfall located


The highest waterfall in Europe falls from Mount Vinnufjellet, at the top of which is the large Vinnuforn Glacier. From it the waterfall originates. The waters of this giant are overthrown from a height of 860 meters, creating an unforgettable sight. This glacial waterfall is considered the central component of a large cascade formed on a rock.

The highest waterfall in Europe is located in the municipality of Sundal, in the vicinity of the village of Sundalser. There is an exceptionally beautiful untouched nature, nearby are the Dovrefjell National Park and the Troll Wall popular with tourists, the highest vertical wall in Europe.

Beauty and coolness


Vinnufossen consists of several cascades, the height of the largest step 420 meters. Reaching the level of coniferous forest, the waterfall splits into several separate streams. Only approaching the bottom, all individual streams merge together again. Before dividing into four streams, the maximum width of Vinnufossen reaches 150 meters.

Due to a fall from a great height, the highest waterfall in Europe is always surrounded by a cloud of tiny droplets of water, forming a kind of water tail. Its length can reach one hundred and seventy meters, this is one of the longest plumes of waterfalls in the world.

You can feel the smallest droplets in the air already about five minutes from the waterfall. As you approach, the cloud of water droplets becomes denser, the water originating from the mountain glacier is cool even on a hot afternoon.

Not only in the mountains


At the word "waterfall" high mountains are habitually presented, from the slopes of which a stream of water breaks off. However, this is not always the case; there are flat waterfalls whose beauty is no less exciting.

The largest and highest flat waterfall in Europe is located in the north of Switzerland. Its name is consonant with the name of the Rhine River, one of the decorations of which it is.

This is a small waterfall, its length is approximately 370 meters. It begins rather hollow, only at the last cascades the riot of elements begins. Usually in tourist avenues it is the last cascades that are called the Rhine Falls.

The waters fall from a height of 23 meters; in a full-flowing period, the width of the waterfall reaches 150 meters. Scientists are sure that the formation of the waterfall was completed in the last ice age, about 14, 000-17, 000 years ago. Under the stormy waters in the channel of the waterfall, preserved rock formations that were once the banks of an ancient river are clearly visible.

For tourists seeking to see this highest waterfall in Europe, where you can take stunning photos, several observation platforms are equipped. The most impressive is on a vertical cliff right in the center of the waterfall. You can only get to it by boat, the views of the waterfall that open from this point are simply mesmerizing. For lovers of thrills, they conduct excursion trips on boats that sail to the waterfall itself.

Waterfalls of our country


One of the highest waterfalls in Europe and the highest in Russia, Talnikovy Falls, is located on the Putorana Plateau, a kind of "lost world" of Siberia. These places have not yet been thoroughly studied; nature here retains its original state.

It is interesting that for a long time, scientists could not accurately measure the height of Talnikovy Falls, indicators ranged from 482 to 700 meters. The reason for this was the poor exploration of the place, the waterfall was described by its discoverer Mikhail Afanasyev at a time when there was very little water in it. The flow of Talnikovy waterfall reaches its maximum height in the summer, in July and August, and it was then that the maximum height of the waterfall was recorded. The rest of the time it either dries up due to drought, or completely freezes from Siberian frosts.

Unique waterfalls of Ossetia


Midagrabindon waterfalls are located in the mountains of North Ossetia, in the valley of the mountain river Midagrabindon. On one side, the valley is blocked by a formidable barrier of vertical rocks, from which waterfalls fall down. Standing in the valley and watching eight magnificent streams of water break from the rocks is an unforgettable sight.

Among them is one of the highest waterfalls in Europe. In Ossetia, this is the multi-cascade Big Zeygalan waterfall, originating from hanging glaciers on top. Guides ask tourists not to come close to the water wall, sometimes along with the water the element breaks massive blocks of ice.

Geologists believe that the height of the waterfall is 750 meters, Big Zeygalan is the fifth highest altitude in the world and one of the highest waterfalls in Europe.

The largest and most beautiful Big Zeygalan becomes in the middle of summer, when glaciers intensively melt. If you visit the waterfall on a clear sunny day, you can see how the smallest droplets of water dust reflect rainbow radiance.