
The youngest general in Russia. President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov

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The youngest general in Russia. President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov
The youngest general in Russia. President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov

Video: Ramzan Kadyrov: brutal tyrant, Instagram star 2024, July

Video: Ramzan Kadyrov: brutal tyrant, Instagram star 2024, July

Ramzan Kadyrov (born October 5, 1976) is a very popular and respected person in the Republic of Chechnya. One of the main streets of the capital of the region, which smoothly passes into Putin Avenue, is named after him. Do not underestimate the merits of Kadyrov to the Fatherland and the Federation as a whole. In 2009, he was awarded the highest rank - General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


The youngest general in Russia

The President of the Chechen Republic received the high rank of General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on November 11, 2009 by order of President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. According to the official statement, this title was awarded to Ramzan Kadyrov for actions aimed at combating illegal military formations.

During his reign, Ramzan Kadyrov really managed to completely stabilize the situation in the eastern regions and take control of the activities of all dangerous groups. The residents of Chechnya are grateful to him for the long-awaited peace and the opportunity to live in a new, beautiful and prosperous republic.


Through hardship to the stars

The news that the president of the Chechen Republic is now the youngest general in Russia has caused a smile among many skeptics. Like, this is all tweaked and done by the Kremlin on purpose to emphasize Kadyrov’s privilege once again.

Those who remember the dark past of the leader of the republic were especially unhappy. At the beginning of the first confrontation against federalization of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, along with his father, was on the side of the separatists. Only a few years later, already during the second war, he switched to the side of the government. True, this did not help protect his father from the terrorist attack, in which he died. But such a decision for Kadyrov was truly fateful. When the question arose of who would lead the republic after the end of hostilities, there was no doubt in the Chechen parliament: the young Kadyrov was the one the region needed.

On the side of the opponents of assigning Kadyrov the title of "General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs themselves also took. They are sure that it is impossible to get to the rank of general so quickly. First you need to get at least a major, then a lieutenant colonel, rise to the rank of colonel, and only then, after many years of service, you may be able to become a general. But history knows many cases where young talents managed to lead huge military units.


Young generals in history

The word "general" is associated in most people with valor, courage and an outstanding mind. To achieve such a high rank, you need to go through many obstacles, get battle scars and do something outstanding. As history shows, those who received the rank of "General of the Army of Russia" at a young age rarely lived to old age.

Many young adventurers received their title during World War II. Then valor and courage were indicators that all were equal to. The most rapid take-off in the military field was made by fighter pilot Grigory Kravchenko. During the two years of the war, he managed to distinguish himself in battles against the Japanese and move from the rank of senior lieutenant to lieutenant general. Courageously died in 1943, during the battle.

The youngest general in Russia is a very honorary title. In World War I, two young commanders — Sergey Lazo and Mikhail Tukhachevsky — were awarded it. The first commanded the front at 24, the second at 25, just a few years after graduation.

Merits of Kadyrov

Let us return to the main person of our story. In his young years, the President of the Chechen Republic earned many other honorary orders and ranks. The most important, in our opinion, is the title "Hero of Russia". General Kadyrov was awarded the Golden Star medal for this. He also has the Order of Courage and "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the fourth degree. For social activities and the establishment of public law and order, he received several medals.

Few know that Ramzan Kadyrov is seriously engaged in economic activities. Currently, he is a candidate of economic sciences and an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

The predecessors of the President of the Chechen Republic

According to eastern observers, a move by the Kremlin to take the rank of general is a very thoughtful move. Indeed, in this region, they have long been respectful and respectful of the military elite. Many people also understand that the youngest general in Russia has become not entirely deserved for them. Kadyrov has no special education, no significant track record, or even many years of service. Officially, he is not even listed in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and does not consist of an official post there.

Prior to Kadyrov’s arrival, two prominent generals held the post of president of Chechnya. The first - Dzhokhar Dudayev - was a major general under the Soviet regime. It was he who declared the independence of the republic during the collapse of the USSR. After that came the troubled days and long years of hostilities. The next general was Alu Alkhanov. He served not long after the death of Akhmat Kadyrov.


There are several more people in the republic with the rank of generals. This is the former mayor of one of the regions of Chechnya - Umar Avturkhanov. He opposed the first president of an independent republic. Bislan Gantamirov is the ex-mayor of Grozny, who was also in opposition to Dudaev.

Generals of Russia

The list of Russian generals totals 63 people. Most of them left the service due to their venerable age. Many still remain at the helm of business trips.

Over the years of independence, the first military commander who deserved such a high rank was P. Grain Grachev, who was assigned to him on May 7, 1992. Grachev left his post in 2007.

The only general of the army service - I. Sergeev - was awarded the rank of Marshal of the Russian Federation. He served as Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation from 1997 to 2001, was an assistant to the president for strategic stability. And still remains the first and only marshal of the Russian Federation.


Generals serving in the Russian Federation

The military generals of Russia never doze off. Here are the names of those who now hold a post in a senior service:

1. Shoigu Sergey Kuzhugetovich - minister responsible for emergency situations.

2. Smirnov Sergey Mikhailovich - the right hand of the director of the Federal Security Service.

3. Bulgakov Dmitry Vitalievich holds the post of Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

4. Gerasimov Valery Vasilievich heads the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

5. Kulishov Vladimir Grigoryevich is the first deputy director of the FSB of the Russian Federation, runs the Border Guard Service.

6. Zolotov Viktor Vasilievich - commander of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

7. Popov Pavel Anatolievich - Chief Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.
