
The most dangerous type of transport according to statistics: top 10

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The most dangerous type of transport according to statistics: top 10
The most dangerous type of transport according to statistics: top 10

Video: 10 Most Dangerous Countries for Americans or Westerners. 2024, June

Video: 10 Most Dangerous Countries for Americans or Westerners. 2024, June

Alas, today there is no safest mode of transport that never fails, does not fall and does not collide with trees. Each specific person, getting into a car, plane or even a bicycle, cannot be sure that he will survive. Nevertheless, many fears of passengers before using this or that type of transport are unfounded.

What do the results of opinion polls say? It turns out that most people consider the train the safest transport in the world. For some reason, the car is in second place, although we all know that road accidents happen everywhere every day. But the plane is considered the most dangerous mode of transport. Many for this reason are afraid to fly, preferring the train. Let's discuss the most dangerous modes of transport. Which, according to statistics, is the most dangerous of the known to us?



The most dangerous form of transport is aircraft, many are sure. But in fact, air crashes per year happen much less than car accidents, for example.

So, the safest mode of transport today is the plane. Therefore, we advise everyone who is afraid to fly on airplanes to cope with their phobia with the help of statistics.

So, according to statistics, in 2014, 33 million flights were completed. For one million sorties, there was only one disaster. Moreover, most of the affected aircraft were private.

According to the same statistics, 0.6 people die per 100 million miles. Statisticians say that the risk of dying during a flight is 1/8 000 000. That is, it is so minimal that you can leave fears and feel free to fly to other countries. However, the media are so actively talking about the various crash of airliners that it seems that every third plane crashes.

Many are also convinced that only few survive in plane crashes. In fact, only a third of passengers die, the rest are saved. Even in plane crashes, which were accompanied by a sharp blow to the ground, about half of the passengers manage to escape.

Interesting fact! If the passenger captured by the wish to kill himself, will daily take a ticket for a random flight, then he will live at least another 21, 000 years.



It is slightly more dangerous than an airplane, as it travels slower and longer. And on the road, anything can happen: a night stop crane, a derailment, a car on a crossing, etc. The death rate is -0.2 passengers per 160 million kilometers. That is why European and American trains are one of the least dangerous modes of transport, according to statistics. And this is in view of their incredible speed. Therefore, many of the land modes of transport prefer to travel on trains. Indeed, the probability of dying in a car accident is 1000 times higher than in a railway accident.

In Russia, the situation is slightly worse - 0.9 passengers per 160 million kilometers. In India, railway accidents happen everywhere - they only know firsthand about safety. They largely spoil the prosperous world statistics.



This type of transport is relatively safe - it takes on average one human life in exchange for two million kilometers. But some routes are incredible in length. For example, in Australia, a bus traveling along the Perth-Brisbane route travels 5, 455 kilometers.

However, in Russia, bus accident statistics are constantly growing. This is partly due to the incompetence of drivers. Disappointing data is also in India - about 17 people per hour die there hourly. And this despite the fact that in many parts of India there are not so many cars and buses!



The most popular form of transport. Alas, he is far from the safest. In our country, road accidents happen everywhere. Most often because of unscrupulous drivers who do not follow the rules of the road. Alas, you can be the most law-abiding and tidy driver in the world, but you depend on other drivers. As a result, accidents occur constantly. And the US police say that 80% of accidents are due to pedestrians.

What does world statistics say? 4 deaths per 1.5 billion km. In the United States, the risk of an accident is 1: 415. Fortunately, thanks to safety improvements, not all traffic accidents end in death or injury.

Route taxi

In the fifth place of our rating is a shuttle bus. Unfortunately, people are often killed or seriously injured while traveling. Most often, the reason is the low qualification of drivers, poor roads. Pedestrians often create an emergency.


According to statistics, one of the most dangerous modes of transport is a spaceship. Since 1961, 530 ships were sent into space. And only 18 of them did not come back. At the same time, people did not die in outer space itself - most often this happened at the time of takeoff or landing. According to statistics, there are 7 deaths per 1.5 billion km, which is quite a lot for seemingly reliable spaceships.

Water transport


Yes, water transport is one of the most dangerous modes of transport according to statistics. Often crashes occur (remember the famous "Titanic", which collided with an iceberg?). In addition, often inexplicable events occur on the territory of the ocean, as a result of which the whole team dies. Scientists still do not understand what caused such incidents. Also, fires occur on cargo and passenger ships and are captured by pirates. Often, passengers accidentally find themselves overboard. As a result, water is one of the most dangerous modes of transport.



It seems to be a reliable means of transport, which certainly will not drown and fall somewhere in the jungle of the Amazon. However, American scientists called the metro one of the most dangerous modes of transport in the world due to the content of heavy metals in the air, which were discovered as a result of a study of the samples taken. They enter the body, causing numerous diseases. However, not only they threaten the lives of people.

With technical problems, the subway destroys many lives. Emergencies are especially dangerous for citizens. Most often, accidents happen in the Moscow metro.

It should also be noted suicides, who often settle accounts with life precisely in the subway. In addition, there are cases of heart attacks among passengers.

And how many scary stories can be heard from people who often use these modes of transport! Many notice strange passengers who cause them inexplicable horror. It is noteworthy that they describe these strange people almost identically.


Yes, one of the most dangerous modes of transport according to statistics is a bicycle. Official statistics call the two-wheeled friend, which almost every person has, the most dangerous form of transport.

It has long been known that numerous accidents occur precisely with the participation of cyclists. And most often motorists are guilty of them. Often, careless teenagers who do not notice reckless drivers die. There are 35 deaths per 1.5 billion km.



Iron mustangs are indeed the most dangerous form of transport, statistics confirm this. Motorcycles make up only 1% of the total traffic, while 20% of motorcyclists die on the roads. 1.5 billion km account for 120 deaths. This is the type of transport that is most dangerous.

Alas, many bike lovers develop a fairly high speed, which makes the road especially dangerous for them. Often, because of traffic violations, it is motorcyclists who suffer from the drivers. Indeed, in an accident, the probability of death is 76%. It is noteworthy that even more often moped drivers die. This is what type of transport is more dangerous than the rest!