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The most beautiful male name. Rare and unusual names

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The most beautiful male name. Rare and unusual names
The most beautiful male name. Rare and unusual names

Video: Rare & Unique Baby Boy Names that are Handsome | RAQUEL CRUZ 2024, June

Video: Rare & Unique Baby Boy Names that are Handsome | RAQUEL CRUZ 2024, June

The name has a certain influence on the character of its carrier. Its sound vibrations must coincide with the internal rhythms and please its owner. In this case, he is much more likely to become a successful person, happy with his life. If the name is not pleasant, psychologists advise, it is better to change it.

"What do you call a ship …"

But esoterics are categorically against the change of names. The fact is that, together with the name, a person receives a fate that, when choosing another name, can radically change. Most often, this negatively affects the quality of his life. Even on social networks, changing the name is not recommended.

Therefore, parents should carefully consider the name of the future baby in advance.


All parents want to call their child a beautiful name. But each person has their own list of beautiful-sounding names. Some prefer to call the boy Alexander, the second - Arkhip, the third - Vladislav.

Today, many beautiful names symbolizing kindness, wisdom, generosity, have sunk into oblivion. However, a few centuries ago were very popular. But no wonder they say that everything new is well forgotten old. Perhaps one day these names will be reborn again, returning from nothingness.

Names Giving Happiness


Each name has its own meaning, often unique. Many parents prefer to give their children "happy" names. And not all of these beautiful masculine names are modern. For instance:

  • Makar means happy.
  • Tikhon - "lucky."
  • Benjamin is the "happy son."
  • Arkady is a "happy country".
  • Felix - "pleasing, bringing happiness."

Also, in many countries, children are given "angel names" - Angel, Angel (Angel), Angel, Angelus, Angeles.

Beautiful male names


Bogdan is a handsome male Russian name. Means "given by God." Old name used today. In the church of Bogdan, they baptize under the name Theodotus. Since it is believed that this name came from the Greek Theodotus or Theodos.

The nature of the owners of this name is controversial. Bogdan is somewhat nimble, stingy with the manifestation of emotions, lazy. He does not converge well with people. He is prone to debate, stubborn and principled. There should be as little alcohol in the house where he lives.

Cyril is translated as "sun-like, " "lord." The name came from Ancient Greece due to the adoption of Orthodoxy by the Slavs.

The character of the owner of this name is very strong. So much so that not everyone can withstand communication with him, unconsciously feeling his inner core. Cyril is closed, but at the same time he loves noisy companies. Some qualities of his character can interfere with a quiet family life.

Milen is a handsome male Russian name. Translated from ancient Slavonic means "cute." The female version of the name is Milena. The owner of this name is distinguished by reliability, which allows him to gain authority among peers even at a very young age.

The name Ruslan has Arabic roots and means “lion”. The roots go back to the Iranian heroic epic. The hero of the Persian poem "Shahname" was called Rustam. It is also the Russian form of the Turkic name Arslan. Ruslan is a slightly narcissistic personality, hungry for fame and love of those around him. But reliable and purposeful.

Edward (English version of Edward) is one of the most beautiful names of our time. This word dates back to the ancient Germanic language and consists of two parts: “ead” (rich) and “weard” (guard). Literally translated as "guardian of wealth." The energy of this name is filled with reliability, firmness and determination.

Timur is the name of the Turkic commander who played an important role in the history of Asia, the Caucasus and even Russia. The second variant of the name is Tamerlan. Perhaps a variant of the name Damir. Translated from Turkic means "iron". In the character of the Timurs, the traits of the famous commander are noticeable - stubbornness, strong will, determination.

Svyatoslav is one of the most beautiful names in the world, like many other Slavic names that have the ending "glory". This name means "holy by his glory, " "sacred glory." Russia remembers many princes called Svyatoslavs. Its owner is distinguished by openness, ability to stand up for himself, vanity.

Igor is a modern handsome masculine name that was popular even in pre-Christian times. It came from the Scandinavian god Ingvar, who, according to the annals, was the first god. According to another version, the particle "ing" represents the god of fertility among the Scandinavians, and the second part of the name, "varr" means to protect. Literally "protecting the name of God." According to a less common version, the name has Celtic roots. The holder of this name is mobile, easily converges with people, but differs in obstinacy and greed.

Yaroslav is another popular name in princely families. Means "bright", "with vitality." Perhaps the name came to us from the Norman language. Today in the Czech Republic and Poland, as in ancient times, Yaroslavov continues to affectionately call Yarosh. The holder of the name Yaroslav is a strong spirit. It’s hard to break. He is secretive, conceited, but honest and reliable.

Adam is one of the most beautiful male names in the world. This is an old Russian name with Jewish roots. It means "created from red clay", because it was this name that the first man on Earth received. Muslims revere him as the father of all mankind and the first prophet of Allah. The owner of the name Adam is a person emotionally vulnerable, unbalanced, but decisive. Adam is caring, talented, loves animals.

Muslim names


This group includes the names of all peoples who converted to Islam. Therefore, there are a lot of Muslim names. However, many families prefer such traditional names as Ali, Muhammad. This is due to the fact that the name of the child is not chosen in accordance with its value. Usually the baby is named after someone. This explains why most men professing Islam bear the name of Muhammad and its derivatives - Mahmoud, Magomed. They are named after the Prophet Allah.

List of rare Muslim names

The list of rare and beautiful Muslim male names is quite extensive. But meeting a person with that name is quite problematic, because they are practically not used by modern representatives of Islam.

  • Shadid (from Tajik - “strong”, “bold”, “cruel”);
  • Fatih ("conqueror"). This is the name of the first surah in the Qur'an;
  • Foodail ("dignity, honor" in translation from Azerbaijani);
  • Khalil (arab. "Beloved);
  • Maali (possibly derived from the Turkic parent language, means "talented, worthy");
  • Basil (translated from the Tatar "brave", "hero");
  • Walid (Arabic: “child”, “descendant”, “newborn”);
  • Farhan (of Persian origin, means "happy");
  • Jabal ("mountain");
  • Amir (translated from Arabic - "prince", "lord") can also sound like Emir;
  • Iskander (Muslim version of the name Alexander);
  • Vildan (from Persian "child");
  • Ilnur (Tatars. "Ruler");
  • Ainur (Tatar. "Moonlight");
  • Eldar (Arabic: “God's gift”).

And now, having discussed the beautiful Muslim male names, let's move on to the European ones.

Beautiful foreign names


Foreign names are often found in Russian-speaking countries today. Many parents prefer to call their children rare foreign names that sound unusual and beautiful. Some names have long been used by residents of Russian-speaking countries - Alex, Philip, Eduard. Other names, like Michael or Thomas, are too simple, according to many parents.

Consider the most beautiful male names of European descent:

  • Arthur (from Celt. "Big bear"). This name gained popularity thanks to the legend of King Arthur from Camelot;
  • German (from lat. "Native");
  • Renat (from lat. "Newly born);
  • Robert (with him / french. "Bright");
  • Ewald (German: "lawful ruler"). Roland (German: "famous land");
  • Leander (Greek "lion character");
  • Eric (from the scand. "Ruler"). The name of the northern rulers - Danes, Swedes, Norwegians;
  • Edmund (German: "protector of the land");
  • Hector (ancient Greek. "Keeper"). That was the name of Prince Troy;
  • Alisander (from the English. "Defender of humanity");
  • Kendall (Eng. "From the Valley of Sources");
  • Beale (from the French. "Beautiful").

This list is not complete. Enumerate beautiful male foreign names can be infinite.

Spanish male names


Spaniards can have up to 5 names. But often they use only the first and second. The first name of the boy is given in honor of his father, the second - in honor of his grandfather. Spaniards do not like unusual and extravagant names, so their current list is small. There were times when, due to an unusual name, a foreigner was denied Spanish citizenship. This is because conservative Spaniards prefer to give their children the usual, familiar names - Juan, Jose, Miguel, Rodrigo.

List of rare spanish names

So, beautiful Spanish masculine names:

  • Jaime (has a biblical origin and corresponds to the name Jacob);
  • Alvaro (from the ancient Herr. "Elf");
  • Domingo (from the Spanish. "Belonging to the Lord");
  • Lope (from the Spanish "wolf");
  • Ramiro (from Ger. "Protector");
  • Jesus (corresponds to the name of Jesus, means "God", "Savior");
  • Arsenio (a variant of the name of the Greek name Arsenius - "courageous);
  • Gonzalez (Spanish "small");
  • Ignacio (Spanish "unknowing");
  • Amadis (Spanish: “loving God”);
  • Aurelio (from lat. "Golden");
  • Fabio (the name comes from the ancient Roman clan Fabius);
  • Joel (from the English. "Jehovah is my God").