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The most beautiful female name? This is the name of your beloved!

The most beautiful female name? This is the name of your beloved!
The most beautiful female name? This is the name of your beloved!

Video: Beyond Love - Ivan Torrent | Beautiful Emotional Cinematic Music | Best of Epic Music 2017 2024, June

Video: Beyond Love - Ivan Torrent | Beautiful Emotional Cinematic Music | Best of Epic Music 2017 2024, June

The most beautiful female name … How many disputes were on this topic. Someone likes the original names: Daria and Maria, Ulyana and Ksenia among the Slavs, Farida and Malik among Muslims, Avital and Taiba among the Jews, etc. Others prefer modern names that have become almost international. So there are Snezhana, Zlata, Angelina and Cameron. It is impossible to find the most beautiful female name, just as it is impossible to determine what is more beautiful: the beauty of the mountains or the blue of the sea. For a young man, this may be the name of his beloved, for his daughter, the name of his mother, and for parents, the names of their daughters. In addition, each nation has its favorite female names.


The most beautiful female name in terms of astrology

Astrology today is fond of all nations and nationalities. This unrecognized science is very popular all over the world. And astrologers believe that the most beautiful female name is the one that corresponds to the date, place and time of the girl’s birth. In Russia, they used to give names according to the Saints. Today, mystics suggest choosing a name according to the teachings of numerology or the time of year. Their opponents are sure that the girl should be called so that the name leaves a positive imprint on their fate. So, if the Arab woman is called Jusama (this name, which translates as "nightmare", was very popular at one time), then she will be deeply unhappy all her life. The most beautiful female name, these specialists are sure, is the one that carries a positive charge. It can be Ronit (joyful singing), Lassie (sweetheart), Amani (coveted), etc.

Caution: another people


Today, in the era of the mixing of peoples and nationalities, it is necessary to give names very carefully to children, especially girls. Because a sonorous and beautiful name from the point of view of one language can cause bewilderment in people who do not speak this language. This story happened in a girl named Yusraa. This name in her homeland was the most common, but in the city where she came to study, it provoked people to create dissonant synonyms.


Fortunately, such cases are very rare. On the contrary, the most beautiful Muslim women’s names today are given to Russian, American, and Polish girls. And these names are really sonorous and beautiful. You just listen: Satha (fragrant), Safia (pure), Camille (perfect), Zarina (igniting).

The most beautiful Russian female names

On the Internet there are many sites on which ratings are compiled names. The data is constantly changing, but here's what's interesting. The old, very warm and sonorous Russian names Elena and Natalya, Polina and Anna practically do not go out of fashion. Many girls are given sonorous names Irina, Alexandrina (or Alexandra), Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov, Nina, Tatyana, etc. are always popular. What is the most beautiful female name? No answer. Every nation, every family and every person has the best name - that which he likes, with which something good, good, native is associated. Call the girls Roses and Jamilies, Sabrins and Bells, Katerina and Laila, Karina and Suliko. And may your daughters be happy.