the culture

St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity. Mugs of Anichkov Palace

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St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity. Mugs of Anichkov Palace
St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity. Mugs of Anichkov Palace

Probably, every resident and guest of St. Petersburg was once first impressed by the appearance of the palace ensemble, located in the heart of the hero city, at the meeting place of Nevsky Prospekt with the Fontanka River, which before the revolution belonged to the imperial family, and after it was given to children. And now many young Petersburgers visit the circles of the Anichkov Palace. This monument of Russian architecture is magnificent, as it was created gradually, absorbing the influence of eras and styles, reflecting the tastes of its aristocratic owners. Rastrelli, Zemtsov, Ruska, Starov, Quarenghi, Rossi, Shtakenschneider - all the great architects contributed to the design of the Anichkov estate, so that it would be convenient for today's children to engage in the diverse creativity that the children's circles of Anichkov Palace offer.



Since February 1937, a child’s hubbub has been sounding here, since it was then that the St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity was placed in the royal residence. True, until 1990 it was called the Palace of Pioneers. Even during the difficult war years, during the devastating blockade, the circles of the Anichkov Palace did not stop their work. Both the library and the playgrounds were constantly open. Even the Christmas tree was held here, meeting 1942, even the city Olympiad of children's creativity was not canceled, the Anichkov Palace always met children.

The Olympiad Center, functioning here today, has incorporated all the traditions that have taken shape over almost a century. And now they are steadily supported. During the blockade, schoolchildren who visited circles of the Anichkov Palace composed several concert brigades. These were the dancers of the ensemble A.E. Obranta and students from the art department. They prepared here even during the bombing, and then performed in hospitals and military units. The medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" received more than seventy pupils.


Even today the palace hospitably opens its doors to young Petersburgers: Anichkov Palace: enrollment in circles takes place as the groups fill the children into the real world for life! - hobbies. Here are all kinds of arts, sciences, as well as technology, sports. A new direction is social activity. The Anichkov Palace operates year-round. The Center of Olympiads constantly holds contests and festivals, scientific conferences and subject Olympiads. Here new game programs are developed, magnificent performances are staged.

Literally every day, a new event awaits visitors. Anichkov Palace for children is a favorite meeting place with participation in a variety of all-Russian and city events. Also, teachers learn and share their experience right here, when seminars and conferences, competitions and festivals are held. Anichkov Palace (St. Petersburg) traditionally holds the finals of the competition for additional education teachers for all of Russia - "I give my heart to children."


Anichkova estate

Three quarters of a century have passed, and the traditions that were once laid down here all live and help to bring up a worthy change - generation after generation. Among the graduates of the Anichkov Palace there are many of the most prominent figures in science, culture, and sports. In addition, for the most gifted students there is Anichkov Lyceum, where they receive secondary education. Magnificent ceremonial interiors are the style of Russian classicism, they give solemnity to festive evenings and concerts, educate schoolchildren in the spirit of beauty. Not a single tomboy visiting the Anichkov Palace excursions will spit in the front door, or spoil the elevator or any public premises with extraneous drawings or inscriptions.

Formal receptions, assemblies, exhibitions, lavish balls and chamber concerts are held in the living rooms' suites, in halls and offices. However, the very heart of the children's palace is Anichkova Manor, where there are many structures - architectural monuments, including the palace itself. This, for example, the Cabinet building, Service building. There is also a modern complex "Carnival" - a concert and theater. And all this is surrounded by magnificent gardens. It is here, where the Children's House of Creativity - Anichkov Palace is located - that the slogan "All the best is for children!" Despite the age of more than solid, this wonderful institution does not get tired of developing, and very dynamically.



The territory of the palace extends already much further than the walls of Anichkova estate. For example, on the Karelian Isthmus there is a resort area where the Zerkalny is located - a suburban center where both children and teachers are very fond of relaxation. More recently, already in our century, two new complexes have opened - the pride of Anichkov Palace. The first, with greenhouses, aviaries and modern laboratories, Krestovsky Ostrov is an ecological and biological center, and the second has educational and wellness functions, and therefore included a four-track pool, choreography and gymnastics halls, gyms. And the Theater of Youth Creativity (TUT) of the Anichkov Palace is very popular not only with residents of St. Petersburg, but also with guests of the city. Getting there to study is almost as difficult as in Anichkov Lyceum for especially talented students. Very big competition.

The teachers working here do not allow the pupils to forget about the previous achievements of the Young Creativity Palace, only in this way they can conquer new heights. It is patriotic education that is especially well placed in all divisions of this institution. They are very helpful in this excursion, which are held in Anichkov Palace. Even the overview ones, like the “Palace of the Kings - the Palace of the Children”, which tells the story of the owners of the palace and its construction, as well as its latest history, are backed up by traveling through the front rooms, through the Winter Garden, visiting the magnificent library, and the Oak Office, where he loved to relax Alexander the Third, by reviewing the unique murals of the Room of Fairy Tales (Palekh) and many, many more. One can imagine how reverently the children of the section and circles of the Anichkov Palace attend. He has more than one address, since there are many divisions, and the territory is vast. The Museum of the History of Anichkov Palace, for example, is located on Nevsky Prospekt in Building 39, where you can also find the entire leadership of the organization.


Anichkov Lyceum

At first, eight classes were formed in the lyceum, where, in addition to the basic and secondary general, additional education is given according to special programs. That is why places in the Lyceum are exclusively in demand. Since the year of creation (1989), they have been teaching comprehensively here, and children who are closely engaged in scientific and technical creativity in circles and sections of the Anichkov Palace enter the Lyceum. Since 1993, ninth graders have been involved here. The curriculum is mostly academic, but significantly expanded. Particular attention is paid equally to all academic disciplines, without exception, therefore, over a quarter of a century of existence, the lyceum has released pupils with a very high level of training. Today, more than two hundred lyceum students study here, who had to withstand a competition of five to six people in one place.

Education is effective: students win in subject competitions at any level - from urban to national. One hundred percent of the graduates of the Anichkov Lyceum go to universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg and any other cities, without fail continuing the scientific research begun here. After graduation, they become prominent scientists in Russia and abroad. The basis for admission to Anichkov Lyceum is the results of mandatory entrance tests. Admission is in the eighth and tenth grades. For those who want to try their hand at the Lyceum's website, examples of tasks that will be present at the entrance tests are presented. After passing the exams, you should be credited by rating, where preferential categories are not taken into account.



The Anichkov Palace Library is the oldest, largest and unique. Her fund was going in the thirties of the last century. And for pupils visiting Anichkov Palace, reading is really an complicity in creativity, as Marina Tsvetaeva claimed. The whole educational environment of this institution is created with the active participation of the library and its staff. The library is not only unique, it is unique for its versatility: more than seventy-five thousand copies of various publications include its collection. Here, domestic and foreign, and reference books, and non-fiction books, as well as many valuable print publications that can satisfy absolutely any request - at least for children, even for adults.

The library employs specialists with higher education (often not the only one) and with vast experience, who still constantly improve their cultural and professional level. Collaboration has been established with various institutions of the city: the Academy is supported by the Postgraduate Education Academy, regional methodological rooms, Palaces and Children's Creativity Houses, the Russian National Library, Pushkin Children's Library and all its branches, libraries - Mayakovsky Regional Children's and Public Libraries, ITMO Universities, St. Petersburg State University, as well as many others. Joint socially significant programs, sociocultural projects that are aimed at serving the hometown are developed and implemented.

The heirs

In St. Petersburg, there is a comprehensive, state-supported program, “The heirs of the great city, ” and within its framework there is a movement organized in 1990 by Vladimir Ilyich Axelrod. The movement is called "Young for the revival of St. Petersburg." Its purpose was the formation of civic and patriotic feelings of youth through their involvement in the field of local history. The main tasks are to create conditions for the self-realization of all project participants, taking into account age, interests, and inclinations, as well as supporting local history associations for children, teaching methods of organizing activities, and educating leaders of children's associations. The work is huge and it does not lie within the walls of the Anichkov Palace, since it involves the implementation of many interrelated subprograms. This is the path to the revival of the city through enlightenment, the path to knowing it through the game.

Here, schoolchildren act as guides and local history researchers, they study not only the multinational St. Petersburg, but also the whole of Russia, they even know how to compose pedigrees for students who want to. They monitor the monuments of the city, take care of museums, guard the shrines of St. Petersburg. Each subprogramme is filled with specific content, and this content is supplemented annually. The entire project is being implemented through city reviews and competitions, camp gatherings and conferences. Students from the sixth grade, students and local history teachers, all members of the Anichkov Palace are participating in this program. In general, the Movement includes fifteen clubs, more than thirty city teams and twenty groups of young guides. More than seventeen thousand children participate in all programs of the Movement.



The Youth Creativity Theater in Anichkov Palace, created in 1956 by a theater teacher and outstanding director M.G. Dubrovin, managed to become a unique theater during this time, not just a children's one. This is primarily an institution that plays an educational role with the help of dramatic art. This mission of the TUT of Anichkov Palace has always been always successful, and even if his students did not connect their future life with the theater, they loved him all their lives, and the personality of each TUT graduate turned out to be developed and harmoniously built. Now about three hundred schoolchildren are engaged here, and twenty-five excellent teachers of acting, movement, stage speech are in the teaching staff, both directors and masters of production workshops work here.

Many thousands of young Petersburgers have already received the highest moral lessons; many generations of theatergoers have grown up. For sixty years, a harmonious and complex system of education has been working successfully, which includes mastering a number of theatrical professions - and make-up artists are trained here, and lighting artists, and dressers, and theater artists. Many of those who graduated from TUT work as the head of the production of the main theaters of St. Petersburg and Moscow, all of them have grown into highly qualified specialists in their field. An example is G. Filshtinsky, a national artist who received three national prizes. TUT holds international festivals of children's theaters, regional and international seminars and conferences dedicated to children's theatrical creativity.

How is recording in TUT

Recruitment, of course, is carried out on the basis of the competition, as well as when entering the theater school. Applicants must go through three rounds of the creative contest in order to remain the most talented. Here they look primarily at the existing tendency to theatrical studies, at psychophysical indicators. All the information collected about the teenager is studied, which allows for gender and age differentiation. It is necessary in order to maintain the optimal ratio in the team of girls and boys, younger and older. Children perform creative tasks, and according to their results a competitive selection takes place. This is a reading of a poem, a fable, a show of the simplest acting sketches.

In the first round, a tendency and interest in studying the theater is revealed, in the second - the personality traits that will be necessary during these classes are revealed - this is plastic expressiveness and expressiveness of speech, inner vision. In the second round, they again conduct an interview regarding the identification of inclinations, ability to study, determination. In the third round, they look specifically at the degree of giftedness, the ability and ability to carry out certain scenic actions, how the teenager is oriented in the stage space, how he acts in an imaginary situation. Also the decisive factor is the competition material itself and its choice.
