
Locusts (acrida) - what is it? Insect description

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Locusts (acrida) - what is it? Insect description
Locusts (acrida) - what is it? Insect description

Video: Common Cone-headed Grasshopper Acrida ungarica, feeding, stridulation and copula 2024, July

Video: Common Cone-headed Grasshopper Acrida ungarica, feeding, stridulation and copula 2024, July

"Acrid? What is it?" - exclaims the one who first hears this word. In our article, we will talk about living things. Acrida (Acrididae) is the Latin name for the locust, known to everyone as a very gluttonous insect, which can be found in almost all countries. The locust reaches a length of 1 to 20 cm. Outwardly, it is very similar to a grasshopper. And this is no accident, they belong to the same family.


Bad behavior

"Acrid, what is it!" - I want to exclaim reproachfully, seeing how they devour vegetation, leaving nothing green around them. Their appetite is terrible, they are able to leave people without food, having eaten a thousand hectares of agricultural crops in 1-2 hours. Often the locust invasion occurs in America, Australia, Africa, Asia. This insect is very prolific. Lays up to 90 eggs at a time. After acrida hatch, bypassing the pupal stage, they move in the same direction, eating greens in their path. Gathering in schools, young and adult individuals can fly several kilometers in search of food. There are several types of locusts. Some of them are harmless.

The benefits are

It is very good that acridas become food for animals and birds. They are a complete source of animal protein. Therefore, it is not surprising that a person decided to try what they taste like. It turned out to be quite pleasant, so some people find out what acrida is when they see them on their table as a dish. They say that fried in oil, they are crispy and very tasty. Since there are a lot of locusts, it is quite capable of filling the lack of meat in starving countries, especially since it is eaten whole and there is no waste left.


No frills life

In Christianity, a case is known that happened with John the Baptist. When he lived in the desert, he ate only acridas and wild honey. In this meager food, he found all the necessary substances to maintain strength and livelihoods. Therefore, if John were asked: “Acrid - what is it?”, He would answer that this is his main food. The forerunner did not see anything special in the fact that he had to eat insects. Indeed, in those days, many did. However, only poor families did this. For the rest, there was high quality food. Therefore, the fact that John ate only acrida and wild honey, speaks of the asceticism of his lifestyle and the rejection of all superfluous.