
Waste collection is Separate waste collection. Rules for the collection and transportation of waste

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Waste collection is Separate waste collection. Rules for the collection and transportation of waste
Waste collection is Separate waste collection. Rules for the collection and transportation of waste

Video: Lecture 21 : Waste Collection and Transport 2024, June

Video: Lecture 21 : Waste Collection and Transport 2024, June

Waste collection - this is their reception or receipt. These actions are performed by legal entities and individuals. Their goal is the following operations with the waste: use, disposal, transportation, location. Such activity is fixed in the first article of the Federal Law No. 89. Designated and other operations also have their own definitions.


So, the use of waste is considered to be their participation in the production of products, any work, the sale of services or the generation of energy. This is stated in the first article No. 89-FZ

The disposal of waste is called its treatment. In this process, they are burned, disinfected on special equipment. The purpose of these procedures is to prevent the harmful effects of waste on the environment and human health. The concept is fixed in the same article.

Waste location


Under this definition, according to the already designated paragraph of Federal Law No. 89, their storage, accumulation and burial are understood.

The first term is interpreted as the content of waste in the areas of their location for the purpose of the planned operations (use, disposal or treatment).

The second definition means the storage of waste for a maximum of six months. It takes place on specially equipped sites in accordance with the law.

The objectives of these measures are similar. The difference is only in the shelf life.

Burial issues


This process is called the location of waste in the ground. They are buried on special sites located outside:

  1. Residential sectors and medical facilities.
  2. Water protection territories.
  3. Places of mass recreation for citizens.

It is forbidden to landfill with radioactive and toxic effects. This is a serious environmental damage.

Waste transportation


This is an operation to move them between zones or objects of their appearance, accumulation, finding, disposal, burial or liquidation. Before this, the garbage should be concentrated in one place.

Waste collection is a process carried out by residents of apartment buildings or a private complex. It is also a duty of industrial facilities.

Waste collection and transportation is carried out by utilities or recycling companies. They use loading technology and special machines - garbage trucks.

Selective actions

The benefit of the waste is when separate waste collection is implemented. In Europe, this practice has long been introduced. There special containers of different colors are located right on the streets and in the areas of accumulation of household waste.


Thanks to this division, the efficiency of garbage processing up to 80% is developing. Also, these measures are required so that different types of waste are not mixed.

For example, paper debris mixed with food becomes dirty and saturated with moisture. Its efficient processing is no longer possible.

Only in some Russian regions have separate containers for various garbage been installed. Only paper products can be placed in one. In the second - glass. In the third - plastic. In the fourth - metal.


In some areas, batteries, bulbs, and expired medicines are collected and disposed of.

And Tatarstan in 2018 decided to follow the example of the Japanese. And here the mandatory separation of garbage is introduced.

Medical trash


In Russia, the SanPin waste collection operates. And these processes must comply with this standard.

For example, norm regulates the management of medical waste. This implies a categorization according to hazard level. Their list is presented below:

  1. "A". This waste was not in contact with contagious objects and materials. They are not a big threat. They can be documents, furniture from medical offices, etc. They are placed in transparent or white packaging. They can be taken to landfills for regular garbage.
  2. "B". These items and items may be infected by viruses. These are test containers, organic materials, syringes, etc. They undergo a mandatory disinfection. Then they are assigned to category “A” or liquidated. The yellow container is intended for their storage and movement.
  3. "IN". These are tools and household items used by carriers of very dangerous diseases. They are also waste from activities with especially dangerous bacteria. They are placed in a red container. Their larger percentage is burned.
  4. "G". These include: toxic elements, chemotherapy substances, unsuitable mercury devices, pharmaceutical waste. You can work with them only in protective overalls. They are neutralized and hermetically packed. They are buried at special landfills.
  5. "D". These are radioactive components, things and equipment affected by radiation above normal. For their storage and transportation, containers with a radiation hazard designation are used. They can be taken out, processed and buried only with a special license.

Wastes of all these categories are strictly registered and are accompanied by documents reflecting their threat class, mass and volume. Here, waste collection is a responsible and accountable operation. The slightest mistake can cause the spread of the virus. This applies to the stages of storage, transportation and disposal.

Industrial and consumer waste


The handling of them is regulated by SanPiN 1322. It establishes the location criteria, the schedule of the disposal of designated waste. They relate to many industrial sectors, in addition to the military and pharmaceutical.

Here, the main postulates determine the concentration of hazardous elements in the environment, at production facilities and waste sites. Their fees are pre-developed by enterprises. And the documentation is agreed with the regulatory authorities.

Here, waste collection is an activity in which, as a rule, the potential level of their threat is known. It is related to the organization’s business plan and its industry. The enterprise must indicate the possible danger and parameters of the waste in its technical charter and passport. Moreover, the data should be non-fictitious.

An examination is organized to determine the hazard category of the waste. There is one caveat. SanPiN 1322 defines two criteria for a threat. The first is for nature. The second is for man.

Landfill sites


Here the regulation comes from SanPiN 42-128-4690-88. This is a norm adopted in 1988, but still valid today. He makes such requirements for such sites:

  1. Their availability.
  2. Distance. 20 - 100 m from the apartment building.
  3. Maximum 5 containers and 1 hopper.
  4. Free access.
  5. Location on concrete or asphalt basis.
  6. The presence of a fence having a height of at least 1 meter.
  7. The intensity of export to the cold is once every three days. In the warm period - once a day.
  8. Carrying out disinfection treatment and disinfestation on a regular basis.

In these containers, only municipal solid waste should be collected.

In the summer, the installation of plastic and metal containers is allowed. But they should be washed regularly. If their technology is non-replaceable, the frequency of purification is once every 10 days. With a replaceable mechanism - after emptying.

This norm is gradually losing relevance. And some changes are introduced:

  1. Distance from home: 10 - 100 m.
  2. Garbage collection is allowed at night.
  3. The permissible number of containers is 10.
  4. Export in summer is 3 days, in winter - 5.

The updated standards emphasize the separate collection of garbage. Attention is also paid to the concentration of household waste without a license document.