
Screenwriter Alexander Sineguzov ("Real Boys") - Zoe Berber's husband

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Screenwriter Alexander Sineguzov ("Real Boys") - Zoe Berber's husband
Screenwriter Alexander Sineguzov ("Real Boys") - Zoe Berber's husband

Alexander Sineguzov is the screenwriter of the series Real Boys, as well as the common-law husband of actress Zoe Berber, who played the main character of the series. The father of her daughter Nadi. In the past - a member of the KVN RUDN University team.

Biography of Alexander Sineguzov

Born in Chita in 1986. Sasha’s creative activity began in childhood. Her parents and grandparents had a great influence on her. Mom, a school teacher, constantly took the boy to work with her. There he saw high school students playing in KVN. And along with them he learned the basics of humor.

At 10, Alexander Sineguzov began to visit the Iskra center. Spending the summer shifts in this camp, he learned to communicate, meet new people and be open. Having overcome most of his complexes there (fear of going on stage, talking with someone), Sasha was no longer afraid to speak to someone, to show something.


At 18, he moved to Moscow, entered the RUDN University as a specialist in international economics, and began playing at KVN, whom he met in his first year. Already in the third, it became difficult to combine the game with study. But this was a foregone conclusion in Sasha’s life. He played in different leagues - in the lowest and highest. Traveled to many cities with his team.

Gradually, the older guys began to engage in other different projects: someone went into business, someone on television. They began to invite to write scripts. He wrote for the programs “Video Battle”, “Give Youth” and others.

Work in the famous series

Scenarios for "Real boys" Alexander Sineguzov wrote from the very beginning of the project. Now the author group includes 5 people, including Sasha. At the head - the father of the series and its permanent producer Anton Zaitsev.

The series shows the life of ordinary, real people. The authors are not trying to educate the audience. Although the main character at the end of each series sums up and concludes whether it is worth doing this or not. This series is rather a saying. His main thought is whether a person can be corrected under certain life conditions and become a real person. The authors deliberately plunged into the atmosphere - traveled to Perm, went to hot places, met people and listened to their stories. Then they were taken as a basis.


At the moment, writing scripts is the main activity of Alexander Sineguzov. He wants to continue to grow in this direction, with time to create his own series. The lack of education in this area does not bother Sasha. He likes the flight of creativity, thoughts that are not pushed into any framework.