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Happy woman: quotes and aphorisms

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Happy woman: quotes and aphorisms
Happy woman: quotes and aphorisms

Video: A man can be happy with any woman ... Beautiful Oscar Wilde quotes 2024, June

Video: A man can be happy with any woman ... Beautiful Oscar Wilde quotes 2024, June

There are women who, for most of their time, are radiant and experience genuine happiness. Of course, such ladies also experience periods when they are sad, or when unpleasant circumstances fall on their shoulders. However, it seems that these situations are always temporary in their lives - for a long time they do not linger, happiness comes again. What is the difference between ladies who know how to be happy? And what makes them so? The answers to these questions can be found in various statements and aphorisms.

The lady owes nothing to anyone

Quotes about a happy woman reveal the whole truth about the life of the fair sex, about exactly what it should be. Nowadays, one can often hear that a woman must do everything, be successful in all areas of life. She needs to build a successful career, and have time to cook a three-course dinner after work, and to keep order in the house, and to deal with children.


Moreover, all duties must be performed at the highest level. But even this list is not complete - because the lady should also look great, which requires considerable time and money. You need to play sports, diet, keep up with the latest in fashion - and do all this in a short break between work, meeting children from school and cooking. But the following quote about a happy woman quite clearly outlines the "circle of duties" of the lady:

A woman should be loved, happy, beautiful! And more, she owes nothing to anyone. (Unknown author)

All a lady needs to do is be happy, attractive, feel the love of loved ones. Everything else is the requirements of society, the implementation of which is unlikely to bring happiness to the fair sex.

About heels

Quotes about happy women relate to a variety of aspects of lady's life:

You put on heels - you feel like a chic woman, you take off - a happy person. (Unknown author)

Of course, to be beautiful, a woman has to make sacrifices. And one of these victims is high heel shoes. In fact, they are not adapted for normal, physiologically comfortable walking. But public opinion is that it is in high heels that a woman is attractive. So you have to torment yourself to the fair sex.


About smart and stupid

This quote about a happy woman allows you to understand which lady can be considered smarter in matters of relationship.

A smart woman gives happiness, a stupid woman is waiting for him. (Unknown author)

It is difficult to disagree with these words, because so many women spend precious years of their lives in a state of expectation of happiness. They are constantly waiting for their reality to improve, to bring joy. Moreover, they expect happiness from other people - primarily, of course, from husbands and lovers. But it often happens that a woman expects recognition from children, relatives, and colleagues.


The quoted quote about a happy woman says bluntly: it is foolish to expect someone to make us happy. A smart lady always knows how to give others joy, which means that she is able to make herself a completely contented life. For this, she does not need another person.

What is ladies' happiness?

Well-being has many definitions. However, each has its own criteria for happiness. What is the subjective feeling of well-being for the fair sex? This is described in the following quote about a happy woman.

Women's happiness is living parents, healthy children and a loving husband!

Yes, the true joy of life is possible only when all the relatives and friends are alive and well, and a loved one is nearby. But on the other hand, such a definition cannot be called exhaustive. After all, it often happens that a person seems to have everything: children, parents, a lasting marriage, and even a sufficient amount of finance. However, he does not feel happy.


For a complete sense of joy, something else is missing. And often a woman herself knows deep down what exactly she needs. For some, these are trips to distant lands, for others - to do what they love, devote the proper amount of time to it, for others - the opportunity to look after themselves, to buy beautiful outfits. Fourth, for example, are crazy about dogs or cats, and therefore can not imagine life without a pet. Therefore, this quote about a happy woman is certainly true. However, in some cases, each lady may supplement her with something of her own.