the culture

The secret of the legendary harem: why the chosen "beauties" of the Iranian Shah look so strange

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The secret of the legendary harem: why the chosen "beauties" of the Iranian Shah look so strange
The secret of the legendary harem: why the chosen "beauties" of the Iranian Shah look so strange

Video: History of Prostitution | William Sanger | History | Sound Book | English | 12/19 2024, July

Video: History of Prostitution | William Sanger | History | Sound Book | English | 12/19 2024, July

Everyone saw these photos - and everyone was amazed at what is depicted on them. Is this how the first beauties of the east looked like? Or maybe the shah just has a very strange taste? Why do these women have such unusual faces? The answer will surprise you.


A small digression into history

These are photographs of the harem of the Iranian ruler, Nasser al-Din, Shah Qajar (1831-1896). At that time, Iran was a deeply religious power, living conservatively under the laws of Islam. In this country it was forbidden to portray people, and it does not matter, we are talking about painting or photographs. True, exceptions were made for men. With women, everything was very strict, no one allowed himself such liberties.


There was another limitation. Until 1917, only men played on the theatrical stages of Iran. The profession of an actress for a woman was banned.

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Shah's hobby

Shah Kajar was passionately fond of photography; new art captivated him. He photographed a lot - but, of course, only nature and men - friends, relatives, outstanding statesmen of his country. The idea of ​​capturing his harem seemed very attractive to him. But what about the ban?
